3rd - Another Round of Dares

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Shy: *looks at my tablet* Pffft! Hahahahaha! Oh my gosh! This is too good!

~Shy wents to the living room and saw the boys~

Shy: Yo punks we got a another dare and-? Were are the girls?

MC: They went on a mission

Rebel: But they'll be back for a few hours

Shy: Ok... Welp thats ok cause this dare are  for you guys. Its from my son~

I dare Swift to talk like a chicken for the rest of the dare chapter.

I dare Rebel to smell MC's armpit and describe it to the others.

I dare MC to stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning.

I dare Ghost to fake cry.


Swift: WHAT!?

Rebel: Hey chickens don't speak!

Swift: Cluck cluck cluck cluck -_- *thinking: I hate this fucking dare*

MC: *gives you chicken feed*

Swift: *slaps MC* CLUCK CLUCK!!

Shy: Hahahahahahahaha! So funny!

Rebel: *looks at the second dare* Oh com'on do I really have to!?

Shy: A dare is a dare, Rebs

Rebel: Grrrrrrr!

MC: *raising his arms wide open* I'm ready big bro~

Rebel: Ewww! I'd rather be with my Rogue than you!

MC: Don't be such a pussy. Now take the dare and be done with it!

Rebel: *sighs* I can't believe I'm doing this.
*walks up to MC and smells his armpit* OH MY GOSH! ITS HORRIBLE ITS SMELLS LIKE CAMEMBERT!

Ghost: MC, when is the last time you took a shower. *disgust face*

MC: Dude! I just forgot to take a shower sheeessh!

Swift: Cluck cluck cluck! (Then take a shower already!)

MC: What!?

Shy: Take a shower already, MC. *pinches her nose* MM might come back in a few minutes~

MC: Oh shit! *runs towards the bathroom*

Shy: Lets give him a few minutes before he does his dare. Now lets move next to the next dare.

Last but not the least, I dare Rebel write his name on the floor with his tongue xDD


Shy: *slaps him hard* Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Say. That. To. My. Baby *dark aura appears around her*

Rebel: Owwwww!

Swift: Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck! (Hahahahahahaha)

Rebel: *growls*

Ghost: Pffft!

Shy: Now do the dare!

Rebel: *sighs* I can't believe I'm doing this. *picks a marker, uncaps it, puts in his mouth,  starts writing his name on the floor with his tongue*

Swift: Cluck cluck cluck cluck! (Go Rebsie you can do it!)

Rebel: Dduhndndmmdndmsmmdnsnsns (I don't know what your saying Swift?)

Ghost: -_-?

Rebel: Finally its done!

MC: *just got out from the shower, with clean clothes, looks at Rebel's writing* Dude your handwriting looks like chicken feet.

Rebel: -_- *slaps him*

MC: Ouch, Dude!

Shy: Now MC do the dare.

~MC wents outside in his human form and just in time to see a car passing by~

MC: Yo dude! Stop!

Driver: What do you want, kid? Can't you see I'm running late.

MC: Dude......................... Your wheels are turning (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *runs away*

Driver: Grrrrrr! Come back here you brat!

MC: :-P *runs aways like Sonic*

Everyone: *watches everything through Shy's magic mirror, MC being chased by an angry driver*

Swift: Cluck cluck cluck cluck?! (What the fuck, MC!?)

~5 minutes later~

MC: Phew! Man that driver is crazy good thing I outrun him. The last time I saw him being hit by a tree.

Shy: The important thing is that your here now and not getting in trouble. Now for the final dare is for Ghost!

Ghost: -_-

Shy: Now cry, Ghost!

Ghost: -_-

Shy: -_- Its just fake tears Ghost.

MC: Yeah bro! All you gotta do is cry.

~Sudenly hears the door open with a harsh thud, then came the girls with blood on their clothes while carrying someone, that someone is Ghoul~

Quick: *tears flowing in her eyes while carrying Ghoul* Oh Ghoulie...

Rogue: *trying to held in her tears also carrying Ghoul, placing her on the bed*

MM: Ghoul! *crying rapidly* She was so young!

Rebel: What happened!?

Rogue: *wipes her tears* We were ambushed and we fight them for hours then next thing happens they shot Ghoul in the chest! *crying*

Rebel: *pulls Rogue closer to him, hugging her trying to comfort her*

MM: And now she's gone! *crying hard*

MC: Oh baby (╯︵╰,) *hugging MC*

Ghost: ......... Ghoul...  *feels dread*

Quick: Com'on everyone lets give Ghost some privacy

Everyone: *Went out of the room*

Ghost: *looks at Ghoul, fear and sadness in his eyes* Why? why Ghoul? Why did you let yourself killed? Why did you have to leave me? WHY!? *holding Ghoul's hands* You promise that you'll never leave me, you promise that will get married, have kids, grow old together and die together. I haven't told you how much I love you. *feels a tear down his eyes* I love you Ghoul *kissing her hand*

Ghoul: Ugh!

Ghost: Huh Ghoul? O_O

Ghoul: Ghost, whats going on? Why are my clothes all bloody? The last time I remember being hit in the head

Ghost You mean you didn't die?

Ghoul: Of course I'm not. I'm still here alive.

Ghost: *hugs Ghoul, tears flow in his eyes*  I'm just glad your okay

Ghoul: Oh Ghost *wiping his tears* I love you

Ghost: *smirks* I love you too *kisses her*

Ghoul: *kisses back* Now I think I should go clean myself up and punish my sisters and She *smiles sweetly*

Ghost: Can I tag along? I think I know why they did this -_-

Ghoul: *chuckles*

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