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Human AU
School AU


The day was pretty normal, nothing special. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the people were happy, same old.

In Le Viour Academy, practice had just disbanded and all players and cheerleaders alike were leaving the stadium. Two of the boys for reasons unknown to literally everybody else, began chasing each other and tackling each other to the ground.

One of the cheerleaders and one of the girls who had watched practice stood over them.

"Why?" The a blonde cheerleader asked, shaking her head at her boyfriend.

MC yelled at Swift, who had pinned him down. "Alright, you win!" whilst Swift looked up at MM and Quick, shrugging. "It's fun."

MM sighed. "Sis, I think we're dating idiots." She said.

Quick laughed, not taking her eyes off of the boys who had begun rolling around on the floor, trying to pin each other down. "I think we are."

Deciding to leave their boys alone, the two female punks began walking back to the school building.

"MC can be such an idiot sometimes.", MM mourned, "I mean, remember when we were trapped in a magic chest? He became over-dramatic and began going on about he couldn't breathe in such a small place when it was bigger than the dorm rooms due to our size!"

Quick laughed. "Please. At least that's better than Swift's flirting attempts. Remember when he flirted with Blister? She was literally our enemy at that point."

MM giggled. "Yeah, he was flirting with everyone before you two got together. Except me, apparently."

"Must have known that you were only destined for MC.", Quick replied kindly as she ruffled her baby sister's hair.

MM nodded, "True. Oh, but speaking of flirting, you saw MC's attempts with me. He could barely string two words together."

Quick nodded laughing. "Yep. So true."

"And, then there was that time he forgot about our date and decided to do homework instead.", MM said.

Quick giggled, "That was the day you and Rebel hung out wasn't it?", MM nodded and Quick kept talking, "You must have noticed Swift with his food. He's like an animal!"

"You're telling me.", MM replied, "You'd think after nearly a year in school, he'd know how to slow down."

Quick laughed. They sat down on a bench, in a slightly secluded area

"What are we going to do with our boys, eh?", MM said, breaking the silence they were sitting in.

"Definitely not try to play video games with them, that's for sure.", Quick replied.

MM barked out a laugh. "They are so competitive! I mean, chill guys, it's a game."

"I mean being competitive in sports is one thing, but a video game?" Quick answered.

MM shook her head. "Yeah, I know, right? I mean, I love a good video game, don't get me wrong, but seriously? They go nuts!"

"Speaking of them going nuts", Quick said, suddenly remembering something. "Remember that time when they had a competition to see who could avoid the floor the longest by jumping from one object to the next?"

"MC nearly broke his wrist and Swift decided that jumping on a punching bag was a good idea.", MM remembered.

Quick snorted. "He slipped and fell. Poor guy."

MM laughed quietly. "Yeah, poor, poor guy." they were silent for a few seconds. "He deserved it though."
"Oh, yeah, definitely. That's what you get for doing something so stupid.", Quick agreed.

They heard a bark of a dog and a Pomeranian named Gigi came running up to them. She began running around them, yapping and wagging her tail excitedly. MM giggled and picked up a stick, throwing it for Gigi to fetch. They watched her go before Quick turned back to MM. "Remember when the boys were chucking that basketball around and it hit Principal Shy?"

MM laughed hard, "They were so embarrassed! It was priceless."

Quick nodded and chuckled in agreement. "You know Swift rarely texts back straight away?", she groaned all of a sudden.

"Swift rarely has his phone on him. He's always losing it.", MM replied, laughing.

Quick shook her head. "I know but seriously, would it kill him to text back when he does have it?"

"Typical guy behaviour."

Quick nodded seriously. "Yep. You're so lucky. MC is not a typical guy."

MM shrugged. "No, he's not but he does freak out a little if I use texting language."


MM nodded in conformation. "He knows it's quicker but he sees it as more loving and important if we take our time to write them."

"That's kinda cute.", Quick replied.

"It's cute until I do use texting language and he replies with 'What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you mad at me?'"

Understanding passed over Quick's face. "You poor thing. That must get frustrating. But, hey at least you can now passive aggressively let him know you're mad."

MM laughed. "Yeah. I guess so."

They both stared off into space for a little while before Quick laughed.

"We wouldn't trade them for the world, would we?" She said, looking over at MM.

MM shook her head. "Nope. They're our men. I wouldn't want it any other way. I mean, MC is amazing. He's funny and caring and protective and sweet and sensitive, and loving, and everything I could ask for in a guy."

Quick nodded. "Same with Swift. He's not afraid to say no to his friends to hang out with me, he defends me and lets me defend him, he's respectful (sometimes), and he", Quick replied, "He's like a best friend who I've fallen in love with."

MM smiled, "Well, they say being best friend's with your partner is a good thing."

Quick nodded, "It sure is.", She stayed silent for a few seconds before saying, "We'd better head inside. It's about to get dark."

So, they got up and began to head in, chatting about this, that and the other. That was until two certain someones crept up behind them. One wrapped his arms around MM from behind and spun her around whilst the other grabbed Quick's shoulders, in a manner that suggested trying to scare her. Both girls shrieked and laughed.

"MC, put me down!", MM giggled. MC complied and set her down, before enterwining their hands together.

Quick turned around and smacked Swift's shoulder. "You know I hate it when people scare me like that!"

"Hey, it'll keep you on your toes for when you're out there, beating up thugs and saving the day." He replied smoothly.

Quick grinned, "You're lucky I love you."

Swift smirked and slung his arm around her. "Love you too, babe."

"Dude, they're serving pizza tonight.", MC said suddenly.

Swift let go of Quick. "Bet I'll get there first."

"Bring it on!", MC replied, running after Swift who had already began running. MM and Quick stared after them.

"I know we love them...", MM began.

"But they're still idiots.", Quick finished, knowing exactly what MM was thinking.

MM nodded in agreement and they both laughed, making their way slowly back to the school and the boys who they wouldn't trade even if their life depended on it.


I know this one is short but how much can you really extend those girls complaining about their boyfriends' antics? They love them too much! XD

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