Ready As I'll Ever Be

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If you guys don't know the song. Just play the video above then you'll know the tune. Trust me its so amazing.


MC stood on the highest top of the One World Trade Center tower. He eyed the horizon.

"Any moment now, MM", he smirked.

"Believe me I know. I've sunk pretty low. But whatever I've done you deserve"



"I'm the bad guy, that's fine, it's no fault of mine. And some justice, at last, will be served."

"Please listen.", MM pleaded but cried in pain trying to remove herself from the strong ropes with red gashes from her arms.

"Now it's time to step up, or it's time to back down. And there's only one answer for me!

"And I'll stand up and fight, 'cause I know that I'm right!", MC looks at the City of New York

"And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready! Ready as I'll ever be..."

MC dips his head and walks back to MM.

Quick standing in another building looking at the tower. "Now it's time to rise up, or it's time to stand down. And the answer is easy to see."

She pulls out her sword. "And I swear by the sword, if your in, get on board.

Are you ready?", She looks at the blade.

"I'm ready", Swift pulls out his sword and touched Quick's hand as he give her an encouraging smile and she returned the gesture.

"We're ready", Ghoul and Ghost preparing their guns.


"Ready as I'll ever be...", Quick sighs with determination looking at the tower.

Rebel and Rogue walk through the hallways of the tower, weapons ready.

Rebel sighs, "Are you quite sure we can do this?"

Rogue smirk with determination, "Together we will guarantee!"

"I'll make them hear me!", MC pulled out his black baseball bat with spikes on it.

"Prove they can trust me!", Quick looks at the tower hoping to defeat MC and free him from his curse and save her baby sister.

"I'll save my home and family!", Rogue thinking if MM is still okay.

"Now the lines in the sand, and our moments at hand", Everyone sang.

MC: And I'm ready

Quick: I'm ready

Rogue: I'm ready

MC stands at the window. "Ready as I'll... ever... be", his eyes suddenly glow a dark purple. An evil entity appears in MC's body, its the Shredder.

"Prepare to meet your doom punks~"


I so love this song, I can't help but think about if MC was suddenly been controled and turned evil and he kidnaps MM.

I hope you guys. Love it! I'll try to update some of my other stories as best as I can been busy lately. *falls down from exhaustionI was thinking of making another story. (^~^)

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