Training and Movies

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Rebel X Rogue ~ Training and Movies


"You ready, Rogue?"

"Bring it, Reb"

(This is Rogue's weapon. She has two pairs of this and they are called the Kama)

Rebel lunged at Rogue from the other side of the room, his twin tonfas in hand. Rogue went into a defensive position with her twin kamas in hand, and blocked his attack. Moving to the side, she defended another one of Rebel's attacks, and in that time, Rogue kicked him to the wall. She moved faster towards Rebel then throws herself at him kama in hand and trapping him to made sure he wasn't able to get out of her grasp.

"Got you, Rebel.", Rogue smirked

"Yeah, I could tell.", Rebel groaned.

"You've gotten better though, just watch next time for any openings so I won't be able to hit you.", Rogue said then gets off in Rebel.

Rogue dusted herself and puts her twin kamas in her belt. She was about to walk away but she notice Rebel seemed a bit down.

"Come on, Reb. It was just training. Not like the world championship", she said and puts her hands in hips.

Rebel met her glance and responded, "Easy for you to say, I haven't managed to beat you! Do you even know what it's even like being defeated?"

Rogue was shocked but she stared long and hard at him, thinking how much she liked him but she thinks Rebel doesn't like her back and then she sighed.

"In fact, I do Rebel. I really do." She give him a blank look and turned away from Rebel and left the room, and walking back to her spared bedroom. Slamming the door shut as she lay herself at the doorframe while massaging her temples.

'Jeez Rebel, I was only trying to help!', Rogue thought.

She notice in her red and black wall clock that its 6:00 PM and its time to prepare dinner but she's not feeling well. So Rebel will be the one to cook dinner for tonight. She lay herself in bed as she was about to take a nap there was a knock on her door.

"Who is it?", Rogue groaned.

"Its me Quick and dinners ready", Quick said on the other side of the door.

"I'm not going to eat dinner Quick. I'm gonna take a nap", Rogue said.

"Well if you need anything just call me and the girls, ok?", Quick said with a hint of worry in her tone.

"Ok ok ok, I'm going to bed. Goodnight", Rogue said.

"Goodnight", Quick said.

"Hmm..." Rogue hummed as she hears footsteps are walking away from the doorframe.

After a few hours of nap Rogue woke up as she checked the clock the time is 9:00 PM, she decided that it was time to start to get ready for bed. Getting up, she took a quick shower and changed into her PJ's red shirt with black hearts around it and matching short shorts with her mocha brown hair letting down and she's not wearing her mask.

Rogue sat down on her bed, deciding whether or not to watch The IT movie tonight. Deciding a 'yes,' she stand up from her bed and opened the door, as she was opening her door she was face to face with Rebel wearing his PJs also a red tanktop and his dark grey pajama pants and his red and black bandana mask and red mask.

"Uhh.. Hey Rogue. How you doing?", Rebel said sheepishly.

'Really Rebel, we just saw each other a few hours ago', Rogue thought as she raised her eyeridges.

"Fine.", Rogue said then walked past Rebel was about to go to the kitchen but then Rebel grabbed her wrist which made her stop in her tracks, a slight blush dusting in her cheeks.

"Look... Rogue, I'm sorry for what I said that may have offended you. Can you forgive me?", his grip was still holding Rogue in place.

'I guess I can't really be mad at him forever, he doesn't know of my crush on him after all', Rogue thought.

She took a deep breath and turned around to meet Rebel's gaze. "Sure Rebs. Sorry for seeming a bit cold towards you."

Rebel let go of her wrist and asked, "So what are you doing right now?"

"Well, I was planning on watching a movie right now. You wanna watch with me?", Rogue asked.

A smile appeared on Rebel's face, and it made her blush deepen just a tiny bit.

'Good thing he can't see my face all the way in this dark hallway.', Rogue thought.

"What movie are you planning on watching?"

"The IT Movie."

"That horror movie? Sounds good. How about you go get the movie ready in the living room, and I shall get to prepare some snacks since you skip dinner tonight", Rebel suggested.

"Sounds good to me.", Rogue said.

With that the both of them went in opposite directions. As Rogue was trying to find the movie in the stack of CDs, Rebel started to make the snacks. He start preparing 2 glasses of orange juice, a plate of cookies, a plate of 2 chicken sandwiches. As he puts them all in a tray. He put the popcorn in the microwave and waited for a few minutes to cook.

'Maybe tonight, I can finally show Rogue how a feel towards her. But I gotta be smooth, or else she may as well kick my ass...again.', Rebel thought.

The microwave went off and Rebel was snapped out of his thoughts. As he placed the popcorn in a red bowl, as he was putting them all in one bowl he thought of how he would start confessing to Rogue.

"Reb! You almost done? I got the movie ready!", shouted Rogue across the living room.

"Yeah, almost hold on....", Rebel struggled to get the last of the popcorn out of the bag because of the butter that made it sticky. As he removes it all he place the bowl of popcorn in the tray with the other snacks.

As Rebel was walking through the dark hallway with the tray of snacks in hand, the bright light of the TV stunned him, which caused a few pieces of popcorn to fall onto the ground. Coming into the room, he saw Rogue already sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

"You ready?", Rogue smirked.

"Always.", Rebel smirked back.

He sat down the snacks in a coffee table and he sat in the couch next to Rogue and she picks the remote and pressed the play button, starting the movie.

Throughout the movie, as Rogue finished eating a cookie she grabbed fistfuls of popcorn, she made sure that her hand wouldn't brush against Rebel's and used her senses to make sure of that and to watch the movie.

It was about a 2 hours later when the movie was almost nearing the ending when Rebel suddenly felt a weight on his arm. He looked down there to find Rogue had fallen asleep on his arm. Rebel tried to prevent himself from blushing at this contact but he couldn't help it. His cheeks were crimson red color he realizes that he look exactly like the color of his mask and it grew even darker when he realized he was staring at Rogue's face.

'Gosh! how can she be so adorable, even when she's asleep?', Rebel thought. As he look at Rogue's mocha brown hair.

Grabbing all the courage he could get, he slowly used his other hand to brush away some of Rogue's hair off of her face, but instead of letting his drop to his side, he caressed her cheek ever so slowly. "Rogue..."

As if Rogue heard him, she smiled and hugged his arm, making Rebel's blush deeper.

'Nows the time Rebel, she's fast asleep make a move instead of standing there frozen!', Rebel yelled thought at himself.

He lowered his head and as if it took him in a slow motion, he kissed the top of Rogue's forehead and then moved his lips down to meet her lips.

Rebel didn't know but Rogue didn't fall asleep. She was in fact just closing her eyes, but remaining alert nonetheless. As soon as his lips met hers, she jumped back to kiss him. Sweet at first but it became more passionate a few seconds later.

Rogue wrap her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss pulling him as she lay down on the couch with Rebel on top of her as he wraps his arms around her waist never letting it go.

Breaking the kiss, they stared at each other with their foreheads touching one another.

"I never knew you feel the same way for me, Reb.", Rogue smiled in bliss. Happy that Rebel loves her back.

"I never knew you were into me as well, Rogue.", Rebel smirked and give her a peck in the lips

They both laughed and looked into each others eyes. Same heterochromia eyes but Rogue's eyes are more brighter than Rebel's eyes.

"Well, I guess we are both head over heels for each other, huh?", Rebel said.

"Yeah, I guess we are," Rogue breathed with a small laugh.

Hearing something on the TV, they both turned to see that it went to the credits. "So...that means we just missed the ending of the movie.", Rogue said.

"Yep.", Rebel corrected.

"You wanna watch it again?", Rogue asked.

Rebel grabbed her hand and kissed her again and said, "Sure, why not?"

Rogue smiled as she grabbed the remote with her other hand and restarted the whole movie again. This time Rebel's hugging her in his arms while watching the movie.


The next day, Rogue and Rebel are in the training room, they were training and they decide to do a sparring. Rebel knew that today would be the day he finally won. His guts told him so.

"You ready, Reb?", Rogue asked already preparing her twin kamas.

"Ready, Rogue.", Rebel said.

He charged at Rogue, tonfas in hand and tried to attack her. Using her kamas to block, Rogue observed his moves. Kicking with his right, using his left hand to strike with the kama.

But for some reason, Rogue's stare met his lips, the way they were smirking then suddenly she found herself getting hit on her side and falling to the ground, Rebel using his tonfas to pin her in the ground.

"Well, it seems the almighty Rogue has finally defeated.", Rebel said triumphantly.

"Haha, she sure did and what are you going to do now, since you have defeated me?", Rogue said.

Not moving from his position, he smirked and said, "I think the loser should give the winner a kiss"

With that he lowered himself to kiss Rogue sweetly on the lips. She accepted it and kiss him back passionately. As Rebel starts massaging her hips up to her waist. A bright flash appeared.

"Aww! Aren't you guys so adorable!"

Rebel and Rogue broke the kiss to see Swift in the doorframe with a phone in his hand.

"Do you mind if I get a picture of this moment? You both are just really cute right now?", Swift said getting the phone ready to get a picture.

"Grrrrrrrr, give me that phone or else I'll break it!!!", Rebel shouted as he jumped from his position on the ground with Rogue and start grabbing the phone from Swift's hands.

As Rogue was leaning up with her elbows, she watched as Rebel and Swift wrestling each other to see who would get to the phone first. She feels a presence beside her she looked and see her sister. Quick, Swift's female counterpart.

"Sooo... You and Rebel now, huh?" Quick said with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, so?", Rogue said raising her eyeridges.

"I approve you two but just so you know if Rebel starts hurting you or breaks your heart. I'll chop off his manhood. Ok?", Quick said with a smile.

Rouge sweatdrops at that either to believe her sister's threats or not.

Getting up, she puts her twin kamas in her belt and walks away with Quick and started to wonder.

Everything happened so fast not only that she and Rebel are now couple and can't wait for what tomorrow brings.

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