𝟬𝟬𝟱. media fun

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act one chapter five.

charles likes bum:

swear down
i almost died on my plane yesterday
plus do i get fined
for being late on media day

just how to both your statements
how do you be late when cars
pick us up

anything is possible x

can you get here soon 🙄
people keep asking for you
and they keep asking me
and i just don't want to talk
about you because you are

i really wish
i wasn't your teammate

sucks to suck 😜🤭


how did it go with the doctor

Go to work.


I signed it, is that
what you want to hear?

not really
but i'm not going to stop you
it's your choice

Thank you.
Although you're being too
accepting, it's not normal.

you literally told me to be like this

Yes. But I don't like it.

i love you
but i have duties

I love you
Although I don't know how to
find emojis.
Enjoy your boring duties 😂

so you can't find a heart
but you can find a laughing emoji.

soz 💅🏼
[ seen ]
[ seen ]

THE GROUP TWO PRESS CONFERENCE GROUP, was filled with the media's targets. SERGIO PEREZ, the second red-bull driver. DANIEL RICCIARDO, recently announced he was without a seat. SEBASTIAN VETTEL, who was retiring.

PIERRE GASLY, who was sparking interest with alpine. And Alicia Hugo, an addition to the grid that had happened over the summer break.

Alicia was on the left of the seats, with PEREZ on her right and Daniel on her left. She couldn't help but notice just how downcast he looked, and kicked him moments before it began. (They were all waiting for Pierre to arrive anyway)

"You alright?" Alicia asked. Surprising Daniel a little bit as she had been known to mess about with him in the drivers chat. "Obviously you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but you look sad so I thought I'd just ask." Alicia rambled, watching Daniel furrow his eyebrow as it was hard to keep up with the tempo of her voice.

"Sorry, what?"

She was totally messing up her first interact with a driver that wasn't her teammate! "I was just asking if you're alright." Alicia repeated, much slower the second time of asking. "If you want I can beat up Zak Brown."

Daniel smiled as it was a nice distraction for the amount of questions he was about to receive regarding his announcement. "I mean, I'd love to see it."

"It's well deserved." Alicia whispered as a man announced the press conference was about to start.

This was the one thing Alicia had been glad she'd been able to miss out on in the past few years. Media was bottom of the barrel for her, it did not appeal her in the slightest. Her press officer, SUMMER, had already warned the driver before the conference began on what to do and what not to do. Thankfully, she had also given Alicia the option not to answer questions if she didn't want to.

The driver was definitely going to use that to her advantage.

After the quick introductions, the questions were fired directly at Daniel who anticipated it straight away.

Alicia listened intently, she hadn't majorly kept up with the whole McLaren situation. Frankly, because McLaren hadn't impressed her in the ways they had gone about their whole Daniel situation.

It had been a good five minutes and she hadn't had a question! She was about to start celebrating until Sebastian finished speaking. And the interviewer turned his body towards her. Alicia had really thought she'd be able to get through it without a question.

"And all things considered, we obviously have a new driver on track. At a stage in the season where we may not see such things but welcome, Alicia." The interviewer smiled as she felt herself shrink in her seat a little.

It wouldn't be obvious but she was conservative in crowds and this one just freaked her the fuck out. All Alicia could do was smile as she wasn't quite sure if she was supposed to say anything, thankfully the interviewer continued. "Can you tell us maybe, your initial reaction to your call up or where you were when you go the call?"

Alicia nervously chuckled, she could lie or tell the truth. To calm her nerves a little she decided to tell the truth and hope it would bring someone comedic relief. Summer had told the driver to make herself relatable or funny. "Well, I was actually in Greece. Having some swimming lessons. And it rung like poolside and I was obviously under the water-"

Daniel picked his microphone up, chuckling. "Did you say, swimming lessons?"

"Yes." Alicia replied, not wanting to dwell further on the subject. "My close friend actually answered Jost's call. And to be honest I couldn't really hear him when he was telling me I was getting Nicholas' seat while he dealt with family issues because there was water in my ear. So I didn't really understand till my instructor and friend were shouting and celebrating. And I was like what is going on?"

There was chuckles sounding from beside her and in the crowd, at least she was doing something right. A smile gracing her face as the interviewer waited for laughter to die down.

"Obviously, at the moment your seat is temporary. So have you been looking into those open seats in the market or anything like that?"

Well. That was something Summer hadn't prepared her for. And that was clear on the press officers face as she stood at the sidelines, Alicia looking at her in desperate need for help.

Alicia looked at Daniel who had perked up in his seat, intrigued by what the new driver would have to say. "I think, personally I'm not looking into that." Alicia told the audience. "And I doubt other teams would be either. This will be my first time in a formula one car in a year. Due to my own family issues, I wasn't able to make it to any practice sessions this year, so I know Williams took a risk choosing me instead of a much younger driver."

Alicia looked to Summer to see if she was doing well. And in response the press officer, could only nod. For being put on the spot she thought that Alicia's answer didn't sound too rehearsed nor ignorant.

"I know getting to terms with the car this weekend is a starting point and it could go two ways." Alicia explained as everyone knew it could only go: good or bad. "These past few days I've increased my training load, spoke to the team a lot. I know the expectations and what they want from me. And I think that's what I need to focus on for the next nine races, not if I should be here next season or not."

Granted, Alicia had been set by Jost. But those weren't coming into play yet. She had the triple header to get settled in, get to grips with the car and understand the Williams was different to the one she had drove in practice a year ago.

She was thanked for her answer and Alicia leant back in her seat as questions were opened up to the floor.

Only one question was directed towards her, the final question of the day. And you bet she was going to answer it quickly.

"Private journalist here," the voice introduced themself before continuing, "You mentioned previously how this weekend can only have one out of two outcomes. What will be yours and the teams reactions if it is the worser outcome?"

Alicia raised her eyebrows. She personally was prepared for the worse. "I-"

"Sorry," the interviewer interrupted, adding to his previous question. "Can I add, how do you think that public will react?"

Alicia guided her eyes towards Summer who was looking through her pages to check if that question was a banned one.

Summer shook her head, meaning Alicia could say 'no comment' or she could answer. Which she did.

"I don't really know how to answer that." Alicia awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "We'll have to see how the race goes then I'll get back to you." For someone who wanted to get out of this conference she was really dragging this question out. "Yeah, we'll just have to see."

"We'll just have to see." Alex laughed, leaning back on his chair inside the Williams building. Laughing at Alicia's misery.

"Okay, okay! We get it." Alicia rolled her eyes. She'd been stuck with Alex for the past hour and the only way she could describe it was hell. My God, she thought he was annoying over text, he was even worse in person! "I used to think you were a nice person." Alicia frowned.

"And I used to think Alex couldn't get more annoying." Summer sighed, resting her head against the table. Alex and Nicky were never this annoying but Alicia only seemed to amplify Alex's levels.

"Why am I the annoying one!" Alex protested, "Do you not think Alicia is the problem considering the fact I only got annoying when she arrived!"

"She?" Alicia scoffed, "Who am I? The cats mother?"

"I don't understand." Alex leaned over and whispered to Summer."

Summer groaned. "Get me out of here."

Jost clapped his hands walking into the meeting room as Alex and Alicia prepared themselves for a meeting that was mostly likely going to bore them to death.

Alicia stood in-front of a microphone, joking around with Summer before the interview began. Never in her life had she been wanted so much! Every media outlet wanted some form of information from her.

This was the first interview she was doing of the day that would be spoke in her mother tongue, Spanish. She would've been much more excited about it if Carlos wasn't right next to her.

She hadn't once looked over at him, afraid he'd engage conversation with her or embrace her in a hug to congratulate her. God forbid he did such a thing.

Thankfully, the interviewer began before Carlos could notice his childhood best friend stood next to him.

"Hello Alicia!" The woman greeted, an irreplaceable smile on Alicia's face as she could finally talk to someone in Spanish. "Obviously we have lots of questions to ask but first let's just ask how you are? I suppose receiving a formula one seat half way through the season can be quite shocking?"

It was a good question, Alicia had to admit that. It was also the first time that day someone had actually asked how she was. She was really beginning to like this interview. "It's exciting, but it's all really new to me. So sometimes I feel a bit lost when people refer to me as a formula one driver. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's been a life-long dream to get here and I just want to prove myself."

In the background a smile could be found on Summer's face. God, so far, Alicia was making PR easy.

"You say life-long dream?" The interviewer asked, her eyes lingering on the other Spaniard next to the Williams driver. "All those years ago did you and now Ferrari driver, Carlos Sainz imagine this? Both of you on the grid sharing the thrill of the exhaust."

Remember how Alicia loved this interview? She didn't anymore. She wanted to say 'no comment' or merely nod her head but she knew that would stir up unwanted drama. (Although she had already done that by ignoring Carlos' comments)

Due to Alicia's pause, the interviewer continued. "And obviously, your chili tattoo? And connection with your best friend?"

If only you knew interviewer!

Alicia formed a fake smile on her face. Carlos now listening in on what she has to say. Summer turned around to make a subtle sign of the cross.

"In regards to the tattoo that was merely a coincidence. A drunken coincidence, of course." Alicia laughed. Being the only one to due so as Summer looked down at the ground. "This was always something he and I dreamt of so to be here at the same time, I think is really special and I'm really happy that we are." What a load of bullshit!

"And did you know he's stood right next to you?" The interviewer pressed.

It was pretty hard to the see the red of the Ferrari uniform, let's be honest with ourselves. But Alicia wasn't going to play the game like that. "Oh wow!" She spoke in English, raising her voice slightly to get Carlos' attention. "Carlos! Wow, I hadn't seen you there!"

Summer pinched the bridge of nose, praying to the gods above this would come out well in the media.

"Alicia!" Carlos replied, her name dripped in his accent. My God! A part of her had almost missed it. He sounded so sweet...

Stop it Alicia! She reminded herself, she was not going down this path. She hated Carlos Sainz.

Although the embrace they were currently in proved differently.



i mean
you and carlos
are just such good friends!
that hug felt so heartfelt

if you don't stop
i'm going to chop your balls off
don't test me albon

no no i mean it!
twitter are going feral

i have always wanted to be
twitter famous.
what are they saying tell me.

one person called you hot
i very much disagree
and another said
you and carlos look
so cute together

gosh i have a sudden feeling to
jump off a cliff.
is that what people really think?!!?

is that not a good thing?

i'm going to let you in on a
little secret
because you're my only real friend.
which is sad enough as it is.
but i DESPISE carlos sainz

i think i got the message
you really didn't have to put
despise in bold

i did
because i felt like being sick
just typing his name

god i'm a gossip whore
why don't you like him

he crashed into me
and blamed me
and ruined my career

i fear that may be
a bit dramatic

it's not
i will never forgive him

would it not have happened
like eight billion years ago
your like 28, right?


'#1 driver' has blocked 'teammate'

i promise lover is my baby but i love streets rn so 💁🏻‍♀️

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