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Midnight 2am ;

Damian POV

I went to sleep early today and got up from another wet dream. Ashton was again in my dreams, I was trying to get him out of my mind. But today when I kissed his face I wanted to hug him more closer. I rubbed my already messy hair and get out of the comfort of my bed. I grabbed the sweatpants and went out of my room lighting a cigarette between my lips. The moonlight was shining very brightly tonight. Cascading the white colorless pool bottom in a silver lighting. I went near the pool, rolling my sweats up I dipped my feet in the cold water of the pool. My mind began relaxing as the cold water soothe my tense muscles. I thought for a minute before taking off my sweats and jumping in the pool in my boxers. The cold water did miracles on my skin as it calmed all the tensed up muscles of my rigid body down. I was busy swimming that I didn't even noticed a figure walking towards me. They stopped at the end of the pool and kept staring at my swimming self,

"Don't you feel cold?"

I heard a voice when I emerged above the coat of cold water. It was Ashton, standing near the end of the seemingly bottomless pool. He sat down dipping his milky legs in the water as I floated back towards him. I came up staring at his eyes who were boring into mine. I shifted more closer and I got a whiff of his scent. Mandarin and vanilla. A fruity yet sweet fragrance, just like him. He was just staring at me, not uttering a single word from his pouty mouth. I leaned more toward him. The water falling from my hair wetting his shorts. His hands covering the part that got wet because of my hair. I noticed what he was wearing, a black hoodie and a pair of checkered shorts. The color was complimenting his pale skin. He brought his hand near my face and stroked my wet hair lightly.

His features looked so soft. He was not furrowing his brows nor his lips were quivering. He was not scared of me but looked as if he was intoxicated. Is he drunk? Before I could figure that out. He spoke, his words slurring as he tried to speak,

"Why d-did y-you kiss m-me... Damian Williams...?"

He called me by my first name. Yup he's totally wasted. I sighed as he continued,

"Aren't y-you a womanizer? Y-you love t-to have all the women crawl up to y-you... So why did you ran away from that lady in the museum? Did y-you not like that women?"

"Ashton you're drunk... Go to Carlton, he'll take care of you. I can harm you. Don't stay here in front of me, in this state... Leave... Please, for the sake of my sanity. Cause if you stay I won't be able to control myself,"

I said in order to control my urges after seeing him like this. In front of me,

"Then don't..."

He said holding my face in his small hands. I left out a loud sigh and captured his plump lips in mine. He too melted as soon as my lips met his. Pulling me closer to him he wrapped his sinewy arms around my neck. I pulled his small self in the pool and made him wrap his legs wrap around my torso. His body was now as wet as mine. His lips were dancing with mine. He was pushing himself more onto me in order to create some sort of friction to calm him down. I bit his plush lips and he moaned granting me access to his sweet and hot mouth. His tongue tasted like champagne. I guess his tolerance is really low. I began sucking on his lower lip resulting in him leaving a spree of curses in moans and whispers. He too bit my upper lip in his bunny teeth. He is trying to swell up my lip. But I put my hands on his godforsaken tiny waist and grinded his ass against my thigh. He pulled away from the kiss and placed his hands on my bare chest.

"You have solid pecs. Like the Greek God Zues. How much time do you work out?"

He was asking some questions about my personal life. No women, not even my parents have asked me about myself. I trained my eyes on him and answered,

"Three times a week... And when I'm worked up with stress, five times a week..."

"I want to be like you. Strong and demanding. I don't want to be a little sheep under anyone's toes. I want to be like you... Like you... Like yo-"

He fell asleep on my shoulder, in the cold ass pool. I waited for him to get up, but all I heard were soft snores leaving his plush lips. So I came out of the pool. Ashton in hand and placed him on one of the seats. Wearing my sweats I again began carrying him in bridal style to his and Drake's room. I was going to knock on the door but noticed that it was wide open. Drake wasn't in the room, so I placed him on the mattress and took off his wet clothes. I changed them into new ones, trying not to glance at his naked frame. After covering him in new clothes I covered his cold body with the duvet and left the room. He probably won't remember any of this tomorrow. I thought and went to my room to get some shut-eye. Laying down on the bed I closed my eyes. And happily drifted off to Dreamland. No wet dreams keeping me awake tonight. But his lips, they were so glossy and plump that I almost made him grind against me. I'll talk to him about all this possibly tomorrow.

But now I should sleep...








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