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"I'll always love you", - Keep Driving.

11:11 pm;

Ashton POV

It's been so long since we are talking. Time felt like it almost passed in a blur. Carlton has done nothing but to make me feel better around him. I shared my life with him. Including me being gay. He just was so supportive of me and told me that he won't tell anyone, not even my Devil for a Boss. I started to feel very tired all of a sudden. I yawned and stretched my hands out gaining Carlton's attention. He smiled and asked,


In response I just nodded. He again chuckled and held my hand.

"Let's go drink a coffee you look tired. My treat. Come on..."

He made me stand up and we went out of the venue. He took me to his car. It was a Porsche. Even though I don't know the model name it surely must cost a fortune...

We sat inside and Carlton turned on the ignition and we zoomed out in the night towards a nearby cafe. We came at a Starbucks drive thru and ordered a strong black coffee for Carlton and a cappuccino for me. After talking our orders Carlton took us to a park. We sat on a bench drinking our late night coffees in peace. The night sky was looking so pretty that I was lost in it. I didn't notice when Carlton shifted close to me and wrapped his hand around my shoulder. I looked at him for a very long period of time. None of us saying a single word to each other. Just looking at each other's eyes and contemplating something. Carlton moved closer to me our noses almost touching. He took a deep breath and then. Wiped my lips and smiled at me.

"You got some cream on your face little one,"

I being a hopeless romantic blushed at his statement. Isn't this what happens between lovers? He just met me today. Then why is my heart beating so fast? Before I could get my senses collected my phone rang. And the caller was none other than my dear Boss, Damian...






Damian POV

I called him. When I came out after having some sloppy seconds with Carlton's sister. She not only has small cans for boobs but also is a whiny bitch. So I left her alone and came out to search for Ashton so that I can drop him back to his home. I called him after searching for him in the entire party. I also didn't find Carlton which makes me suspicious of him taking Ashton somewhere. When I called him he picked up on the second ring.

<Hello... Mr. Williams...>

"Where are you. Come back to the party we're leaving. You don't want to be late tomorrow, do you?"

<Ah no need for that sir. I'll go home by myself. Don't worry. You can enjoy the party. Good night Sir...>


He cut the call. Not even waiting for my response. I grumbled and shove the phone in my pocket and went to my car to go home. I sat in and drive off like a madman. How dare he say no to his Boss! I'll deal with you tomorrow Ashton. From tomorrow onwards your life will become a living hell. And I'll make sure of that...







The next day;
Williams Technologies office;

I came early to the office and went straight to Ashton's cabin. He was not there. Where the fuck is he? I thought and went in my office. As I opened the door I saw a sight in front of me. Ashton with his back towards me fixing my table while holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He came even before me? As I went towards him I heard him humming a song. He was lost in his own world. As he was humming he was swaying his ass right to left. That sight in front of me was doing some unknown things to my mind. My blood was rushing down south making me uncomfortable by giving me a boner. Why! Why am I getting hard by looking at his ass? Shit there is something wrong with me. I stood there looking at his plump ass swaying left to right in his tight pants. A groan left my mouth. And with that Ashton turned towards me. His eyes sparkling as always. I looked at his face and noticed that his lips were a bit swollen. Did I made him cry that much. I thought. But when he noticed me, he blushed like he did something very unholy. Did he made out with someone last night. My mind went to the abruptly disconnected call which we had last night. I made my way towards him. As soon as went near him I noticed a hickey on his neck. Little guy got freaky with chick last night? He moved away as I went near.

"Good morning Ashton..."

I spoke to his shy and blushing self,

"Good morning Sir,"

He replied quitely and was about to leave when I held his hand and pulled him closer. His hands instinctively went on my chest to put some distance between us. He was avoiding my eyes. I stared at him for a few minutes,

"Bring me the Maeda contract and also inform me about my today's schedule."

He just nodded and I let him go. I guess he'll be able to handle my torture...






Lunch time;

Ashton POV

I came to the cafeteria and met with my other co-workers. I was talking to them when Bian walked up to us.

"Hey guys you eating without me?"

"Of course not Bian."

I said as we all laughed at Bian's idiotic act. We all ate our lunch in peace cracking jokes here and there. All I'm gonna say is I loved the lunch time with Bian. As we were going back with Bian, he stopped me on the way and pulled me into a conference room,

"What happened Bian!"

"What did you do last night?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Ash... You have a hickey on your neck. And also your lips are swollen. What did you do. Who was it?"

"Uh- I-I was with- you know... that. Umm..."

"I'm not going to scold you. But tell me at least..."

"Oh okay... It was- Carlton Drake..."








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