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Tanner POV

I was resting in my green room, waiting for my assistant Laila to arrive and inform me about what to do. I groaned and stretched my arms over my head. Getting up from my seat I went out of my room. I saw Laila running towards me and stopping right in front of me while gasping for air. I gave her the water bottle that was in my hand and she drank some water very hastily from it. Handling me my bottle back she spoke,

"The set is ready Sir... I was just coming here to inform you that... Let's go Sir..."

And nodded at her words and replied back to her stammering form,

"It's alright Laila... But the next time please don't run to me as if your life depends upon it. Okay?"

"Y-yes S-sir..."

She once again stammered and the both of us went out to the main area where I spotted the camera duo, or Zuko and Runo together talking to someone. I went closer to notice that it was none other than Mr. I'm the best... a.k.a Drystan Willow himself. I scoffed at his presence and then went closer to the trio. All of them turned their heads to me and Drystan just left a dark chuckle at my face. I ignored him and began to talk with the duo,

"So when are we beginning the shoot?"

I asked Runo. He gave me a small smile and then answered back,

"Oh the producer has gone for a coffee break... We'll begin once they come back..."

I nodded at his words and asked him another question,

"Alright then... At least tell me the pose that I'm supposed to do for today..."

"Well to be honest. Only the producer knows that... Oh here they are!"

Zuko exclaimed as he saw the producer walk in and sit at the other side of the cameras. We all went to our positions as the producer began to tell me and Drystan, yuck. Our respective places. And I realized that it is a couples shoot. I was totally okay with it being a gay shoot, as I myself am gay. But what about this asshole of a co-star with me? Is he okay with this stuff? I shrugged the thought away and went close to him and put my hands on his chest as the producer told me to. He flinched under my touch and held his breath in. That means he's straight as fuck. Thank God for not making this guy gay. Or else he would have died by my hands by now. He looked so uncomfortable with me that his face showed a prominent scowl. I too pushed him away as the photo session began and gave him a glare. He stumbled as I pushed him away and fell on the floor face first. I controlled my urge to to laugh out loud at his fallen self.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. He got up from the ground and looked at me with rageful eyes,

"The fuck do you think you are doing Tanner?"

He stood up from the ground dusting his clothes off,

"Making you fall for me, simple..."

I replied to him while winking my eye at his angry state,

"You little-"

Before he could say anything Runo interrupted him,

"Guys I need you to be like a power couple and not a old age home couple..."

He explained to the both of us. I agreed with him and answered Runo politely,

"I'm fine with everything Runo... Talk to your Mr. 'I am the best supermodel' here..."

But my words sounded more like a sarcastic remark than an explanation
So Runo yelled at us,

"Damn it Tanner... Be quite now. And you Willow, don't you dare scowl, if I get a bad shot because of you scowling, I am going to throw you out of the shoot!"

Zuko spoke from his place behind the camera,

"Runo don't say such things to him... Drystan just focus on your work. I know that you want be your best, but just do as Runo says this time. Please?"

I saw Drystan nodding and smiling at Zuko from the corner of my eye. This bitch, he doesn't even act properly with me, and goes around nodding like a kid in front of Zuko? The fuck does he thinks I am? A slave of his?

"Okay Zuko... I'm gonna listen to you... Oi, pretty boy, don't you dare push me away again like that. Or else..."

He warned me in his Willow tone and came closer to me,

"Or else what Willow?"

I too replied like a guy who will never back down from a challenge,

"I will pull you down there with me. Note that!"

He replied with a smile that did something to me, so I just brushed him off,

"Yeah yeah okay..."

And the shoot finally began in earnest. Zuko and Runo were continuously explaining me and Drystan about how to pose for the shoot and how to look at each other. I was kinda enjoying the shoot now. But I felt immense amount of shyness creep on my face when Willow pulled me close to him by holding my waist in his massive arms. My hands slapped on his broad chest and I looked at him with a blushing face. He frowned at me but then looked at the camera and back at me. The moment felt like it was paused and everyone around us sort of disappeared into thin air. His face inched closer to mine and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. And what happened next was very embarrassing for me.

I fucking choked on air and began to cough hysterically and covered my mouth. This time Drystan dropped to the floor and I saw Zuko and Runo run to me and began to pat my back. I saw my assistant Laila bring me a glass of water to drink. I drank the water and felt a little better than before. But when everyone asked me about what happened, I just sat there confused.

Cause I too didn't exactly knew what happened to me there...








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