Chapter Two

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(Eren's Perspective)

I smiled while stretching out of the covers of my bed. As a stood up, I quickly checked my clock. 4:oo?! I panicked and began getting dressed. I was meant to be at the studio by now! And the famous photographer Levi Ackerman was supposed to meet us again today! I felt the sweat drip from my forehead as I grabbed my phone and coat, running out of the apartment building. I sprinted down the steps, tripping over my feet every two seconds. I can't believe I was about to mess this up! It took me forever to land this job, especially along with my two best friends. Everyone said it was honer to work at that building and that I was damn lucky to get in.

I rushed out of the building and down the street, where luckily, was the location of the large modeling agency. I thanked my past self for choosing this apartment building instead of the one down town. I quickly ran into the lobby, advancing into a walk towards the front desk. I checked my watch, which read 4:07. I sighed in relief walking up to the strawberry-blonde receptionist.

"Hey there! You must be Eren! Im Petra. You can make your way down the hallway, Erwin should be at the very end." She smiled happily, pointing towards the long looking hallway to my right.

"Thank you." I sighed, speed walking into the direction she was pointing too. I saw Erwin leaning against the wall, tapping his foot. He must be pretty annoyed with me.

"Hey Erwin, I'm super sorry for being late!" I quickly said before he could speak. Erwin gave me an odd look before beginning to laugh. My face obviously looked confused so he stopped.

"You know, the photo shoot was at 5:00, right Eren." He laughed. I groaned and remembered the text I got from Armin the night before, he must of sent some sort of typo. Ill get back at him sooner or later anyway. I laughed along with Erwin for a moment. Thats when the door next to the manager opened, reveling a shorter man with ear length black hair. His face had a very serious glare on it, and I must admit, he was kind of attractive.

"I see you took my advice Eren." He stated looking me up and down. I gulped and nodded, noting to thank Armin for his helpful mistake. Both me and the famous photographer, who everyone knows as Levi Ackerman looked at each other for a brief moment before he sighed and looked at Erwin.

"Because of his early appearance, he can begin now." he asked the tall blonde. Erwin shrugged and looked towards me. Levi glanced at me, as if awaiting an answer.

"Well?" He said simply.

"Oh! I w-would love too! I mean, s-sure." I grinned happily. I noticed the way I stuttered while speaking to him. I've never done that before.

Levi nodded and motioned for me to follow him inside the room behind him. I followed him inside, closing the door behind me. I turned back and grinned at the sight of the room. It had tall ceilings with big flashy modeling lights in front of white felt background. There was a stand with a laptop on it, plugged into a camera stand. Behind all the technology was an empty table and a neatly organized desk.

"You can place your things here." He waved his hand towards the empty table and I nodded, placing my coat and cellphone neatly near the edge of the table. I turned again to see Levi adjusting his camera and typing some things into his laptop. I leaned against the table and crossed my arms over my chest.

"So, you come here often?" I smirked, glancing up towards the photographer. He did this cool thing where he raises his chin slightly and looks back at me. I smiled and stared back at him.

"I'll take that as a yes then." I shrugged. Levi turned his back towards me again and worked on his camera. I looked around the room again, to find nothing different from the first time I checked it out. I sighed and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes, it was still pretty early in the morning.

"Alright, stand in the center of the area, posing as you wish." He ordered. I nodded and quickly walked passed him and onto the center of the white fabric. I waited for Levi to adjust the camera one last time before beginning.


After about an hour of posing and looking at pictures, I sighed as Levi said we were done for now.

"You did pretty well for a newbie, I'd be interested in seeing you again." He stated calmly, continuing to glance at his laptop as the photos rendered.

"Sounds great!" I smiled happily. Walking over to grab my phone and coat. I glanced over at Levi, who was surprisingly still watching me.

"You might not want to tell your friends you got an hour of testing. It was only supposed to last 20 minutes." He stated, plugged out his laptop and bringing it neatly over to his desk.

"Right, they'll probably be annoyed." I bit my lip and thought about how mad and jealous Mikasa and Armin would be if they found out I got to spend an hour with the famous photographer.

"Take this. Open it when you get outside." Levi suddenly appeared in front of me, pushing a small, neatly cut piece of paper into my palm. I nodded, throwing my coat over my shoulder and putting my phone in my pants pocket. Then, I walked out of the room, twisting the paper in my hand. As I walked out, I passed my two friends who stopped to speak with me.

"Are you already finished?! Did we come late?!" Armin said worriedly. I shook my head immediately and though of a response.

"I got here a little early, so I decided to go first, sorry I didn't text you guys." I said, curling the paper between my fingers. Realization appeared on their faces before smiles and nods. We said our goodbyes and I walked back into the lobby, waving to Petra before exciting.

I sat down on the bench outside the building, taking in a breath of fresh, morning air. I then opened my fist and carefully unfolded the paper.

It read,

'Levi Ackerman | xxx - xxx - xxxx | Scout lane, fifth floor | Call if you have any questions, you seem very promising Eren |

I grinned and folded the paper back into its original position. I walked happily home, knowing the Levi Ackerman liked me, I mean, in a friendly way. Unless, this could be something more? I shook the thought out of my head and walked into the apartment building.

When I got to my apartment, I put the paper where it would be safe and began to catch up on some sleep.



Hey guys! Gracie again, thanks for reading! Hope you have a lovely day/night and happy birthday to Sasha Blouse (July 26)! Goodbye! ~

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