chapter 5

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dimitri:really jason is that the way you greet me

jason:cut the bullshit dimitri....what is the real reason you call me for and besides

he move his sword all to block an projetie withc was an spoon

jason:..i not the humor to deal with bodyguard either

he look up to see mutiple knifes,forks,spoons as jason simply spin his bladevery fast like an fan and deflect all then as then an women land and point her hand on jason

???:get away of yukina and aiz,akatsuki jason

jason:or what..kirasaka sayaka

sayaka was suprise




an that moment she run toward both girls while ignore jason and gebura

sayaka:yukina,aiz!,it's been so long! how have you been?

himeragi:uh,fine..but why are you here?,weren't you in charge of multinational magica crimes in the foreing affairs division?

sayaka:i still am,i came here as an observer to lord ardeal

aiz:soo the letter

sayaka:i send it at his request to bring you 4 here

jason:soo it was you who send it after all dimitri you one step away to cut you down

dimitri:it was an important message


gebura:hey jason i not the only one who dislike that sayaka woman?

jason:we are the same ship..

gebura:trough soo

jason:hey himeragi

sayaka:don't speak her name

jason:escuse me?

sayaka:i don't want to hear yukina's or aiz's name from you mouth,you don't either yukina,aiz

jason:and who the fuck think you are to tell us what to do


gebura:yeah you can't just come here and order us or you "friends" to do as you say

sayaka:did you know who i am

jason:another attack mage i don't care

sayaka was furious

aiz:actually she a war dancer for the lion king organization,she the friend we metion you and gebura before

jason:an war dancer..i think i hear it before

sayaka:a war dancer specializes in hees and assasinations,it's my job to eliminate anyone tailing yukina and aiz,if you get the picture you'd best stop following her aroud

jason:okay woman let me point out an few thigs..first i wasn't tailing yukina she was the one tailing me who by the way she sucks no offense yukina but you fail an that field

himeragi:i...i can't deny you right

sayaka was angry at that

jason:second i can't stop following yukina and aiz an fact how about you said that to then since guess they are my observants they have to follow me either like or not..and last one..i douth you good assasin because



he punch her shoulder 

jason:because that wound i give you back then an the school still hurt

himeragi and aiz eyes widen realise it

aiz:sayaka you were try to kill jason


himeragi:sayaka i have order to protect sempai and take him only if he is treat

gebura:and as far i know he didn't nothing besides defend himseft

jason:oh by the way sayaka this belong to you

he pull out her mana arrows an front of her and drop then as she glare back at him

jason:next time try something diferent because believe i not that easy to kill


dimitri:all right how about we go inside i sure jason want answers do you

jason:you better give to me dimitri or you suffer an beatdown

dimitri:very well follow me

the group follow dimitri as that happen jason and sayaka glare at each other with hate

gebura:himeragi,aiz you better tell sayaka to calm down and don't do anything stupid..because well she end up be an body bag

aiz:we try our best



the group were inside part of the cruiser

jason:all right dimitri spell it up what is it


he look at yukina and gebura

dimtri:the smell of your blood emanates from his body would any of you 2 his familiar medium's

sayaka:i can't be


himeragi:how you know

jason:*sight*he didn't it was an trick

the girls eyes widen

dimitri:clever well that confirm you 2 girls are my rivals in love

jason:{and that bullcrap i soo eager to use atomic on him}




dimitri:your expressions tell me i'm right

sayaka was an shock

jason:dammit dimitri you manipulate tell us why you here

dimitri:chrisoph gardos..did you know that name

jason:!? i know former soldier who turn into terrorist he is well know an europe,he is the leader of the black death emperor faction  he was resposible of an incident witch cause more of 400 casualaties

himeragi:you know sempai?

jason:yeah they try to get my head

dimitri:and i save you

jason:more like use me soo you can take out the leader while i and shadow have to take out the rest 

sayaka eyes widen

sayaka:{he is with the fith one!?}

jason:soo they turn due to that guy

dimitri:correct they hired him as they new leader

jason:and he is here an this island is it?

dimitri:correct it seems he infitraded along with his underlings from the faction

aiz:soo it means

himeragi:this island's demon district was so easily infitrated by terrorist?

dimitri:who knows? someone must have been slacking off

jason:oh have agents who allow then to pass without been notice

dimitri:that is another posibility

jason:soo what they are

sayaka:no it should be obvious.the black death emperor faction is a discriminatory group that gives superioty to therianthropes,they want to have the sacred treaty revoked and take over the rule of the warlord's domain from the first progenitor.their first step foward that goal is to incite trouble in the demon district to demostrate that the faction is still alive and well standard pratice for terrorist

jason:and what about the other demon districts why this one an particular?

dimitri:good question

jason:{the weapon..they are here for the weapon soo they can use it for they plans}

himeragi:lord ardeal did you come here to assasinate gardos?

dimitri:i wound't go to all that trouble.however if gardos were to try something himseft,i would have no choice to retaliate.

jason:you rile then up with the yact do you?

dimitri:certanily not.but if i were in any danger,who knows what my familiars would do?,they could sink this island without a second trough,which is why i wanted to apologize to you in advance

jason:soo that is the came here..soo you can use you familiars without hold back after all this land is not part of yours is case the leader act you user you familiars without restrition after why should you care an land witch you didn't own right?

dimitri:now that is heartless

jason:coming from you i call accurate

himeragi:we appreciate the trough.but i don't think that will be necessary.

dimitri:what do you mean?,surely you're not saying jason will take care of gardors for me? i believe my familiars are more obedient than thoses of the fourth progenitor

jason:je you wrong 


jason:it mild be the familiars can be rebelius but i have more than just that

an that moment slime cover him as it have his cid's outfit as he unleash an strong mana aura

jason:i have magic and sourcery to can be very powerful to match an familiar

everyone was suprise by the power as dimitri smile

dimitri:ohh soo you join the fith one side

jason:don't get confuse this is just an he and i know can't trust you soo he train me soo i can be capable of take you down and if are an problem soo take out gardos need..i  and aiz will apprehend the black death emperor faction,in you stead

aiz:that is right


gebura:you sure

jason:i with gebura



yukina look to see jason pat her head sayaka was livid on that scene

jason:hey you know we stuck with this together say it"i am you observer soo i have to stick with you either you goin alone..right"


she said with an blush

gebura:besides i help as well i won't stand here and do nothing you got my suport


aiz:..himeragi..i okay with this


she smile

himeragi:all right

dimitri:all right show what you can do ..more with progenitor and descedant of mary scarlet

aiz,yukina and sayaka eyes widen while look at gebura

jason:i soo close to kill you dimitri

dimitri:better be careful..on you allied

jason:..i soo close to kill you trough

dimitri:olso i will determine wehter you're girls fit to be kojou's partner.


the jason,himeragi,gebura and aiz were leaving the ship

jason:if we gonnad find thoses people i gonnad need to make an call


jason:an allied from the shadows

the girls eyes widen less gebura 

himeragi:is that an good idea 

jason:better pray know then they are into this try to get the leader soo that is our best bet

he said and look back an the ship and see sayaka with an upset look as he glare at her

gebura:calm down if she try anything..well you have all the right to respond


jason:only i she attack me himeragi..only if that happen..soo better pray she doesn't

aiz:i hope soo

himeragi:soo how you gonnad contact him

jason:moscow rules

the girls were confuse


jason grab an payphone as he use magic on the call as he wait as he answer

jason:hey an allied an the shadows who want wisdom


the girls were far away look at jason

himeragi:i hope he be okay

gebura:he know what he do 

aiz:if they teach him that rule tha he be fine

himeragi:..i hope

aiz:are you worried about sayaka?

himeragi:yeah after know she try to kill senpai i afraid she mild...

gebura:look i know jason he won't kill her mosty try to reason with her..she mild get hurt but hey she live

himeragi:if she doesn't

aiz:let's not think an the bad scenario


the girls look to see jason return

jason:i got info..and olso an message for aiz and himeragi"control kisaka sayaka or she will succum to the shadows"they go after her if she try to kill me

himeragi:senpai i!

jason:i tell then i handle this..they believe me trough

gebura:well that is something

jason:come let's go home i fill the details{eta say asagi some another part of the puzzel ...she will be an target no douth..i hope the girl can act fast}

timeskip next day

he said as on top of her as he see asagi smilling at was cheerful something he never see

asagi:really jason if you're gonnad sleep forever,i'll have to do things to you

jason:..i don't even want to know what thoses are..actually what you even doing this way out you character asagi..heck the cheerful smile kinda scare me

asagi:huh you serious!?

jason:anything what is you plan asagi

asagi:i not planing anything,i just heard that guys enjoy stuff like this..

jason:asagi asnwer me this,who is the one who have the highest grades an our school

jason:okay then how long you know me

asagi:ever since you enter the school why you ask thoses questions

jason:okay put the two things together you should no i not typical guy you know because i don't enjoy things like this i mean think about it

asagi begin to think about and realise it and blush

jason:yeah that is the face

asagi:s shut up

jason:really asagi i feel like you just try this to make me fell an love with you

asagi:i i not

jason:you know i dislike people who are not clear with they feelings and nor been honest you

jason:yeah like why you have to say the opposite of what you want to say i get are some to not hurt people's feelings..but when comes things like an thing or someone if you say the opposite you gonnad regret that choice....soo yeah an least you honest youseft waste time

asagi was an shock hear that from jason i have chance with you?

jason:depends if you honest with youseft..first..


she hug him as he return the hug

asagi:i give an answer soon

jason:..i be waiting



the the duo turn to see,nagisa,himeragi,aiz and gebura

nagisa:asagi-chan is jason.a....wake?..what is this..asagi chan..

asagi:w.. w wait this is not what it looks like

himeragi:oh really?..what is it then?


aiz:what you on top of him?

asagi:i mean the reason is

gebura:wow asagi soo you really step up on the game huh well i have to remeber to do that too

asagi:don't you dare gebura!

gebura:who is gonnad stop me you?


gebura:oh wow defend you crush how cute

asagi blush red as jason look

nagisa:olso jason what is this

jason:i don't know i just wake up and see asagi on top of me

himeragi:you don't nothing else

jason:himeragi if you were my shoes you will have no idea

gebura:well anyways asagi get off soo jason can dress and we can leave or you want us to leave istead

asagi:s..shut up!

jason sight and look outside and see an bird

jason:{she is follow me...great}


jason arrive to the monorail and see himeragi,aiz and gebura

jason:hey girls




jason:okay himeragi what is it

himeragi:i don't you tell me akatsuki jason who got flirt by asagi-san be honest i don't even know why she did that

aiz:that is true she didn't tell us anything when we ask her

himeragi:olso i wound't expect you to be able to withstand her temptation,


himeragi:what if you vampiric urgers had taken over at that moment?

jason:is pointless because i manage to have control of thoses and i can supress then

himeragi:is that soo

jason:yeah shadow teach me how by use magic

himeragi:you shoudn't put too much trust at him

jason:again he could kill me long ago if he want sooo

aiz:but we don't know his true agenda

jason:maybe we find out sooner or have nothing to do with me


the group were head towards school

jason:soo what is you plan now himeragi we know the info about the faction

gebura:yeah from shadow right about an special weapon who suppose to beat progenitors

aiz:but need somesort of activation

himeragi:well i need to talk to someone first.. mean...natsuki sensei?

himeragi:yeah i feel more trust her than shadow

jason:{that hurt}


were an front of natsuki office as jason open the door

jason:sensei are you here?

natsuki:now you get the name sensei right

jason:thanks for the compliment

natsuki look to see the girls

natsuki:and you bring the new students..what you want


natsuki:where you learn that name

jason:that idiot of dimitri..that is how

natsuki:he should have kept his mouth shut

jason:know him he want us to know anyways ..tch he always have his own plans

natsuki:{he knows that like he know him well}

himeragi:please tell us,where is gardos?

natsuki:why ask me?

himeragi:so we catch him before he makes contct with lord ardeal


jason:the reason for that is dimitri say if he end up encouter glados he will use his familiars to take out....along with big part of the demon district where his ship is

natsuki:..i see{soo that is his move}

???:sorry to keep you waiting

the group look to see an familiar face


it was her as an maid with tea

natsuki:yeah you know her already..they don't need any tea

jason:actually i want some

natsuki:since when you drink tea

jason:i meet people who introduce into that..and end up like it

natsuki:......very well

astarte give an tea cup to jason as thank her

natsuki:now give me an black tea


she leave 

jason:i presume she got probation due to her circutances

natsuki:correct she is serving three years,it stands to reason that i,an educator and attack mage in service to the nation should take her in,yes?,and it just happened i was on the market for a loyal maid

jason:make sense

aiz:soo where is gardos

natsuki:there's no need,there's no need for you four to catch him.dispite appearances,vastle is a monster,who's said to be the one closest to the progenitors,

jason:soo you believe what he said is bullshit

natsuki:yes and the black death emperor faction can't do anything,the acient weapon they've been looking for isn't even usable


natsuki:soo you know

jason:i have people who tell me things

natsuki narrow her eyes

natsuki:{the only ones who can know either are thoses an the investigation the black faction and....then}

natsuki:yes a weapon of the gods,said to have destroyed countless was disccovetd among acient ruins,but a company called kanou alcheical industry,smuggled it along with a stone table explain how to use it

gebura:soo the facction arrive to the island to obtain that super weapon and use it agaist valder?

natsuki:when you consider they goait's natural that they wound want it for that purpose,

jason:soo there is an super weapon who suppse to take out civilizations out there and the faction is look every sector to find along with the person who can undestand the stone table to activate that weapon..did you even have an lead of where is it?

natsuki:beats me,it's already been stolen,


natsuki:there's no need to worry linguists and magic organiations all over the world have tried to analize it but theycound't even begin to decipher it,the researcher who assisted in the decryption is already in custody, and there's no indication that nalakuvera has been removed from the island,the island guard is already searching hiw and low for its hiding place and i've informed that something fitting its descrition was found in a corner of the subfloat,i was just on my way there,just so you know it won't do you any good to interfere

jason:even trough you running agaist the clock before glados make his move and mild have an chance the island goes to blitz if dimitry face him?

natsuki:yes and olso akatsuki jason shouldn't you worry more about youseft?


natsuki:yes he has already devoured two high-ranking,second generation vampire elders,so careful he doesn't get his fangs into you too

jason:believe me i always be on guard with that man as i know i can't trust him


himeragi:then we take out leave

natsuki:wait akatsuki jason..i need to talk with you alone


he look the girls with nod as they leave himeragi was last as she was worried

jason:i be fine don't worry

himeragi nod and leave the room

jason:soo sensei what you

he feel something under him and see an magic circle on his feet


an blick he was an the trone room of the main base of shadow garden

jason:what is

natsuki:suprise to see you own room..shadow

jason was quiet and turn to see natsuki seat on the trone

jason:how you figure out

natsuki:je nice with the act as the unlucky guy who got an the cross fire,but i have suspicous mosty about the recent attacks to the faction by an unknow group who is say..."we lurk an the shadows and hunt an the shadows"..besides

she look astarte

natsuki:when i find her after you call me to pick her i notice she suffer spams and when i examine her i find out traces of strong magic..combine with you familiar i mild trough it was you familiar but i anazlize it closing and find traces of strong magic..soo i check the previous areas you been during summer vacation

jason:it can't be..the distance just too far you get an couple have teleportation

natsukI:good guess..yeah and do some dig up and find out about shadow garden and you been the leader

jason:even you did dig up how you will find the info since is very secret

natsuki:i have my ways{mosty use my magic to go back to the past to see the events} jason explain to me why you plan to do 

jason sight as he summor his shadow crimson outfit

jason:well sensei the reason i create is to fight the shadow brokers out there as you know this they are the ones who pull strings an anything,politics,wars,anything i know this..soo i know if my exitances came to know...they will hunt me no stop and no one i know will be safe no matter what,soo i plan to take thoses shadow brokers who want to control the world or cause chaos..and i became the one left stading..soo an least an case i get expose i have an back up plan

natsuki was suprise with his plan

natsuki:well i give you credit you sure think far ahead you sure change an lot

jason:yeah i did..soo what now

natsuki:well i won't do nothing but you will keep me tabs of all shadow garden operations

jason:only if you let me have members an you police force

natsuki:don't have then already?

jason:not with you aroud i sure you will notice something is wrong

natsuki:fair enough

she snap her fingers as they were back an the office

natsuki:you can go

jason:right olso if you want to meet the rest..go misuboshi and tell the password

natsuki:i already know guess i not suprise..say sensei


jason:i was wonder can you train me?

natsuki raise an eyebrown

natsuki:train you?

jason:yeah an you magic style i mean you witch of the void soo.maybe i can learn an thing or two from you

natsuki:..back then i will say no..but i keep it mild

jason:thanks{she must have something else because we be very cautious with anything..soo she must use her void powers..if i obtain sure help an lot}

he trough the last part and leave

natsuki:..he interesting

she said with an smile

back to jason

he meet with the girls


himeragi:what happen?

jason:sensei want to asnwer some questions sorry she make me promize not tell

aiz:i see

gebura:soo now what

jason:i sure the faction won't give up easy they sure gonnad find out the person who can know about the table stone

himeragi:but sensei say

jason:There could be others outside of thoses groups who can fix it


jason:....asagi is one of then..she succend

the girls gasp

aiz:they will go after her

jason:let's just pray she doesn't

himeragi:soo about dimitri i see why you don't trust him

jason:yeah i can fight him the problem was the familiars.he have an lot and there is mine who are little rebelious you want to do ..

jason:the drinking

himeragi nod

jason:look himeragi i can't take too much of you blood you mild end up die and even if i been careful i leave you an weak state it mild cause you trouble

himeragi:that is good point

gebura:what about me

jason:same problem but you manage to withstand it an least

aiz:and me..i mean you never drink my blood soo

jason:.are you willing to do soo


jason look himeragi

jason:are you okay himeragi?

himeragi:huh why ask me?

jason:she is you friend himeragi i want to make sure there is no hard feeling between us

himeragi:oh..i see..well i okay if aiz is willing to do it

jason:all right i take aiz blood later when there is no students aroud i don't want cause an massive panic 

gebura:yeah that would be an disaster

aiz:soo about the weapon..who can help us

jason:i know someone

himeragi:silver? shikigarmi?

himeragi:i am you observe

jason:himeragi an this point that line is like you catchphase


as the group talk an bird was watch then


asagi:you want me to investigate something?


asagi:does that girl himeragi,aiz or gebura have any to do with it?

jason:no more like persona investigation


jason:something about nalakuvera 

asagi was surpise hear that


jason:you know?{dammit she must solve the table stone}

asagi stand up

asagi:very well i sort of feel up to it,so i'll go with you

jason:.all right

the duo leave the room as jason look yaze an the corner of his eyes with an narrow look

yaze:..that looks it means something serious..

he put his headphones

yaze:all right jason what you know

he said as he close his eyes to focus an track to find then an

yaze:student council?

yaze hack the keypad of the student council door and open it

jason:you sure have skils quiet scary what you can do 

asagi:cut it out you're embarrasing me.

she said with blush

asagi:besides,isn't there anything else you could compliment me on?

jason:well aside the hair style and eyes and that uniform from the other day?

asagi blush more.. as both enter as asagi use one of the computers

asagi:kanou alchemical it is pretty weak security we go in from here and..this looks like the file

as both see ed squematics of somesort of machine

jason:soo that is nalakuvera?

asagi:an artifact unearthed in a dormant state at the end of the 20th century,inorganic life form..biological weapon...

jason:{an weapon the terrorist are willing to die for..huh}

but then both hear something coming

asagi:crap! hide!

both hide under the desk

???:is anyone there?

jason:dammit you should close the door

he whisper as asagi shush him...olso they were very close due to be under the desk and the space is ..small as jason sight

asagi:be quiet

jason nod as he can see her blush and notice the earling

jason:there earlings suits you

asagi:took you long enouh to notice,stupid jason

jason:i notice then..i just i didn't metion thoses are the ones i broght for you

asagi smile and look at him

asagi:they look good on me huh?

jason:..yeah is beatiful with you on it and the blush

the door close while asagi blush hard and look away as jason chulke

jason:and you reactions are cute too

asagi:s..shut up

jason smile at her as asagi look at jason


asagi give him an kiss an the lips

jason:..that was

asagi:for notice it the earlings

jason:there is something else do you?

asagi:i tell you when i have more confidence

jason:i been waiting{soo asagi like me..what an twist}

an that moment he look to see the same bird pass by

jason:{looks like i give that woman more reason to kill me}


the duo were an the school rooftop sitting on the bench

jason:sorry for make you skip class

asagi:nah is okay don't worry,more importantly what was that thing? it said it ws a acient besquest

jason:i still not sure but for the looks of it a stone table with acient explaining how to use the weaoppn was found recenlty,

asagi:acient text?....

jason:asagi did you know something

asagi:no i'm gonnad go buy something to drink

jason:all right bring me one as well


she leave as jason was alone

jason:i alone.....yeah i know what is goin to happen next

he stand up and look aroud where i she

he look but then

jason:!! above!

he look above and see kirasaka coming down with her sword


he act fast and move to avod an slash as kirasaka land, jason take chance to dash toward her and give an punch an the face push her back as she slide and hit the wall as she recover

jason:sloopy next time try to be more faster

sayaka:quiet,criminal!,on top of following yukina aroud,you've taken her blood..that cute,beatiful neck of hers

jason:okay lady first off...why i brother to talk to you ,,you won't listen anyways i slike talk to an wall

sayaka dash toward him with her sword ready


but jason use the slime to create gautles as he block the sowrd strike


he cover his right hand an thunder and push her as sayaka send fly and hit the fence as she recover

jason:fine..if you won't listen to worlds..then i let the fist do the talking

he have his body cover of dark and red lighting

jason:let you know..i soo easy to die

sayaka:i don't care you will die!,how are you violate my yukina that way!?

jason:that is just low blow what you said

he said with narrow look

sayaka:you lide you lips down her neck,breather on her nibble on her flesh

jason:you have an wild imagination

sayaka:and yet you go aroud flriting with another woman!,disguesting fourth progenitor scum like you isn't a progenitor at all

jason:ja you said that when you didn't face the fith one..he sure will destroy you an blick of eye and he won't just as merciful as i am

sayaka:if not for you,she would never face any danger,she'd have no reason to fight that combat deacon from lotharingia or the survivors of the black death empepor faction saying yukina should let all thoses inocent people die..among then one my friends....yeah..that is gonnad happen and you call youseft an friend you are possesive bitch who doesn't know nothing about yukina like i am that goes with aiz!

sayaka:shut up you exitance hurt then to my only friends i have!

jason:..if you really they friend they should know they willing to give they lifes soo people like me and you survive to see another die

sayaka:shut up!

she charge toward him as and swing her blade but jason block the strike and give an leg sweep suprise sayaka as he follow up wth an thunder punch as sayaka send fly and jason chase as sayaka recover and dodge an kick as she counter but an blick jason dissapear an blood mist


he appear above her and give axe kick an the head as she hit the ground hard as jason land

jason:ready to give up?

sayakanever until you die

she said stand up

jason:well if that is the case then i don't need to hold back

he said as slime cover him as sayaka was an shock

sayaka:what the?!

the slime take form of cid's outfit once again as sayaka eyes widen

sayaka:wait that are with the fith progenitor?!

jason:no..this is just an gift from him to keep me alive...and guess gonnad be an good opponet to test this suit out

sayaka:that won't change anything

jason:we see about that

he said as he got the gautles ready as he summor blades on the suit's forearms

{think like batman arkharm if you want the image}

sayaka begin to attack with her sword as jason block her as sayaka swing again as jason block with the blades as lock the sword between then as use his free hand to punch her an the face as sayaka counter with an kick but jason caugh her leg as he kick her back push her away as sayaka lost her weapon as it was stuck between jason's forearms blades as he grab her blade sword can cut trough space..mild as well add that upgrade to my sword

he said and trhow the blade back at sayaka and fell an front of her

jason:come on pick it up

sayaka quick grab her blades and begin to attack again as jaosn block and parry the attack as he then caugh the blade with his hands and lauch sayaka toward the wall leave an crack as she spill blood and look back to see jason about to punch her but she dodge and take chance to knee him an the gut and try to cut his neck but jason grab her arm as the blade was inches away from his neck

sayaka:just die!

jason:i don't think soo

he act fast use his legs to quicky run the wall and jump from it to create momentu as both roll and jason grab and  lauch sayaka toward the fence the force manage to break the fence as there was an fall down below


but sayaka act fast and grab the edge as she look down to see the broke fence hit the ground below

sayaka:{dammit he is stronger than i trough but i can't give up}

she trough and climb back up and look back to see jason

jason:i give you credit you percistent

sayaka:then how about give up soo i can kill you and end this quicky

jason:ja an you dreams woman

sayaka charge toward jason

jason:it ends here

there was an burst of mana as jason hit sayaka and push her back as he then turn himseft into red and black lighting and head toward her

jason:is over!

jason look back sayaka on the ground hurt and uncosious

jason sight 

jason:you ask for this 

he said walk away but


he caugh an mana arrow

jason:did you think that will work

he turn aroud to see sayaka who was just shot the arrow on the ground as she manage to stand up

sayaka:i..won't..stop..until..i end this is..all you fault..anything is you fault if you didn't exist none of this happen

jason:you mild right...but then again if wasn't..thoses lifes an the north island will be on the news as many of families will be have to bear with it..besides i didn't choose to become this..but yet here i am..but i do my best to use his power for good

sayaka:..shut up...SHUP UP!!

she charge toward him as jason was ready to block




but someone else did..and that someone was aiz



she push sayaka away

aiz:why you doing

sayaka:i was ..just


the group look to see himeragi,gebura and...asagi

jason:{oh no..}

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