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there was an boy walking toward an zone

jason:hmm the seither zone should be here

he see an destroy caudron

jason:hmm there is no record of caudrons mild be useful to shadow garden

as he got close as the caudron activate


larget amounts of seither appear and cover jason as he feel weak much...seither....

he try to run away but he lost his strnegh as he fell to his knees


he fell uncosious as the seither cover him as drag him inside the caudron

another scene show jason with his eyes close until h hear an voice

???:wake up.....wake up..hey wake up!!

jason open his eyes and look to see an young girl

jason:who are you?

nagisa:you kidding really don't reconize you sister

jason:{could be}oh really what is my sister name

nagisa:is nagisa akatsuki are you okay?

jason:..yeah i fine..sis

another scene show jason an rooftop

jason:i got transfer to an new world...and looks like i have to start from zero i have my weapon and the seither body suit and my magic is weak now..

he said check his palm and have low magic i need to adapt and became an eminece in the shadows like my ancestor i winder what this world contain

another scene jason look an the mirror

jason:i mild look human but i can definity feel the vampire side on me...but nagisa is full human as well..soo what happen to me?..any way

he look his hand

jason:i dig up and take full advatage as well train..maybe i should collect materias and probaly make shadow garden as well

another scene jason capture slimes as the creatures were deep scare as jason smile

jason:hey little friends you be extremely good for my experiments

another scene show jason talking with someone an the alley

???:i find something about you

jason:what is it

???:you are the current primogenitor the last one was by the name of avrora


he feel pain on the head

???:you okay?!

jason:this..looks like someone block my memories...about her...looks like i need to dig up...what else about this primogenitor?

???:is considere the strongest vampire who power is above an army..but with you is even behold lord shadow

jason:i see..

???:but olso i got reports of groups search for you...they considere you an treat

jason:well then

he look his hand as magic flow

jason:better came prepare because i won't fall easy

another scene we see jason talk with asagi

asagi:hey you been busy lately what you be up to

jason:stuff why 

asagi:hmm that is odd

jason:soo{besides i need to get allieds if mutiple countries}

asagi:yeah but olso lately you been have high grades and been more good than usual an sports

jason:well i want to be better is that an problem

asagi:not really{jason sure change}

another scene show jason walking and notice be follow

jason:{soo they make the first move}

another scene jason was an the alley confrot the person as it turn out to be an girl

jason:unless i reseblem someone you must be from one of the organizations after me soo explain you buisness and answer right because

he use slime suit to summor an sword

jason:it won't end well

yukina:i yukina himeragi from the lion king association.i have no hostile intend

jason:then why you here for..i know is for me but what exalty

yukina:to observe you to see if you treat if you are been eliminated

jason:oh really..did you think have the power to do

yukina:i mild but the question is will you become an treat?

jason:...fair enough as for you answer i have no intention to destroy the world if that is what you ask

yukina:still i have to obserb you

jason:very well

another scene show jason taking someone an buiding

???:is odd the organization send one girl to observe and her weapon is not enough to take you out

jason:is another reason then either she doesn't know or is well hide it but that girl is air head like an child

???:i see soo you have enough power

jason:i not yet and more with the headaches but it won't stop me besides be an progenitor have his pros

???:yeah is presume you power is above anything along with you magic as well you regenerations is imposible to be kill

jason:perfect..thoses organizations think can have the uppehand but i show then i am along with shadow garden

???:of course lord shadow..but there is other treas as well

jason:if that is the case

another scene show jason face astarte as the later charge at him

jason:better be prepare for the pain

another scene jason meet dimitri

dimitri:ahh i can feel avrora soul and precense is been long while i see her

jason:how exalty you know her

dimitri:..we were lovers

jason:you?..lover of avrora?..i douth you even her type

dimitri:even soo i can smell her blood on you body

she point yukina was suprise as another girl who was with her was an shock

sayaka:{no it can't be...}

dimitri:olso another smell i not familiar

yukina was suprise

another scene one of seven shadows an front of jason

???:lord shadow please drink my blood if that is the way to get stronger i am the most suit for it

jason:you sure of know what it goes after right

bianca:yes i am aware go ahead lord shadow

jason nod as he bite bianca neck and drink her blood as the later grunt an the feeling as jason can feel the power 

another scene jason an the school rooftop as he look up and see someone coming down with an sword


he block with his hand cover an slime armor as he push the assaliant to reveal sayaka

jason:you..what you doing here..

sayaka:shut up..this is all you fault you dare to steal the blood yukina and other girl ..her beatiful neck

jason:...and i trough i see enough weirdos..but anyways you plan to kill me

sayaka:yes! you will die progenitor

jason:if you think is gonnad be that easy

slime cover his body as he have new outfit on

sayaka was an shock

sayaka:who who are you

jason:i am shadow the one who lurker an the darkness who take the corruption and thoses who bring destrution to the world and thoses who dare to be an my path..and you are one of then soo

he summor his sword and got ready

jason:prepare youseft

another scene jason with yukina

yukina:sempai what you hide

jason:hide what exalty

yukina:you been secrety and been meet people hide something

jason:soo what if i hide something what you did

yukina:depends will be an treat

jason:to the people our enemies...yes

yukina:what you plan sempai

jason:...who knows

another scene show jason and yukina meet la folia

and another scene jason meet natsuki

natsuki:jason what you planing


natsuki:don't hide it i have info of individuas who seems like work with you soo what are you planing


natsuki:who are you ..this is something even you can't manage

jason:believe it natsuki even i don't know

another scene jason an front of aya

aya:you think you can defeat i have all an my favor i will enjoy you kill you slowing as anything dear to you is death..tell me what cherie you the must soo i  can take it away

jason:there is nothing i cheerish .besides you not the only one who have an hidden plan

aya:what you mean

jason:i mean this

aya was an shock 

aya:that you

jason-avrora:now is time to put the end to existence! soo get ready!

jason-avrora:because this ends right here right now!!!

strike the blood:the shadow progenitor

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