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Min Yoongi

"So, what do you say, wanna get crunk tonight?"

"I think I'm gonna pass this time" Yoongi grumbled, tossing some Christmas decor carelessly on the shelves, as if to restock it.

"Come on." Jungkook whined, "You always pass on outings! Do you even have a social life that's not me or the managers anymore?" He reached over Yoongi's head from his spot behind him and started fixing the decor, to make it look presentable.

"I've had the same schedule since I came in my first day on the job 'Kook, take a wild fuckin' guess." Yoongi slung the last wreath on he shelf from the small shopping cart beside him and ducked under Jungkook's arm. It was nearly the end of his shift, so he was going to go ahead and pack up for home.

It was true, other than going out to the grocer with Hoseok or seeing the occasional movie alone, Yoongi's life was pathetic. The same routine in an endless circle felt safe for him though. If he never took any risks or stepped slightly out of his comfort zone, there would be no problems. Boredom perhaps, but he could always fill that with some snacks and Netflix binging as he listened to Hoseok's endless tea.

It was for the best. Having no hobbies either contributed to the amount of dry, disgruntled conversations he would wind up in with strangers if he did ever decide to be 'wild and savage' or get 'crunk' as the kids called it.

5 years had turned him into a deadbeat grandpa.

"The spot is still open!" Jungkook eagerly called after him.

Yoongi tsked and signed out for the day.


"Dude we should totally go!" Hoseok bounced beside him on the couch, wailing like a pubescent teen, voice cracks and all. "We, meaning you drive me there and leave after 5 minutes of course. You're Mr.No Fun so I can't expect too much out of you." He giggled.

During one of Hobi's after-class rants, the topic of the party Jungkook was inviting him to just happened to come up. Yoongi was stuck denying him, shaking his head as he slurped up noodles from a styrofoam bowl.

"Please, please, please, please, please, please~."

"No" His low, noodle muffled voice, said.

"Pretty please with a cherry and sprinkles on top?"

"Nope." Yoongi denied yet again, popping the P and taking a stab at his noodles.

"Yoongi~ pleas-"

"I'll go, now will you shut the fuck up and let me enjoy my Queer Eye?" Yoongi finally gave in. Jonathan was giving good tips and he didn't want to miss them because of Hoseok's annoying pleading.


Yoongi, not seeing how this was such an accomplishment, as his plan was to drop him off and leave, ignored him and grabbed the remote. As he was turning up the volume, the loose-sleeved grey sweater he was wearing exposed his left wrist to the world.

If that description isn't dramatic enough, Hoseok, being the extra ass he was, topped it.

"YOONGI!" He yelled as soon as he spied the wrist. Hobi yanked the remote out of Yoongi's hand and ripped his hand from its former position, onto his lap. He turned the pale arm over and gritted his teeth as he stared down at it. "Care to explain what this is?"

Hoseok's suddenly enraged motherly tone stunned Yoongi for a moment.

"I swear to god-"

"Calm your tits Hoseok, it's just a scar." Yoongi sighed at his friend, who looked even more concerned than before at that comment.

Hobi bit his lip, "I'm here to talk you know, you don't have to do this to yourself-"

Yoongi realized what he was implying and cut him off for the second time, "No no no, it's from that weird ass pain I was having a month or so back, dumbass."  He whipped his arm out of Hoseok's clutches and rubbed the healing scars along his wrist and small finger tenderly.

The sunshine looked relieved, "Thank the almighty." He processed what Yoongi said and his eyebrow cocked up, "Damn, that actually cut you?"

"Yeah, I still don't know what the actual fuck it was. It started bleeding during work and then the pain never came back." Yoongi shrugged and reached over for the remote again. Although he meant well, Hobi was really over the top about things. Nobody would expect it but Yoongi loved him regardless.

Hoseok suddenly gasped and scrambled over to his phone on a side table to check the time.

"Get your sexy clothes on loser, it's time to fuckin' party."



Y'all are understanding everything right?

Give yourself a compliment, give your tummy a pat, make a weird ass inhuman noise, and show a huge grin. Now go get some water cause fuck yeah hydration.

- Nove ❤️

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