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Min Yoongi

After the incident in the car on that one fateful day of third grade, Yoongi gave up on finding his soulmate.

He had no string after all, so it wasn't like there was a soulmate to find.

Instead he spent his days doing repetitive tasks. Studying, eating, sleeping, walking, breathing, living, they were all part of the exciting life of Min Yoongi.

Old friends would invite him out on occasion to go to clubs and bars with their partners, most of the time he would politely decline. Deciding that saving money and using time to work on his musical dream and other personal projects was better than leading a fulfilling life.

The one time he did take part in any interesting activities was when his buddy Namjoon let him tag along with him and his soulmate Jackson to a shady club in one of the most beat up areas of Seoul.

That shitty ass excuse for an exclusive nightclub had brought Yoongi probably the best thing that was going to happen over the course of his lifetime.

It brought him his best friend, Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok, or Hobi as Yoongi preferred to call him, was working as a bartender and occasional performer there. Barely getting paid enough to buy himself a snack from the very place he worked 42 hours a week.

5 years later, bringing us to the present day, they were moved in together and Yoongi hadn't done something like that since.

Yoongi slowly became blind to the passing of time, to having fun, and even to his own passions. He gave up on music and now works at a boring hardware and home improvement store, a job he only got because he happened to know Jackson, who was the heir to the business.

He convinced himself it was for the best, and that his life was at its peak.

Yes, peak, being housed in an apartment too small to have separate bedrooms, and working at a job where he was only tasked to restock and man the checkout counter.

Peak. Min Yoongi, so blind, that to him bumping into a shelf of paint cans and knocking them onto the floor, watching them spill their multicolored contents all over the floor, was a peak lifestyle.

"YOONGI!" Jungkook, his younger coworker yelled. All Yoongi could hear was the squeaking of Jungkook's rubbery tennis shoes on the polished concrete floor as his gaze was fixated on the paint puddle steadily growing, mixing to create interesting combinations and probably staining the floor while it's at it.

"Yoongi hyung what the fuck did you do?" Jungkook grumbled as he ran his hand through his chestnut hair, frustrated that Yoongi was probably going to be let off the hook for this, and Jungkook would be stuck cleaning it up.

Blinking, Yoongi snapped out of his stupor and shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't mean to, sorry Kook." He said flatly and began to walk away, planning on enjoying his upcoming meal break napping in the staff room.

"Hell no, you get back here hyung. You're cleaning this one up." Jungkook turned on his heel and stomped towards Yoongi, grabbing ahold of the back of his shirt collar and attempting to drag him back to the puddle.

Yoongi turned his head slightly to look Jungkook in the eye and raised an eyebrow, "Maybe I should be calling you hyung, you sure act like you can boss me around like one." Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Jungkook to threaten him. Giving off a 'try me bitch' vibe, even with cotton nose plugs stuck up his nostrils from that morning.

Letting go of his collar, Jungkook muttered an apology and let Yoongi continue his lethargic journey to the staff room.

Practically wanting to pull his hair out of his skull, Jungkook spun to look at the mess and sighed at the amount it had spread during his short talk.

It was going to take forever to mop this up.


An alarm blared in Yoongi's ears for the second time that day, only this time it was from his phone. He thought twice before slamming it to the ground.

His hands stretched high above his head and he yawned, getting up and walking through the kitchenette area of the jade and white staff room to continue the last hours of his work day.

Just as he came out, a little chime came from the front door of the shop. Indicating another customer had arrived or one had left.

Yoongi didn't take his chances and picked up the pace on his stroll to the checkout counter.

He sat down on the slightly uncomfortable but cushioned stool hidden behind the counter and unconsciously checked his phone as he waited for a customer to appear.

Might as well admire the fabulous puke colored walls of the store and random knick knacks being sold on mini wire shelves on top of, and next to, the check out station.

He spun around on the cushy stool a couple times.

Then a couple more.

And a couple more....





Yoongi shook his dizzy head and looked up at the new figure that had approached the checkout counter.

He had a huge basket full of lawn decor, fluffy light brown hair, cute droopy dark chocolate eyes, soft looking rose colored lips, and a blush going from the collar of his tight white and black striped shirt to the tops of his cheek bones.

If Yoongi wasn't visibly drooling over this guy's beauty at this point he must have had major self control.

It's a shame we weren't soulmates. Yoongi pouted and returned back to reality.

He began grabbing items from the basket the man had set to the side and scanning them with practiced speed.

He may not know what most of the things in the store do but he can sure scan those little shits faster than Lightning McQueen can cross a finish line.

Yoongi ignored the pulsing of his left pinky and the anxious shifting of weight from leg to leg of the handsome stranger.

Out of an impulse of curiosity Yoongi cleared his throat and looked up at the man. "Hey, what's your name?"

The stranger ran a hand through his hair, bracelets around his wrist sliding down his forearm.

The awkward question had obviously caught him off guard, but it'd be rude to make any attempt at dodging such a straightforward question.

With a pulsing pinky and a soft blush, he opened his mouth to answer.

"Jimin, P-Park Jimin."



Sorry if it's seemed a bit boring but things should be getting interesting soon.

I hope you all are having good days. ❤️


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