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Okay Charlie, you wanted me to post and it got to 5 VEIWS so... 😍💕😜 Here it is her first day at the warehouse!

His words were all a blur. My vision was spinning. My head was a painful mess. I felt somebody shake my shoulders violently. I managed to blink and open my eyes before having to squint to let my sight re focus. It was the boy from the van. He looked down at me and a look of relief swept across his face. I sat up. He didn't have to duct tape around his mouth anymore an his neck had stopped bleeding around his neck.
"Are you okay?" He asked, as he started into my blue eyes.
"I-" I am cut off by a sharp pain that ran all the way up my cheeks. I hold my hands over my face in pain.
He bites down hard on his cracked and dry lip. He grabbed a piece of smashed glass off the cold floor. There was small shards lying around everywhere. He passed it to my as if it were a tiny mirror. I took it and turned my head to face him. I didn't want to look in the mirror, I knew it was going to be bad.
"Go on.." He said quietly, looking down.
I took a deep breath and nodded my head. I stared at the reflection. I had been sewn all the way from my mouth to the sides of my bruised and cut face. It took me a moment to realise. My mouth gently dropped open. Tears started to boil in my eyes, what had happened. I let out a small cry as I closed my eyes. My head fell into my chest as I felt a tear fall into the piece of glass I was holding in my weak hand. I felt a small hand place itself onto my shoulder, I look up and see the boy half smiling at me.
"What... Happ... end..." I say as I clench my teeth together, trying to block out the painful burn.
"Well..." The boy begun " The man came in, he told us that this was our new home, everyone else was awake..." I guessed he meant the other 2 people who were in the van. " Except you, he suddenly went into this rage, but you wouldn't wake up he then grabbed a needle and thread out of his pocket and started sewing your mouth... He then went on..." I could see his body jerk awkwardly.
"He raped us" He said, as he looked around at the other two bodies.
I stared at him.
"Oh my god.." I manage to say, I could see his eyes feel with fear. I took his hand off my shoulder and turned his focus back onto me.
"Oh and by the way, my name is Tal" he says, trying to change the subject. I see a small smile flick onto his face. It makes me feel safe, like yesterday. And this morning.
"I'm Sofie" I say, I would probably smile but, it's kind of hard when you have thread sewn all the way up the side of your face. Suddenly I hear foot steps and the key turn of a rusty door on the opposite side of the warehouse. I see him as he opens the door, he has cuts and scars all over his face. He walks over to us. I felt Tal move in front of me.
I see the man smirk. His eyes are sparking with pure evil.
"It's sleepy head" he laughs, stepping towards me.
I look down.
"Sofie.. I believe" He says as he bends down , to my height where I am sitting on the floor. How did he know my name? He must have been watching me... He must have been watching all of us. I keep my eyes fixed to the floor, I avoid eye contact with him.
"You're going to have to pull that thread out, or it will get infected" He smirks. I cringe. Eventually he realises that I am not going to answer him and he pushes himself up and turns around.
"Okay my little puppets, bath time"
I hear Tal gulp next to me. I am too scared to move.

Thanks for reading! I am not going to revel too many facial details about "the man" hope you guys enjoyed! This took me a while, please add to your reading list so you are ready for my next chapter! :)

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