Part Eleven (Flashback)

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*Back in Sofie's home town.

"She's still missing!?" Exclaimed Caroline.
"Yeah, I'm afraid so," sadly said the police officer "We  have our best detectives on the case though and the day we find out we will tell you."
Carline sighed, tears bubbled in her eyes as she stared around at the millions of missing posters that spread around that small town.
All she wanted was to see Sofie again.
"Thank you officer" she said pressing her palms across her eyes.
"No problem," he began "Also do you mind coming in for an interview this afternoon, just ask you a few questions about Sofie,"
As much as Caroline couldn't bare the thought she nodded her head.

"Well, I'll be off then Hun," he says swinging his car door open, "Come around to the Police Station about 1:00"
"Okay, sure!" She says, waving as the officer reversed out of her driveway. 
Caroline sighed as she plonked herself down on a wooden bench. Fighting back tears as she though about the last time she saw her. As questions puzzled through her head Se curled up into a small ball and rested her tired head into her knees.
The long vibration of her phone went off in her pocket, she slowly pulled it out of her back pocket, it's bright screen flashing into immediant life. It was a text from an Umknown person.
The text read:

Do you want little Sofie back?

Or you could leave my secret for the police to crack.

Come an fetch your all so sweet, meet me now on Puppet Street.

Caroline stared at the text, not knowing what to do. As much as Se wanted to see Sofie, she dismissed it as a prank, and quickly slide over it and pressed the red delete button. Sofie had been all over the news, anyone could have typed that and plus, where  hell is puppet street.

"Caroline dear," Came a sweet voice, "Is that you?"
She quickly looked up and shoved her phone back into her pocket. It was Sofies mum.
"Mrs. Donavard!" She said, trying to sound positive.
"Caroline!" She says, pulling Caroline into a tight hug, "what did the police say to you?" She said quietly.
"No sighs of her yet," she said, Mrs. Donavards face instantly drops "But," Carline says trying to sound happy "they have their best detectives on the case"
Mrs. Donavard managed a small smile.
"Well thanks for all your help the past few weeks with Sofie gone," she says, looking at Caroline shyly. "Sofies younger brother Max is really missing her," she says sadly.
"Well I better go," says Caroline, breaking the silence. "I have to get ready for the police station, they want to ask me some questions,"
Mrs. Donavard nods and starts making her way back to her small, blue car.
Caroline grabs her phone out of her back pocket as she slowly starts walking back to the house. She scrolls all the way to the bottom of her contacts, and clicks on Sofies missed name.
She laughs as she read trough the  last text Sofie had texted her. But her happiness instantly turned to sadness when she realised how long it had been.
Caroline sighed, and started writing.

Miss you Sofs xox

And clicked the small send button before bursting into tears.


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