chapter 10 | party pooper

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"It's been so long!"

"It really has!"

"How are you doing?"

"Just the usual. School is boring as always... and you?"

"I'm drunk, thank you. And who's this?"

"Ah, this is my friend and roommate."

"So nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Chayoung." The girl replied the drunk one that had welcomed her and Haneul at the door.

She had no clue to who the drunken girl was, but she guessed it was her party. Haneul seemed to know her at least.

Chayoung had never actually been to a party.

The closest she got was when her mother once bought balloons for her birthday. That, or the strip club, if you'd call that a party.

As mentioned, the girl never really had any true friends in school... and she never even went to high school.

At the time the girl was supposed to transfer to high school, her mother couldn't afford tuition and the girl suggested she could be home schooled instead. She didn't want her mother to feel bad and therefore said she'd always had a wish of being homeschooled.

Her mother went in on the idea. Her shifts were usually in the evening and night anyway, so she did the best to teach her daughter what she knew. However, it was mostly street smartness and not actual education material.

That was also why the girl had trouble in the college classes. She struggled with concentrating because the material was so heavy. Homework, assignments, projects... She hadn't been doing that since the age of 14, which was five years ago.

But Chayoung was happy back then to spend more time with her mother and make her less worried about how she did in school. Also, she was happy to avoid the exclusion she'd always received in school.

And she was never invited to a single party.

Which is why the girl nervously and quietly followed her roommate through the house.

She was used to being around drunk people and she didn't keep count of how many times she herself had drunk until she puked.

But that was different from this.

"Grab a drink." Haneul said as Chayoung just stood and watched her make a drink.

"I can just... take?" The girl was confused. The alcohol was free? She knew how expensive it could be and the only times she got it for free was when she seduced some guy at the club to buy a drink for her.

"Yeah." Haneul chuckled, "These people don't even remember who brought what. Knock yourself out."

Chayoung looked back at the counter filled with all sorts of liquor and sodas as well.

"Say less." She almost drooled which made Haneul laugh and Chayoung started laughing along before she grabbed the vodka and mixed it with sprite and found a straw.

The two girls found a comfortable spot in the corner of the kitchen to stand and talk while slowly sipping their drinks. Haneul noticed her roommates slightly tense position and decided to stay with her for a while until she got tipsy enough to let loose, or maybe even the whole night. But the girl had to be real. She was a lightweight. There was no way she was gonna be able to take care of Chayoung.

"So is Taehyung coming tonight?" Chayoung mused, a smirk creeping onto her lips.

"Maybe, I don't know and I don't care." Haneul shrugged indifferently.

What a big fat lie.

Haneul had told Chayoung about their relationship.

They'd been together for a few months, but Haneul broke it off, reasoning it that they were better off as friends. That's what she told Chayoung, but something didn't seem quite right. Because if that was the real reason... then why did Haneul seem angry with him? And why did she make the cheerleading squad only so Taehyung would notice her more?

It made no sense.

"But I know one specific person that is here tonight..." Haneul spoke, changing the attention from her unresolved and denied crush.

"Who?" Chayoung fell for it and was intrigued by her friend's raised brows and growing smirk.



Was it her blood rush or was it the alcohol that made her cheeks flush? She couldn't tell herself.

"Mhmm." Haneul sipped her drink but kept eye contact during it.

"Why are you looking and me like that?" Chayoung questioned, "And why did you say his name with such intensity?"

"Girl I don't know why you haven't made your move yet! He's hot for fuck's sake! And he clearly wants something to do with you since he asked you to be his partner!"

Chayoung rolled her eyes, "Yeah, he probably wants to fuck me like he wants to do with every other girl at school."

"So?" Haneul said, putting her now empty cup on the kitchen counter, "A good fuck is nothing to grumble about. Stop sulking."

Chayoung couldn't help but let out a fake chuckle. She was almost offended by that, when she remembered that Haneul didn't know all of her story. She didn't know she fucked for money. It wasn't her fault.

So instead she shrugged it off, "I'm not gonna be just another one of his chicks."

"Wanna be more than that?" Haneul wriggled her brows for the 10th time during this conversation. Damn she was a shipper.

"I never said that!" Chayoung exclaimed, "Men are gross. One day, I'll switch teams."

Haneul laughed at that, bringing up her empty cup, "Cheers to that."

Chayoung laughed along also bringing up her cup, cheering to the conversation coming to an end.

Haneul looked at her cup with a frown as if she hadn't just drunk the liquid inside it and that it had magically disappeared instead.

"Shit, I need more."


"Why didn't you tell me you'd come?"

"We haven't talked for a year, why should I?" Jungkook answered dryly.

The girl before him pouted her lower lip intentionally. He used to love that. But his usual smirk didn't appear this time.

"Exactly. We haven't talked in a year... didn't you miss me?"

"There's a reason we haven't, Dahlia."

Said girl rolled her eyes. She didn't understand what made Jungkook switch up so fast. It had only been a year since they were together. To Dahlia, he shouldn't be able to get over her so fast.

Yeah, she might've cheated on him and broken up with him because it was embarrassing being in college and having a boyfriend that was a year younger and in his last year of high school but... he had loved her hadn't he?

He must've missed her just a tiny bit.

"You're acting so cold. You know you don't have to hold back around me Kookie." She rolled her hair around her finger, trying to make him feel something. He used to love when she was seducing him.

"Listen Dahlia, I don't hold grudges against you. Our break-up didn't even hurt that much. But I don't wanna be friends either, so please just-"

"Jungkook don't lie to yourself. You miss me. My absence is evident in your features." She giggled, not thrown off by what Jungkook had said. She knew him and his pride. She just had to break through that.

Now that he was in college too, she wouldn't mind becoming his girlfriend again. Maybe, his reputation of becoming the first year's most popular boy within days had a role in the girl's want for him as well.

"I'm sorry for leaving you back then... it's just that, it was all so difficult for me.." The girl kept on talking, but her voice slowly died out as Jungkook's eyes fell on her and it all became tunnel vision.


Why was she here? Why did he not know?

And who was the guy she was talking to?

She stood in a new dress he hadn't seen before. This one was longer than the white she wore the other day, more plain and a lavender blush color, but it more so looked blue in the dim lights.

The guy she was talking to stood with his back facing Jungkook.

But really, he didn't pay attention to that but rather the girl's glowing appearance.

He stood watching for a while as his ex-girlfriend in front of him kept babbling on about how much Jungkook missed her. She'd always had a big mouth. It would most definitely be hard to get rid of her tonight...

But something completely worried Jungkook as he watched Chayoung's expression change and a slight flinch going through her.

He noticed the guy's hand that was stroking against her thigh, riding up it and down again in a slow pace.

He noticed Chayoung's tight grip on the counter next to her and how whenever she didn't talk, she bit her lip as if she was nervous.

"Jungkook! Are you listening?" Dahlia called out and Jungkook looked at her and nodded, which made her continue.

His eyes quickly drew back to Chayoung. She looked uncomfortable.

Jungkook shouldn't care.

But he did and when the guy in front of Chayoung ran his hand up to her chin, swiping his thumb across the frozen girl's lips, he couldn't stand back and watch anymore.

And when he approached her, he heard her almost whining 'don't' and it provoked him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jungkook grabbed the guy's shoulder, turning him around.

"Jungkook." Chayoung called out when the boy interrupted her conversation, seeming somewhat agitated to the girl's surprise.

Jungkook simply meant to tell the guy to walk away and leave it at that, but the face that met him ruined all plans of just a peaceful talk about respect.

The guy with a silver-ish hair color's mouth slowly curved into a mischievous smirk.

"Jungkook." The guy mused, patting the slightly taller guy on the back.

Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to suppress his desire to punch the guy right in the face and rather solve this verbally, "Whatever you're doing here, stop it and get the fuck away from her." Jungkook's words were aggressive. But at least they were words.

The silver haired guy laughed, pulling a hand through his hair.

"Why, is she your girlfriend?" The guy looked from the girl now standing behind Jungkook and back to Jungkook whose eyebrows were scrunched together in a very displeased expression.

"No." Jungkook answered plainly and very quickly.

"Then... I don't see why I wouldn't go for her." The guy let out yet another laugh that turned into a low chuckle. It was like he dared Jungkook. Tried to provoke him or whatever.

"She doesn't look comfortable, does she?" Jungkook reasoned.

He wasn't really jealous. Chayoung could do whatever she wanted with whoever she liked. It was none of his concern. But, he did not like the expression she'd worn and after knowing who she was talking to, he couldn't wait to get that guy the furthest away from her as possible.

"Maybe, she should've thought about that before choosing such a slutty outfit-"

The guy's words came to a halt as Jungkook's clenched fist met his cheek in a hard blow.

Chayoung behind Jungkook gasped and took a step away from the scene. She did not expect that.

The aggressive tone in Jungkook's voice had startled the girl. She had wanted to step in between the two, but she was scared of crossing the line. She was scared of what the silver haired guy would say...

The punched guy straightened his back. He swiped his lower lip and smirked when he saw the blood on his thumb. Yet another chuckle left his lips, one that continued through his next words.

"Wow Jungkook... You really want that slut?"

Jungkook punched the guy again and he fell to the ground. The brunette boy saw the chance to sit on top of him, holding him firmly against the ground.

The knocked down guy still wore that stupid smile. Was he crazy? Or had Jungkook just not punch him hard enough yet?

No matter what it was, Jungkook just wanted to punch that stupid smile off his face right this instant.

A small crowd started gathering around the boys on the ground and the girl a few steps behind them.

But Jungkook didn't care. He raised his arm, clenched his fist and with full force he—

"Jungkook stop!"

A small, warm hand placed around his wrist at the same time the girl's voice sounded.

He turned his face, meeting the girl's distressed expression.

"Dad, what are you doing?" The teenage boy's words were shaky as he watched his father sitting on top of another man, holding the gun that Jungkook himself just brought him.

This was supposed to be business. Jungkook was supposed to go with his dad to a meeting where he would make a deal with someone. Jungkook's father was a business man.

But it turned out that this business was something else.

Because when Jungkook woke up from his nap in the car, they weren't anywhere near something that would look like an office his father would work in. It much rather seemed like a rubbish dump.

And when his father exited the car and told Jungkook to follow him to the trunk, he pulled out small bags filled with powder.

Jungkook knew immediately what it was. But he didn't believe his eyes at first.

His father was a business man as far as Jungkook knew... he was no drug dealer, right?

The boy however didn't dare to say anything as another man turned up and his father started dealing.

He didn't really listen to the conversation. Lots of other thoughts went through his head... now it made much more sense why his father sometimes came home with stacks of cash and other times nothing.

His father suddenly raised his voice. Something about the other man not bringing enough money, was what Jungkook figured. The other guy was already knocked to the ground, his father taken a seat on his torso. His father was mad and the madness was evident on his face as the man turned around to his son, telling him to get the gun in the glove box.

Jungkook didn't budge at first. He was frozen.

But his father screamed at him again to get the gun and Jungkook did it this time.

The boy knew his father was an aggressive and impulsive person. He was only 15 years old, yet he'd received far more blows than he should've... and experienced more as well. But he never knew otherwise, so that was just normal for him.

But he knew that this was not.

"Dad please don't." Jungkook cried but he was told to shut up and he did.

"Is that your son?" Jungkook heard the man on the ground speaking, "You brought your son to a fucking dealing? Only an idiot would do that."

His father started yelling and the guy beneath him answered with serene words, but Jungkook heard none of it.

It sunk into him that his father was a drug dealer and that it wasn't a mistake that he brought his son here... he wanted Jungkook to get into the business as well, didn't he?

But the boy was just 15... and despite his tough childhood with lots of beating and not much solicitude he knew that he did not want to become anything like his father who in that very moment pulled the trigger and a faint shot sounded.

It had a silencer on it as well. His father had thought this through. He just killed a person. And Jungkook could've stopped it. But instead, he just stood there frozen and did nothing. He did nothing. So really, he killed this guy too.

"Shit. We have to go." Jungkook's father muttered and turned to Jungkook. He grabbed his shoulders, shaking the boy out of his frozen state.

The look in his father's eyes had changed from anger to utter fear and panic.

"What you saw here is our secret, got it kid?"

The boy thought his father was crazy and as little as he wanted to keep it a secret, the gun in his father's hand made him gulp and nod in silence.

And he never told anyone. His father was never caught. If he wasn't out dealing at this exact moment, he would be home with his mother right now while Jungkook was too far to help if anything happened.

Jungkook's arm relaxed and he slowly stood up. The guy beneath him sat up and dusted his shirt.

Jungkook grabbed Chayoung's arm in a gentle hold and walked past her, dragging her with him.

"Say hello to your dad from me." The voice coming from the guy who was still sat on the ground made Jungkook's steps came to a halt, "It's been a while actually."

Jungkook's fists clenched, but Chayoung's hand that gently grabbed his prevented him from throwing himself at the guy again. There was nothing more the girl wanted than to get away from this conversation and guy and hopefully never see him again.

Jungkook clenched his teeth and took a deep breath. "Fuck you Yoongi."


Seems Jungkook knows this guy a little more than just normally👀👀

And Chayoung too.

How do you think Chayoung knows this guy? Why does she never want to see him again?

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