chapter 17 | spill the tea!

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"Cha, I'm thrilled to see you smiling so much, but it's getting kind of creepy. Your phone can't be that amusing." Haneul closed her book and moved to sit on the edge of her bed, facing towards her roommate who sat on her own bed, her legs scrunched up to her chest with her phone in her hands hiding in between. And a big kind of annoying smile had been plastered on there for a steady while now.

Haneul couldn't possibly miss her friend's giddiness, despite the really good book she was reading. Chayoung was practically beaming and it was hard to ignore the small laughs and squeals that came from the other side of the room.

"What?" Chayoung said, glancing up from her phone for only a short moment before returning her attention to it.

Haneul rolled her eyes, but it was impossible to stay huffy as the excitement of her roommate was truly contagious.

"Chayoung!" Haneul called to get the girl's attention.

This time her friend listened and turned off her phone. The girl's expression shifted to her eyebrows risen in question of what Haneul wanted, but it was still evident that she was elated about something.

"I don't want this to come across as rude, but why are you so happy? I mean ever since the weekend you've been acting differently. You've been worryingly positive." Haneul chuckled and so did Chayoung.

"Come on, tell me!" Haneul plead as Chayoung kept on laughing instead of answering. 

Chayoung stifled a smile, biting her lip. Haneul squinted her eyes, waiting for the answer. It was unusual for Chayoung to be this giddy. Unless...

"Does it have anything to do with Jeon Jungkook?"

Haneul didn't need an answer for it to be crystal clear, the expression on Chayoung's face was revealing enough. The girl couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Oh my god! Did he kiss you again? Did he ask you out? Open your pretty mouth and fucking speak girl! Say something!"

"Okay, okay!" Chayoung laughed at her roommate's reaction, "Yes, he kissed me again..." The girl couldn't refrain from biting her lip, reminded of the moment only a few days ago. It was Wednesday, yet it felt so fresh still.

The stupid smile of her roommate's lips didn't go unnoticed by Haneul, whose eyes widened and maybe a bit too harshly, she slapped her palm over her mouth. Wincing shortly and dabbing her lips and cheeks, Haneul tried to maintain calm and not freak out.

At that, she failed miserably, "You fucked!"


"You fucked! I can see it in your eyes. Your face is so easy to read babe. You fucked Jungkook! Or wait even better, did he fuck you? Was it good? No wait, was it great!?" Haneul rambled, not even giving Chayoung the chance to answer before she continued with her interrogation, "Wait fuck that, you lost your virginity! Oh my god, this is big. You're not a virgin anymore! Oh my god. This needs a celebration! Mother bird is so proud, my little baby is spreading her wings already." Haneul wiped her dry eyes, pretending as if she was tearing up.

Chayoung was embarrassed by her friend's outburst, but it was only the two of them inside their dorm and it was hilarious as well. The girl was laughing almost to the extend where tears would escape her eyes.

"What are you laughing about!? This is big Chayoung! You fucking fucked!" Haneul had completely given up on keeping in her excitement and natural extroverted self.

"Your reaction is funny, how can I not laugh?" Chayoung spoke through chuckles.

"I am funny I guess." Haneul crossed her one leg over the other and checked her nails with overly much sassitude which made Chayoung laugh again.

"On a serious note though, was it good? Was he gentle? Are you sore?"

"I'm not sore. It happened 5 days ago, last Friday."

"5 days ago!?" Haneul exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

"I don't know... I-I guess I just wanted to keep it private."

"Babe I love you, but you're naive if you don't think that boy has already told his guy friends."

"I chose to exclude that thought from my brain and protect myself from the embarrassment I would then have to face when seeing them again, but thank you." Chayoung smiled, obviously sarcastic.

Haneul winced at that, mouthing a sorry. She took a deep breath before speaking with a more calm and sympathetic tone, "It's fair, I understand you. I mean it was your first time after all so I get the 'wanna be low-key about it' part."

Chayoung's smile had turned close-mouthed. The excitement of her friend after she told about Jungkook taking her first time had made her so elated she almost believed that it was her first time as well.

But it was not. Even though Chayoung had viewed upon herself as a virgin, she knew she wasn't. And she hated that Haneul thought that she was and that Jungkook did too... but it was just sex, right? Maybe she shouldn't think that much of it.

Except for the message Jungkook had just sent her minutes before her roommate's curiosity.

"But... girl SEX!"

"Okay okay!" Chayoung started laughing again, "I get it, I'll tell you next time."

"Oh I bet you will." Haneul laughed also and relaxed her position.

"So, you've obviously had sex before." Chayoung's expression suddenly switched from a giddy one to a rather dark one...

Haneul's tongue poked the inside of her cheek. She knew what Chayoung was thinking of, reading by her expression, "Don't you-"

"With Taehyung I suppose." Chayoung broke the silence.

Haneul grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it towards Chayoung, aiming for her face. "I told you not to talk about him!"

"Was he your first-"

"I have to go shower!" Haneul rushed up, grabbed some clothes and reached for the door to their bathroom. Chayoung was left laughing to the extend where her abdominals started hurting and she had trouble breathing.

When she finally caught her breath and found the peace within her to diminish her laughter, she was left with a still curious mind. Judging by her reaction, Taehyung possibly was Haneul's first time.

When Haneul got out of the shower, Chayoung picked up a few of her clean clothes and a towel, preparing herself for a shower too.

"Oh, and" Chayoung voiced, gaining Haneul's attention immediately, "Yeah, he did ask me on a date."

"Wait really-"

Haneul's words were muffled by the door between the bathroom and bedroom being shut, Chayoung giggling behind it and went to turn on the shower.

"I hate you!" Haneul's words were barely intelligible through the door and the running water.

"I can't hear you." Chayoung shouted back, before stripping and entering the running water.

She gasped when the water was too hot from Haneul's shower and she had to step out, turning down the heat, "What are you bathing in lava for!?" Chayoung shouted.

Haneul yelled something back but it was too vague to be heard.

Instead, Chayoung stepped under the water again now with a cooler temperature.

The girl shivered at the touch of the water on her bare skin. She wondered if she she'd made the water too cold, but she quickly figured that wasn't why. Cold water usually would cause goosebumps, not butterflies.

The water was drenching her hair and running down her body. And with her hand tracing her skin as well, feeling herself, running her hand through her hair and down her sides, pictures flashed on the back of her eyelids as she closed them.

Her muscles remembered the way Jungkook had touched her. They reminisced his tender fingers, trailing up and down her stomach before reaching the fabric of her underwear tearing it apart. Her body shivered when recalling the way he filled her up, that being with his digits or length didn't matter. Both things made her shiver in the nicest way. She'd never felt so good during sex before. Just the thought of Jungkook's hands on her turned the girl on, not to mention her own hands running all over her body reenacting his movements. She'd never been fucked any better. And maybe even, that could be considered a first.

Maybe not her first time having sex.

But the first time enjoying it and the first time wanting more.

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