chapter 4 | unadmittedly curious

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It was lunch time. The best time of the day to be a hungry, poor girl. Hint the sarcasm.

Chayoung had come to know that her roommate was one hell of a rambler. God, how she never stopped talking. It concerned everything between heaven and earth and even sometimes beyond when the conversation moved to zodiac signs and star constellations.

But Chayoung seemed to like it.

The girl quickly grew used to her new roommate's gabby mouth.

Mostly, Chayoung hated silence. She appreciated it every once in a while, but there wasn't many of those so-called 'once-offs' when she'd been living alone since she was 18. The quietness was constant. And it was always loud around the girl. It made her think... of her life, of how she wanted her life to be, of her mother, if she would ever make her proud. Mostly, the silence simply made her feel lonely.

But since starting college only 4 days ago, she had already felt the difference.

The difference of having a roommate. The difference of having a friend and... the feeling of not being alone.

So Chayoung didn't care to stop Haneul when she first started on a new topic. And she always listened.

Well... always, except in this right moment.

Across the cafeteria, the 19 year old girl had rested her eyes on the guy who yesterday asked her to be her partner in an assignment and also the guy who knew of her little secret — Jeon Jungkook.

Next to him was his friend he always sat beside in class. It was also the one Chayoung thought would be Jungkook's partner, but maybe that guy had a deal with another classmate. Next to them were some other students.

A pair of girls, arms linked, passed by the table Jungkook was sitting at the edge at. Their gazes on Jungkook were obvious, and their chatter too. Chayoung was no hawk, but she swear she could hear their giggling from where she sat. When Jungkook looked up at them and met their stares, he winked at them. The girl's waved before passing him. They both looked back afterwards, only to see Jungkook was looking back at them too. And then their giggles were actually loud enough to be heard in the entire cafeteria.

Chayoung didn't realize it, but her eyes had squinted while observing it.

"...and then I- Chayoung?" Haneul must have noticed the lack of focus during her story from the girl in front of her.

"Who is he?" Chayoung asked and pointed at the guy far behind them.

Haneul turned around and searched for the guy that was asked about. She knew exactly who it was, when she saw him. Let's just say... she'd heard rumors.

"Jungkook? Didn't you tell me that he asked you to be your partner in that project you have?" Haneul answered with a question. Chayoung should know this guy more than her.

"It is, but... I don't know shit about him." Chayoung sighed and detached her eyes from the guy again.

"Why, are you curious?" Haneul teased her roommate, wriggling her brows at her.

Chayoung however wasn't fazed by it. She only wanted to know why he seemed to be everywhere she was. It had only been 4 days since she started and she hadn't gone one day without seeing him at least once.

"Yeah, a bit."

"I don't know much... but I do know something. In the few days we've been here he's already grown to be one of the most popular guys here, along with his friends. I think it's mostly with the girls he's successful. I mean, he's not my type but I gotta admit he's hot. Oh, and I heard that he has an ex-girlfriend in the second year."

Chayoung didn't say anything but heeded her friend's words. Sure he was popular. As Haneul had said, it couldn't be denied that he was hot. He had dark, almost black hair, tattoos, piercings, he was quite fit Chayoung would say, and he was very tall. It would be a lie to say that the guy's looks didn't attract her.

"Why are you asking? Do you like him?"

"Fuck no!" Chayoung's reply came quicker than she intended it to.

Like him? Pft, bullshit!

All men were the same. She knew it, based on experience. She's been paid to be a silent doll for guys to play with too many times to know that. Her father even left her mother because he was selfishly scared. He didn't even think of the fear, stress, and hardships her mother would have to go through with a newly born child without him. He had already left by then. What a man.

And Jungkook? Yeah he was no different.

Chayoung saw the way he winked at those girls. Such a ladies man. She saw the way his eyes lingered on them, low, as they walked away. Such a pervert.

And she saw him at her strip club. Such a typical man!

"Come on girl, I won't blame you." Haneul reached her hand across the table to slap Chayoung's shoulder playfully.

"He's not my type." Chayoung shrugged indifferently, "I just want to know why he wants to work with me on that assignment, that's all."

"Sureeee..." Haneul wouldn't stop.

"It's your choice if you want to believe me or not. Men are disgusting. I'd rather jump off a cliff."

"Well I can agree on that." Haneul laughed and Chayoung joined in, the two girls cracking joked at the disaster that the world nowadays call men.

"I can't believe you ditched me for a girl!" Jimin whined when he noticed Jungkook's stare on the girl he'd bumped into the other day.

The blonde boy was still not over the heartbreak his friend had caused. Who was he going to do the assignment with now!?

"You really can't?" The guy next to Jungkook chose to join in on the conversation. He'd also noticed his friend's stare.

"Come on Jimin, you know Jungkook would choose pussy over you any day."

"Fuck off Taehyung." Jimin rolled his eyes.

Jungkook didn't reply. He didn't even hear what his friends had been bickering about because Chayoung just got up from her seat and left the cafeteria.

"What's her name even?" Jimin asked, again trying to summon his friend back to their own table.

"What?" Jungkook heard his question, but didn't register as his eyes disappointedly lost the sight of her.

"Her name. Dang I gotta know her name at least if you're this head over heels for her."

Taehyung laughed at that, high-fiving his blonde friend.

However both the boys knew of Jungkook's love for girls and they both knew that this was just yet another girl that Jungkook would forget as soon as he had fucked her.

"Go to hell, I'm not head over heels for anyone. I just-"

Saw her in the strip club and hell, despite her shitty job, she was sexy as hell..

"Her name is Chayoung." The boy decided to say instead.

He can't tell his friends she worked at the club. He had no idea if it was a secret or not, but nonetheless it wasn't his place to say it.

"Chayoung?" Taehyung repeated the name.

Jungkook turned to look at the guy next to him who seemed to know her name. Had he also seen her at the club?

"Yeah, you know her?"

"No but... I know her roommate."


Chayoung's face was buried in a book, reading it carefully but not really comprehending any of it.

No matter how bad the girl wanted to be good at school, she wasn't. She was never good at school. She was always busy trying to fit in.

Jungkook noticed the struggle on her face as she tried to get the words stuck inside her head. The struggle was evident, how could he not notice?

But that wasn't the only reason.

The two of them were working on their assignment at the library. They had been there for a while now and they actually got started which surprised Jungkook as he usually didn't work on the actual school project when doing it with a girl.

But rather than seducing her, he felt just fine observing her as she tucked her lower lip between her teeth, groaning every now and then in dissatisfaction of the things she didn't understand. He observed the strand of hair that fell in front of her face no matter how many times she tucked it behind her ear. It seemed her hair was always tied into a ponytail when they were in school.

And he was still observing as her eyelids slowly caved in and her eyes shut completely, chin resting on top of her hands on the book.

No matter how peaceful she seemed, he couldn't help but keep back his question. He'd been thinking about it ever since he bumped into her on that first day.

"Why were you at the strip club that day?"

Chayoung's eyes opened again and she lazily sat up in her chair.

Jungkook didn't want to make assumptions. He didn't want to label the girl. Maybe it was a coincidence. Why would a college student be a stripper?

She shifted in her spot before answering, "Do you really not know?"

He knew it then.

The look on the girls face suddenly made Jungkook feel bad for asking. Right then, she didn't look like a stripper at all. She looked rather shy... almost as if she was uncomfortable by the question... but why?

If she didn't like the job, she could obviously just quit. It was evident to Jungkook. So why did she look like she was embarrassed about it?

"Did something happen that night?" The question took the girl aback as well as Jungkook himself. But now that he asked, he couldn't undo it, "I mean, you looked quite... upset when you-"

"No. Nothing happened." The girl cut him off and she immediately stood up in her chair.

Jungkook watched her as she gathered her things on the table.

"Sorry for asking, I just-"

"It's alright. It was probably intended as a kind gesture." Chayoung said but internally she knew he was playing nice just to get inside her pants. She didn't even know why she said yes to his offer of pairing up. Maybe she was open to the idea of meeting new people. But all the flags were red with him. Ladies man, strip club regular, ass loving pervert. That was what Haneul had told her — or at least all Chayoung heard.

"But I have to go now. See you in class." The girl granted him a small smile before leaving him at the table.

She didn't want to be mean, but if that guy really wanted nothing but to have good sex, he would get mean. (Unless he paid her at the club)

Jungkook was left dumbfounded by the girl's sassiness. Usually the only thought going through him would be that she was hot as fuck when being sassy, but... really he felt bad for making her upset.

He never meant to make her upset.

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