chapter 7 | this is me

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Entering her dorm after a long school day (or what at least felt like it) Chayoung was ready to crawl into her bed and nap for the rest of the day until she could go to sleep. But something told her that this wasn't how things were gonna play out when entering her dorm. That something, particularly being her roommate sitting on her own bed with crossed legs and folded hands.

"What are you doing?" Chayoung questioned while making her way towards the bed. She sat down on it, letting her bag drop onto the ground. When she looked at her roommate again, she was still sitting in the same position, staring at her.

"Haneul you're freaking me out, are you alright?" The girl chuckled, quite intimidated by her own roommate. Maybe now was the time she should take out her phone and record in case anything weird happened. After all, it hadn't been that long they had knew each other. She could be a serial killer.

"You look tired." Haneul rested her position into a more natural one, placing her hands behind her and leaning back.

Chayoung nodded. She was indeed tired.

"Is it that obvious?" The girl chuckled.

"Where were you last night?"

The question came as a bit of a shocker to Chayoung and she felt the need to cough.


Haneul sighed and threw her head back, "You woke me up when you walked into our dorm this morning. It wasn't even 6 am! And I didn't forget to notice that you were still laying in bed when I headed out for class. I didn't want to wake you, because maybe your first class today was cancelled but... I saw some of your classmates walk out of the classroom I assume you were supposed to be in too?"

Chayoung had almost choked on her own spit whilst Haneul had talked.

She didn't realize Haneul was awake when she got home in the morning... But it was definitely her own fault for sleeping in and her roommate noticing that.

Even though the stripper was used to not getting much sleep, one to two hours was not enough this time. She couldn't get out of bed in the morning and when she noticed her roommate was already gone, she decided to just stay and skip the first class.

Chayoung was really mad at herself for doing so. College was supposed to be a new start. It costed her a lot — that being both money wise and dignity wise. She couldn't afford to skip classes when she had worked so much to be able to even be there. She shouldn't let her job affect her college life, like she did this morning.

But the girl was no machine. Getting home at 5:30 in the morning and having the first class start at 8 just didn't seem to fit right in the girl's head... it wouldn't in anyone's.

She needed to prioritize her school.

But she had the loan to pay off to, that was why she was able to be in school after all. So prioritizing the right thing, surely was easier said than done.

Haneul noticed her friend's saddened expression. How the worry had seeped onto her face. How her shoulders had fallen, her gaze too as well as the corners of her mouth.

Haneul never wanted to make her roommate feel like that. She simply wanted an explanation about why she was out all night. If she was at a club, Haneul also wanted to go!

"Chayoung, I didn't mean to sound mean. I just was wondering where you'd been and why you came home so late. I mean, I am your roommate so you kind of owe me an explanation." The girl smiled but she didn't get one in return.

Chayoung knew Haneul only wanted to know why and didn't mean to push any unwanted buttons.

A silence reigned on, as Chayoung pondered on whether or not to tell her roommate about her job, and Haneul quietly waited for Chayoung to say something. She never intended to create a tense atmosphere.

Chayoung looked up from the sock on the ground she had rested her eyes on. When she found her roommates eyes, she let out a sigh.

"Haneul, if I tell you this... promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

Haneul nodded, her expression turning soft immediately. It was almost like she could tell by the seriousness in Chayoung's voice that this was not going to be a pleasant admission.

Chayoung sighed once again. Her eyes found her fumbling fingers in her lap.

"I'm a stripper."

A loud silence descended on both girls. But after that, Haneul's voice echoed in the dorm room, "Really? That's fucking awesome! Since when? Wait, where are you stripping at? Oh my god, my roommate is a stripper! Can I come some time-"

"It's not awesome Haneul."

Chayoung was serious, but she couldn't help but find her roommate's rambling reaction funny. Sure, it would be cool in another world. Some might even argue that it's a girl boss job.

It's.. just not that for anyone.

Haneul's smile faded and her expression turned back to being serious. Maybe even, she felt a bit guilty for reacting that way, judging from Chayoung's somber facial expression.

"Oh..." She breathed out.

"I'm poor Haneul. I'm doing this only for money..." And so Chayoung told her story. From her childhood, to having no money, to being excluded by other kids, to her mom and her job and to how Chayoung herself got into the industry and why she decided to go to college.

She told her everything.

Everything, except for the small detail about her selling her body to men for money. That, no one knew. Not even her boss who housed the velvet couch in the backroom she always brought her costumers to. Not even her costumers, because they knew her as Casey and not as Lee Chayoung.

She'd like to think that she would never tell anyone about that part of her life.

As soon as it was going to be over, she would be using every cell in her to forget it. And hopefully, she'd forgive herself one day.

"Oh..." Haneul breathed again as the girl in front of her was done telling the most of her story.

"I'm sorry."

"No don't be." Chayoung put up a smile, "To be honest, in another life I would probably think the same; that it's cool to be a stripper I mean." She laughed.

Haneul smiled too, but it was a wistful one. She obviously fell bad, but Chayoung didn't want her to. It wasn't Haneul's fault that Chayoung didn't have the best lifestyle ever. Everyone has their own hardships and this was just Chayoung's.

"You didn't know my story then. Now you do."

Haneul looked down into her lap, which Chayoung had done earlier. It was like they'd switched spots. Haneul now being the dim and sorry one.

"I'm sorry if you felt forced to tell me."

"I'm rather grateful..." Chayoung said which made Haneul look up, "I've never told anyone and it feels nice to get things off my chest for a change."

"You're pretty cool you know that?" Haneul found a smile on her lips and a chuckle left her mouth, "And one of the strongest girls I know."

"I'm flattered." Chayoung laughed, "Thank you."

A brief and comfortable silence filled the room as they both consumed and comprehended their conversation. Haneul consuming the story she was just told. Chayoung comprehending that she just fucking told someone about her job.

"Well this might seem wrong to ask you now..." Haneul let out an awkward chuckle.

"Why? Don't let my story change anything between us. I'm alright, perfect actually." Chayoung smiled.

"Alright... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to a club later tonight."

On a weekday? Chayoung thought.

Haneul didn't seem to be the crazy type if you asked Chayoung, but to be fair she had only known her roommate for a week. There was probably still a lot to her roommate that the girl had yet to discover.

Haneul seemed hesitant in her voice and she quickly realized the silence coming from Chayoung.

"It's just me, a friend of mine and a few boys. You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I want to." Chayoung's reply came quick.

Maybe, she should've said no. Maybe she should take advantage that she for once didn't have a shift and could get the sleep she needed to be well rested.

But the girl stood no chance to turn down an opportunity of getting drunk. Forget everything, just for a few hours. That would be so nice.

"Cool! My friend is coming to our dorm later to get ready. We'll meet the boys there!" Haneul stood up and went to her closet, already in the process of choosing her outfit for tonight.

Chayoung didn't care enough to ask about who the boys were. She just wanted to go out with her friend, get drunk and feel nothing but euphoria even if it would just be a brief moment out of a lifetime.

But she was still quite excited and despite her tiredness, she couldn't help but get up and find an outfit right this instance as well.


"Are your friends always late?" Chayoung joked around, but also meant her question.

"Yeah, I'm kind of getting bored waiting on them too." Jiwoo sided with Chayoung.

Jiwoo and Chayoung seemed to get along quite well, which made Haneul happy. It was nice that her two friends got along.

"They said they'll be here soon." Haneul spoke, "But I agree, let's go dance while we wait." She suggested.

"What about your drink? I thought you wanted to be under the influence before Tae-"

"Shut up!" Haneul shushed her, "His name is banned!"

"Then why did you invite him?" Jiwoo raised both her brows. She knew her friend and she already knew the answer.

Haneul grabbed her glass with alcohol and downed it all at once.

Chayoung sat quietly and listened to the two girl's conversation. But honestly, most of the words were unintelligible due to the loud music around her.

"Now let's go dance!" Haneul cheered. Jiwoo simply laughed but agreed and headed for the dance floor.

Chayoung however was still sat on the bar stool, which didn't go unnoticed by Haneul who went closer to her roommate and grabbed her hand.

"Do you feel uncomfortable being here?"

Chayoung looked up into her friend's eyes and let out a chuckle, "Me? Uncomfortable? Never." She laughed. It almost seemed as if she was lying.

But it was true. She wasn't feeling uncomfortable. It was just a tad weird being at a club with no strippers and especially where she wasn't one. It was actually really weird.

Haneul in front of her raised her brows. She certainly didn't believe the girl.

"I'm just gonna grab another drink. Maybe later." Chayoung said and even though Haneul didn't like to leave her there, her other friend was waiting on the dance floor and Chayoung insisted for her to get out there too.

As Chayoung watched her friend find Jiwoo in the crowd and the two of them started dancing, she herself turned around on her stool and ordered another drink.

When the bartender came back with the drink and the bill, she immediately regretted ordering it.

It was a lot of money for a single drink. But she had to pay. And she did so.

The girl stayed with her back facing the crowd as she sipped on her drink. She wanted to get wasted, but how could she when she didn't have the money to make her.

Clubbing wasn't exactly what she had expected.

The music around her was loud and honestly, she should just go find her friends and dance with them. Maybe then she would forget about her empty wallet. Maybe then she would have more fun than sitting there by herself.

She turned around on the chair searching for her friends on the dance floor. When Chayoung's eyes finally found her friend Haneul and Haneul's friend Jiwoo, they were dancing with two guys.

She quickly guessed that those were the boys Haneul had been talking about as she recognized them from school. One of them she had a mutual class with. Park Jimin. Chayoung was always good at names. She was always by herself during elementary school and therefore relatively attentive of others. So remembering names wasn't a problem. The other one she also identified, but no name came up. She never actually heard his name.

Nonetheless, she'd seen both of the guys at Jungkook's table in the cafeteria. That's where she recognized the brunette one from.

As far as she knew, they were Jungkook's friends.

But Jungkook wasn't anywhere to be seen on the dance floor...

...and like summoned, just as the thought of him struck her, a figure sat down on the bar stool next to her.

She didn't need to look to know who it was, but still she did.

Jungkook didn't look at her, but copied her position and leant his back against the bar table, his eyes directed at the dance floor.

He didn't say anything, which made Chayoung roll her eyes internally.

"Why are you here?"

The girl mentally slapped herself for the question that bursted out her mouth without permission.

No hi, hello or how are you. Just straight up asking him why he is there. Great work.

Maybe in the back of her mind she was still a little mad at him for watching her at the strip club.

"Nice to see you too." Jungkook chuckled before looking at the girl next to him.

Chayoung looked away when their eyes met. Jungkook let out another low chuckle at that.

"I'm guessing the same as you." His arm lifted and pointed into the crowd of people, "That's your friend, right?"

Chayoung followed his finger to Haneul, "Yeah, how'd you know?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Taehyung told me who was coming today. He mentioned your friends over there and you. So just an innocent guess." He smiled.

Chayoung didn't know what to say to him. She only ever talked to him by accident or when they worked on their assignment. Not in the middle of a club and while she felt a bit tipsy — even more so with his appearance.

She did not expect Jungkook to show up when Haneul had said 'some boys'. Haneul knew of Jungkook's and Chayoung's partnership in that assignment... why didn't she say so?

"Why are you not out there dancing with your friends?" Jungkook turned on the chair to fully face the girl next to him.

Chayoung felt his eyes burning into the side of her face. Her gaze lowered to her legs as she let out a sigh.

She was tired and this was all knew. Going to a club just for fun, having friends, sitting in a short dress that wasn't gonna be ripped off her before she got back to the dorm. It was all so new to the girl.

"I don't know..."

Jungkook didn't answer, but just stared at her.

Chayoung turned to look at him, their eyes meeting, "Why are you not?" She asked, nodding to Jungkook's friends that were also busy dancing on the floor.

Jungkook cast his friends a brief glance before he looked back at Chayoung.

"A lonely girl at the bar caught my eye."

Chayoung's lips parted slightly and formed an 'o' shape caused by Jungkook's honesty. His lips curved into a smirk which woke the girl from her staring.

"You're so honest, aren't you?" She chuckled and grabbed her drink, taking another sip. It was almost empty by now, which worried the girl because, damn, it could've been her lunch tomorrow instead.

Jungkook cocked his head slightly, poking his inner cheek with his tongue, "Girls tend to like my bluntness."

"Wow, girls." Chayoung spoke under her scoff. He had probably got a lot of those she thought.

"You?" Jungkook tilted his head to the other side, his eyes slowly moving down and back up her body before meeting her eyes again, "Not so much it seems."

"Ding ding ding! A million dollar answer!"

Jungkook laughed at the girl's response. She was quite a sarcastic one. He liked that.

And she didn't seem to be as easy to seduce as other girls he had been with. Although he didn't miss the few moments a blush crept onto her cheeks. But it was interesting.

"Why don't you come and dance with me?" The boy suggested.

"With you?" The skepticism in her voice was evident and a chuckle followed her words. It was like she didn't believe he actually meant it.

"Try sounding less excited next time." Jungkook winked at the girl, trying to hide how his pride was a tiny bit hurt.

"That will be hard. There's nothing I want more than to dance with you!" The girl's sarcasm shone through like the sun would beam on a summer day in mid June.

But Jungkook knew how to handle sarcastic girls. Take them at their word.

"Good, then let's." Jungkook stood up from his seat. But Chayoung didn't move.

Her head turned to the bar table where her drink stood empty. It only had a few drops left, but for the girl those few drops were worth a lot, so she chugged them.

"Come on Chayoung." Jungkook pleaded, "What's so scary about it?" He laughed.

Chayoung didn't reply.

There was nothing scary about dancing. She was used to dancing. That being with clothes or with very little clothes, horny men or her co-workers on the stage. Dancing didn't scare her.

But there was something different about that and this.

"We both know you're good at it."

Chayoung looked up at him and scoffed when she saw the satisfied smirk spread widely on his face.

Hell, he did enjoy that show.

Jungkook reached out his hand for the girl to take. She was hesitant about accepting it.

Usually, she's the one reaching her hand out for some man to take. So she could bring them to the back room of the strip club. So she could please them. So she could—


Jungkook's hand was getting sore from hanging in the air for several seconds now, and his ego too.

Chayoung looked up at Jungkook once more. He smiled at her. There was something about that smile. It wasn't a smirk anymore. It wasn't a horny 'I-want-to-fuck-you' kind of smile (those she got a lot). It was soft. And she took his hand.


oop- she took his hand

And she drank two drinks that would be equivalent to her lunch for the next few days!😍 I just wanted to empathize how expensive drinks are at clubs lmao... In my country it would be about $12-$13 for a simple vodka red bull drink. Now that's some greedy shit.

How much is a drink where you're from? If you've been to clubs I mean

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