I am Divided

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A/N: Mallorca in all her beauty...

The two men sat down in the confines of the private jet that the Prince owned. Dante looked out the window as the beautiful, picturesque Island of Mallorca came into view.

The quaint, idyllic isle with its' pristine, soft sands and clear blue waters appealed to the tired young detective. He had hoped to be spared of any strange activities during this period, as he was gathering his thoughts about his own emotions on the most recent events.

Walid furrowed his brows in Dante's direction, a perplexed look gracing his face. The man reached out instinctively to his friend, patting his back in a reassuring gesture. Walid was very protective of his buddy, especially after having witnessed firsthand of the innate, potentially dangerous power his friend possessed deep within him.

Dante turned and smiled softly at the big man, nodding in quiet agreement since their world had turned completely upside-down. The harrowing fact that their ordeal was far from over, loomed over their heads like an axe waiting to sever their heads off of their bodies.

"Are you okay, pal?" Walid inquired of his friend.

"Kind of...I just wish this whole thing was over" He spoke in a low whisper, for fear that the royals would overhear them. Dante looked across at the seats further in front of them, where the royal couple sat, sighing in relief to have noticed the prince asleep with his head neatly tucked between a pair of headphones, while his wife was completely oblivious, opting for an eye mask and a pair of ear muffs.

His guess was that the royal couple were still reeling from the effects of the sleeping gas that Randy had expertly administered discreetly over the last wild party back at their mansion in Firenze, Italy.

He smirked at Walid, who grinned widely. They were free to discuss whatever they so wished. Even the guards were in their own quarters, figuring that there would be no disruptions of any kind while they were in mid-air.

Dante quietly studied the map in his hands, secretly hoping that he could finally enjoy a mini vacation from this chaos, since there seemed to be so many wonderful sights to see at the nearby resort of C'an Pastilla, and of course, Palma City was a must to visit on such a beautiful, balmy day.

Soon, the plane was touching down at the airport, where a hired limousine was already waiting to take them to their respective hotels. It seemed that the prince had booked separate hotels this time, and that both Dante and Walid were going to stay elsewhere.

It was a welcomed change for Dante, albeit a bit disturbing. He desired for much needed space away from the grasp of the royal couple, especially the princess. The last thing he needed was for her dirty, greedy claws to be forever dug into his flesh, and remain there to do her every bidding, especially of a sexual nature.

Had the prince somehow found out of their disappearance during the event? Surely not so, or else their trip would have been short-lived or cancelled entirely, and both Walid and Dante would have been executed on the spot. No, something else was afoot and Dante could not place his finger on it at the moment...something that made the young detective uneasy and alert.

But at least, they were not alone. Dante slowly breathed out a deep sigh, fumbling in his pocket for the tiny device that gave him much-needed assurance of The Organization's presence in the embodiment of a young agent named Damien.

As they waited patiently for the limo to draw nearer to the entrance of the airport gateway, the immigration officials did their usual inspections of all their baggage, making sure there were no illegal substances. Even the bodyguards had surrendered their firearms for inspection. Once they had cleared customs and collected their luggage, they proceeded out towards the driveway.

"Oops, sorry there, man...I didn't see you. You alright?" A now familiar baritone spoke up, sending tingles up Dante's spine. He peered into the man's face, instantly recognizing him.

The young, casually dressed male tour guide, sported a cap and shades, dressed in a bright, tropical short-sleeved shirt which was buttoned halfway, exposing a tanned chest. Damien reached over, smiling at Dante, holding him up as they had accidentally bumped into each other while exiting the sliding doors on their way out.

"I'm okay, thanks" He grinned.

"Great to hear, have a nice holiday!" The man beamed, extending out his hand to shake Dante's own.

"Thank you" Dante reciprocated, sensing a tiny slip of paper grace his palm discreetly.

Once the young man had disappeared amidst a throng of tourists, mulling about with their bags, seeking transportation, the princess turned towards Dante.

"Did you know that fellow, Dante? He seems quite cute from what I've noticed so far" She winked, as she placed a soft hand on Dante's bicep.

"No, your highness. I have no idea who he is" Dante shrugged.

"Pity, he would have made great company for us both, don't you think? Perhaps, we should find out who he is and invite him for dinner...and a bit of FUN..." She had stressed the word 'fun' and Dante at once understood her meaning.

"Elena, stop lolly-gagging, my dear. We have things to do. Enjoy your stay here, Dante. This is a stopping point for us to get some rest before proceeding onto the next destination" The prince nodded, grabbing his wife roughly by the arm. He quickly steered her into the awaiting vehicle.

The answer shocked the young detective but relieved him nonetheless. At last, they were being given a bit of a breather, and it was all that Dante needed. The two men were soon on their way to a pleasant little hotel, deep in the heart of Palma City, not too far from the beautiful beaches.

Palma was a glorious, historical city, with the spectacular Cathedral looming over the entire city, sitting atop a hill. The scenic, picturesque streets played host to the hottest brands in the retail world, with some fine cafes and restaurants of the highest caliber, as well as to some very contemporary museums.

Walid especially noted the bars and nightclubs dotted around the city, as he playfully nudged his friend, indicating as to what they were going to do later that evening. Dante could not help but chuckle at his friend's antics as their eyes feasted on the beauty of this amazing city.

The car soon deposited the two men right in front of an adorable boutique hotel by the name of Can Cera, which had been recently renovated. The classically Spanish hotel with its' romantic arches and wrought iron staircases provided such a warm atmosphere, as they were soon greeted by the day manager at the desk.

They were soon led up the staircase to their rooms, situated perfectly adjacent to each other, which wonderfully overlooked the pool deck. Walid's eyes grew wide as he perused his quarters for the next two weeks, remarking at how big the bath was. He was definitely going to enjoy this part of the trip!

Dante just shook his head, laughing quietly to himself, as he settled into his own room, which housed a huge, double bed, a far cry from his dormitory room at the university. He was looking forward to a peaceful night's sleep when he suddenly remembered the slip of paper that Damien had passed him.

He gingerly fished it out of the recesses of his pants' pocket and opened the small note. There were coordinates written upon it as well as the name of a location, which Dante naturally assumed was a private destination where they would meet.

He slipped the note into his wallet for safe-keeping, and proceeded to unpack his small suitcase, determined to enjoy every bit of his stay here. He then informed Walid of the piece of paper that he had been given. Walid then suggested that they both take a rest, and perhaps go for a bit of sight-seeing later in the afternoon, then check out those coordinates.

Dante agreed, and closed his door silently. The young detective unbuttoned his shirt, carefully removing it. He then hung the garment over the back of his chair, kicked off his shoes, and lay down upon the soft bed.

Sleep soon overtook the exhausted young man, as he dozed off to the warm summer breeze that streamed through the balcony doors. Soothing music wafted up from the small café below, as the plucked strings of the guitar sent him into blissful repose...

A/N: Some much-needed relief both for Dante and Walid...how long will it last?

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