I am invincible

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A/N: Are you ready for some truths?...Dante's life revealed...A HOT Dante in leather above...

Third Eye POV

"Okay, Dante. That's good for now. You can relax and take a breather. I want to check on your results..." Captain Sam Grenley perused her console, which was monitoring Dante's movements in the virtual training environment.

"Hey, how's he doing?" Zack waved to Dante who waved back as he sat on one of the benches in the training facility.

"See for yourself" Sam remarked, pleased with the results, as she shifted her seat so that Zack could get a better view.

Zack stood watching, wide-eyed as he saw the replay of Dante's progress captured on the video screen. It was evident that Dante possessed incredible powers of telekinesis, which allowed him to control and bend his environment at will, protecting him if necessary. Dante's physical attributes also increased significantly during the process, way past the point of great exertion without any consequences to his physicality at all.

"WOW!!! I mean...how is that even possible? He'd make a candidate for a real live superhero..." Zack gasped, noticing how easy it was for Dante to maneuver in the virtual space using his extra-sensory perception. Sam could not agree more as she continued to monitor Dante's movements. "Who's that?" He enquired, noticing Sam's assistant, checking Dante's vital signs.

"Oh, that's my assistant. She's a brilliant young geneticist, Dr. Narayan. She's from India and she graduated the top of her class. Sam beckoned to the young doctor, who emerged from the resting chamber.

"Zack, meet Dr. Narayan..." Sam introduced them both to one another. "Another friend of mine has come on board. He's a psycho-analyst. Ah, there he is now..." Sam continued.

Dr. Garrett, a strikingly handsome silver fox gentleman came into the room with Dante's file, beaming at Zack. Sam introduced him to Zack as well. The distinguished gentleman whispered quietly into Sam's ear, and the two went into a small room to discuss Dante's mental health in private. Meanwhile, Zack had a pleasant conversation with Dr. Narayan before leaving to go back to the lab.

He needed to check on the AI Units' progress with the new filing system that had been put into place, to help speed up the procedures for the rescued victims of the human trafficking scam. Agent Kelly greeted Zack at the door, and both men went up to Zack's office to track their overall progress on the case.

Just then, a black sedan drove up, as car doors swung open, and familiar voices were heard in the driveway. Damien had just bounded down the stairs to greet his sibling, Bron, Mick and the triplets who had just returned from Hong Kong after discovering a vital link in the human trafficking affair.

The mansion was back to being happily noisy, as Alma had anticipated the group's arrival and was busily preparing dinner for her sons, and the rest of the boys.

At the secret lab, in Austin, Texas:

"They're now out of stasis, sir, and are in recovery" the young bespectacled technician reported back to his superior.

"Excellent...Would it be possible to check in on them now?" General Grodin stood up from his desk.

"For a short while, yes. They're both awake and getting used to eating solid food again. Kindly follow me this way..." The young man escorted the military man into the recovery ward, two flights down, and were greeted by Agent Thompson, who opened the door for them.

Ilya and Mara were sitting up, dressed in warm, fluffy robes in two hospital beds, stationed side by side. They were being served a special meal with probiotics, as well as herbal supplements to entice their appetites.

Ilya was already making short work of his meal. The scientist was ravenous, and consumed his food quickly...too quickly in fact that he began to choke a bit and had to have some water to wash it all down.

Mara took her time taking small bites that she could stomach as she was still feeling the effects of having been in suspended animation for a very long time. She chewed her food slowly, while clearly observing her surroundings as she spotted two men coming towards them. She turned immediately towards her husband, who nodded quietly as the two exchanged a private message between them.

'Ilya...that man...he seems very familiar...' Mara's eyes grew wide at the sight of the men...

'Yes...we have seen him before...two weeks before the accident...remember? I have the strangest feeling that he orchestrated our accident...in order to take Dante away...' Ilya acknowledged, calmly holding his mug, deliberately avoiding the general's gaze.

'Ah...the general...he wanted to know more about Dante...oh no...my little Dante...' Her husband caught her fearful gaze as she nervously fingered the sheets between her hands.

'Tell him nothing...we must find a way out of here...' Ilya cautioned her as Mara nodded slowly...

Back at the Compound:

"Sir, we have more news regarding the accident that happened 24 years ago as well as some very interesting news..." Agent Kelly entered into Darius' office, as he sat with Bry and Marcus, figuring out their next move in the pending case.

"Go ahead, Kelly. We're all ears..." Darius acknowledged, putting down a file onto his desk.

"Sir, apparently, Senator Thorpe had been funding a secret project in another private lab somewhere in Texas. Agents under Thorpe had intercepted a young Romanian couple asking for asylum. It turns out that said couple were Dante's parents, and the woman was heavily pregnant at the time..." Agent Kelly reported.

"So that means that Dante was born here in the US...as was suspected all along..." Bryant noted.

"Yes sir...and furthermore, the couple had been moved constantly from one state to another, under the watchful gaze of Thorpe and his men. A military man, General Grodin, was sent to be the envoy of goodwill for the young couple whom they found out were actually Romanian scientists, specializing in genetic manipulation..." Marcus's eyes went wide at that comment.

"Holy hell, then that could only mean that Dante must have been the result of their experimentation?" Marcus scratched his stubbled chin.

"No sir...The two scientists had been conducting experiments on themselves when their lab back in Romania had been broken into. The pair had barely escaped with their lives, and jumped onto a cargo ship bound for the closest open port, where they came upon a smuggler who agreed to take them into the US...for a fat fee..." Kelly concluded.

"My...my...That's extremely interesting. Where is this General Grodin now?" Marcus barked, intrigued with the idea that another military man rallied to the cause, headed by Thorpe, and had been monitoring the situation.

"We're trying to find that out, sir. All we know is that, he's somewhere in Texas where that lab is...but our operatives are still checking all possibilities...It's not been established whether the general was acting on under Thorpe's orders and that there could otherwise be subordinates connected to him somewhere..." Agent Kelly verified.

"The young couple were getting ready to settle somewhere in Texas with their son after his birth. The Organization had found a suitable home for them to live in, all provided for, courtesy of Senator Thorpe himself" Darius offered Kelly a seat since it seemed that there was even more to the story.

"I presume that these people who were working under Senator Thorpe were given the orders to begin development on a super human race, and that Dante's parents were the perfect scientific couple who would be developing, testing and creating this super race..." Darius pondered out loud.

"Super human race? My Ass...This is getting a little too crazy for me" Marcus shook his head.

"Apparently, Ilya and Mara Andreascu had gone out that fateful afternoon with Dante in an unmarked car to find out more about nurseries and schools that Dante could eventually attend nearby, when the accident happened..." Agent Kelly continued as he handed over additional copies of important documentation, including a police report to each man.

"And that's when your brother came into the picture, sir..." Agent Kelly looked over to Marcus, who was busily perusing the documents.

"Good work, Agent Kelly...Ah hah...from the sounds in the hallway, that'll be the boys back from Hong Kong!" Bryant remarked, hearing the familiar chitter-chatter outside the door.

"Yep, they're back! Let's go greet them, shall we? Kelly, please feel free to stay for dinner with us, if you'd like?" Darius kindly asked, to which Agent Kelly happily accepted. He had always wanted to meet both Darius' sons, and their rowdy but wonderful friends...

Sure enough, the hallway was filled with the throng of young men, excited to see one another again. Alma began to bang on the back of a pot with a spatula, herding them all into the dining room. After all, the boys had just arrived in time for dinner.

Once seated, Darius began the task of introducing Agent Kelly to the bunch, who were happy to welcome Kelly into the fold. Alma made Felix say grace at the table, to which the young man had made a face, stating that he was too old for these things. Alma then came around, smacking a bewildered Felix behind his head, to which he howled in pain.

The boys could not contain their laughter, this time at Felix's expense. Plates were soon piled high, and glasses were filled to the brim, as the men enjoyed the sumptuous meal and chatted about the exciting turn of events, exchanging information back and forth across the table.

Darius was as pleased as punch to see his boys together again, especially after a few months of separation from one another. They shared their adventures, as Bron recounted the sordid business of discovering poor innocents, packed into huge cargo containers like sardines.

Damien earned some oohs and aahs from the table as he described the creepy Mayan temple where the near soul-transference took place. Dante at that moment, had just walked in, freshly showered and dressed after his unusual workout.

The men at the table clapped, as Dante joined them, sitting to the left of Damien, while Walid sat to the right. Dante was throwing looks of bewilderment, wondering why he had suddenly earned the applause. Damien then retold the story of the temple, the fright Dante gave Elena and her cohorts, and the strange shaman.

Somewhere deep in the Amazonian Rain Forest:

"What is it?" The young anthropologist picked up a strange-looking object that had washed onto the riverbank.

"It looks like one of those burial urns..." His colleague remarked, taking the object and examining it closely.

"What's it doing out here?" He asked, to which his colleague just shrugged, noting a tag on the bottom of it. He rubbed off the mud which had caked onto the surface of it.

"Oh, good grief! Is this some kind of joke?" The man suddenly became disgruntled.

"What's wrong?" His friend came up to him, eyeing the muddy thing.

"It says 'Made in China' on the bottom of the damn thing!" He shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh, throw it away! It's probably not worth a thing anyways" the man laughed his head off, as he watched a very pissed off colleague hurl the urn back into the river...

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