My Life Turned Haywire

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A/N: Katrina AI Bot

Dante POV

This morning we observed Zack in his lab, accompanied by three of his best creations, ARTURO, MARCUS and TAMBER who were perfect humanoid replicas, it was difficult to tell them from a real human being.

Today's task was to make sure that the Katrina-replica of Damien's mother would be kept in control, while Zack was to perform an intricate operation of extracting one of the nanobots from within Katrina to examine it further.

Zack was determined to do this, since he had a hunch as to who created her, but needed confirmation. Damien, of course, was on hand to observe the proceedings as was I, just to make sure no unnecessary incidents would occur.

As we waited for Zack to prepare his tools, Katrina lay quietly on the gurney, looking slightly nervous. She beckoned to Damien to hold her hand which I thought was strange, but I was quite amazed at how realistic her emotions were.

Damien approached her cautiously, and she suddenly seized the moment to grab his hand. He felt a sharp prick into his palm and jumped back. I pulled him away from her side immediately, seeking the entry point of the serum, as I tried to draw it out with my powers.

But it was too late, as it had already been absorbed into Damien's blood stream and was causing havoc with his body. Soon, his eyes turned into a deep claret red, and he growled at me, shrugging me off easily. He unhooked his gun and began ordering us to unleash Katrina from her restraints.

As I tried to distract him, while Zack pretended to slowly remove one of the straps, ARTURO managed to capture Damien from behind as I wrestled the gun away from him.

TAMBER and MARCUS then proceeded to strap Damien down into an adjacent gurney, preparing him for a blood transfusion. Zack had ordered this since he managed to grab hold of Katrina, before she could retract the poisonous needle back into her palm, successfully yanking it out with a pair of industrial pliers.

Katrina yelped, bleeding from her wound as ARTURO took care of her, making sure that she was heavily strapped in and immobilized. Damien was still struggling but I now wrapped my arms around him, refusing to let go, as Zack commissioned on of the nurses on standby, Diana to insert the needle into Damien's arm to begin the blood transfusion.

Zack began to explain exactly what the substance was and why Damien was reacting violently to it. Apparently, the needle bore a unique extraction from a plant, found only in the Amazonian jungles of Brazil. The plant, obviously poisonous, had a narcotic effect but also manipulated changes in the DNA of unsuspecting individuals who have accidentally brushed against it, since its' needles exuded this venom.

Hence, the violent, animalistic nature of Damien emerged, causing an involuntary altercation between us. I recited a mantra, calming him down as the transfusion took place, hopefully clearing out all traces of the poison into a glass vial, which was attached to the dialysis machine which cleansed his blood.

Soon, Damien's eyes returned to normal, and his breathing became less erratic as the effects wore off. He gazed at me, those beautiful baby blues penetrating into my brown ones, as I sighed in relief that he was back to normal.

All the AI units reacted in the same manner, relieved to see Damien return to his usual self. He looked at me in confusion, as to what exactly had occurred and both Zack and I took turns recounting the incident, while Katrina had been heavily sedated.

MARCUS and TAMBER would return Katrina to her cubicle, still strapped within the gurney, while Zack figured out what to do with her. Obviously, this entire situation would go on report, and when Darius found out about it, he immediately gave the order for Katrina to be destroyed, but not before Zack had completed his full examination under armed guard.

I brought Damien back to our quarters so that he could rest, but found out how suddenly frisky he had become, placing fervent kisses upon my throat and lips, as we approached our room.

No sooner had we stepped in, he relieved me of my shirt, and dispatched of his own as our lips locked with one another in a rough struggle for dominance. We continued in this fashion until my legs touched the bed, and we fell into it, continuing our romantic dalliance.

"I see that the poison has awakened the beast in you," I teased him.

"Oh definitely! As you can see," He smirked, clearly indicating how aroused he was.

I chuckled, allowing his lips to continue assaulting my own. Damien fell on top of me, and soon, his hands found my belt buckle, undoing it with amazing speed, as I laughed and shook my head.

"God, I've missed you...I've missed this! We've been so busy, what with the new immigrants, Randy's kidnapping, the general gone loopy with his dirty dad being from the future...the..." I captured his lips in mine.

"Shut up and just kiss me again, will you, detective?" I teased.

"This is why I love you..." Damien's bright blue eyes darkened with lust, as I felt that part of him rub against me.

"Oh yeah...You think you can love an alien like me?" I grinned sheepishly, as he successfully released me from my pants.

"I'll show you just how much I can love an you!" And he set to work, making my eyes roll in the back of my head, setting my body on fire with the sexual heat that we both now craved.

"Oh yes, babe, don't stop...please," I pleaded, as he continued to wrap his tongue around me, making me shudder with delight. He stopped abruptly, then, taking his time about it, he stood up, doing a cheeky striptease before me, rubbing his body with his hands.

"Do you like what you see?" He winked.

"A, a million times, YES!!!" I exclaimed, opening my arms out to him. He fell into them, completely naked, pressing those parts of him which made him special.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" I asked him.

"Yes, of course I do. Otherwise, you wouldn't have fallen for me, no?" He gently grabbed at me with his hand, tugging at me until I moaned.

"Why agent! How on earth could you possibly think that???!!!" I pouted mockingly, licking my lips, knowing what was to come next.

Damien smirked, and as he gently pushed me against the headboard, he whispered," You know what I want...don't you?" His eyes darkened at those words.

I nodded, smiling as the stars entered the room...

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