Our Family's Joy

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Dante POV

Several months later, Una Samantha was released from the hyperbaric chamber and straight into the arms of her godmother, Sam Grenley, who was heavily pregnant with a bundle of her own.

Walid and Sam were expecting their second child. Walid junior was playing with our two boys, on the carpet in the big ballroom of a private hotel, under the watchful eyes of Randolph, Randy's now sixteen-year-old son, who made sure that they didn't get into too much trouble.

Here we all were, preparing for a wedding, Bron's and Alonso's. We found ourselves helping two very nervous men who couldn't seem to dress themselves properly.

As soon as we entered the hotel room, there were shouts and a great deal of grumbling...

"Damn! I can't find my cufflinks!!! Where's my shoes? I can't tie my bowtie! My buttons keep coming undone! Did I grow fatter?" The last remark made us chuckle out loud.

"Calm down, the wedding brigade is here!!!" We both chimed, already dressed in our tuxedos two hours earlier.

"Thank God! I was beginning to teeter on the edge of insanity!" Alonso groused, looking perplexed.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I then understood, as he kept trying and failing to tie his bowtie.

I lent a hand while Damien took care of his younger sibling, adjusting his waistcoat so that it fit properly on Bron's muscular body. As a senior agent, Bron had taken the route as trainer to new recruits, specializing in martial arts and combat, if he wasn't on any missions.

Nik and Mick trained others in weaponry, as Felix had enough on his hands with new assistants in the AI Specialization Sector. Zack had resumed his work, but in a new position as Director of Scientific, Biological and Technological Warfare Studies as well as revamping the new space station.

We all branched out into different aspects of our work, but enough about that, as today was indeed a very special day...

Damien POV

My sibling was getting so emotional about his wedding. He couldn't believe he was tying the knot with the one he loved, and that, he no longer had to hide his identity from who he truly was. I was so proud of him. He had come a long way, and had proven to be invaluable to the Organization, but most of all, as a loving brother to me, even during the most painful of times.

He sat at the edge of the bed, putting on his shoes which had been shined until he could see his face in them. I then helped him into his tuxedo jacket, dusting off the lint.

During a defining moment, we stood silently in front of the full-length mirror, catching each other's eyes. His crinkled up into a smirk, as he turned around to embrace me.

"I'm so glad you're here" He sighed into my arms.

"As you were for me, I'm here for you, bro, always" I hugged him tighter, then we both let go, as I rubbed his back lovingly.

"Okay so, are we all ready? The rings are with Randolph, so that the twins don't lose them" Dante, my beloved, called out, as he reassured them both.

"Thank goodness for that!" My brother nodded, as he reached out to his beloved, Alonso.

Both men looked dashing in their tuxes as we led them out the door and down the lift to the ballroom entrance. Then, we took our respective places at the front, where a small grove decorated the stage in the center, where the two would be married.

Kyron would officiate at the wedding, just as his parents had done for us. It was his pleasure to do so.

The music piped in softly, as the guests arose from their seats. But then, we were both taken aback by a blessed sight...My father and Bryant took up the rear of the procession, also in their tuxes. No one had mentioned that this was going to be a double marriage celebration, so imagine my surprise!

With the wedding march ending on a solemn note, Kyron cleared his throat, and the formality of the nuptials began. Randy quietly handed a hanky to me, since he was on my side. I didn't realize I was already crying as I stood there, watching the people I loved get married before my eyes.

Two couples stood, eyes glistening, brimming with love for each other: my father, Darius or Zarynthian as he is known in the Galactic Universe, with Bry, and Bron with Alonso. I was so overcome with emotion, that Dante had to come across behind them and hold onto me.

It was the most beautiful thing to witness, as these men professed their love, in the presence of all our friends. We sensed the love from everyone in the room, amplified a thousand times, as both Una and Arkaya, or Mara and Ilya as they are known in our world, held everyone in Light and in Love overflowing.

I knew then, that we would be cared for, and protected, loved and strengthened for eternity...

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