Our Journey's New Beginnings

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Damien POV

I am lulled by the gentle sounds of the ocean, rocking me back and forth as I lay upon the golden sands. I allow my body to be caressed by the waves as they flow over me. This feeling of buoyancy sends me into a state of clarity which I've never known.

I begin to reminisce of my time upon Earth, learning of who my father truly was, an agent for a secret organization which operates under a minimum amount of governmental jurisdiction, but there were a lot of discrepancies.

Then memories race forward to my life at school, meeting Randy, falling in love, then fast forward to training as an agent under the same organization, my visit and induction into the project named Eden.

Eden was my baby, and I was proud for having participated in such a worthwhile project, and happy that the people were able to benefit from it. Fast forward again to the first time I met Dante...

I felt my heart racing in my chest, remembering how deliciously seductive he looked, astride the magnificent elephant draped in gold, silks and all its' refinery. Dante, looking resplendent in his scanty costume, a silken gauze-like material which barely covered his gloriously taut body.

I hid behind the pillar, silently watching him as he slid off the elephant, undulating as the bluish, purple hues of floodlights hit his skin. I gasped, suddenly finding myself in awe of this man.

What is this? Did my heart skip a beat? What was I even feeling, once his teasingly sensual show was over? I continued to watch, as he slowly debauched himself at the hands and tongues of the princess's lecherous guests, while getting quite inebriated.

I chuckled softly to myself, spying on a man who was sent to fulfill my destiny, and yet, how could I have even known this would happen? As if on cue, he threw a lascivious gaze my way, which I coolly reciprocated with a small smile.

Slurred words...the smell of alcohol on the breath...a big bottle of water...That's it! I remembered ordering a big bottle of water for Dante, and was astonished to see how quickly he had swallowed every bit of it, down to the last drop!

I could hear more words...louder this time! My spine was tingling, sensing something swirling around me...

"Steady...ease him out slowly, good. Gaia, is the serum ready?" I recognized the voice as Zack's.

"Let's hope it works, and soon...My beloved, how I've missed you" I also recognized this voice...a voice that sent tingles up my spine, and warmth to my loins...yet they all sounded so distant...

My eyes fluttered open slowly, and my hand instantly went to my face, sensing the scruff of a beard, which made me grimace jokingly, especially when Zack made that joke about me being 'Rip Van Winkle', which was not far from the truth!

I honestly did not know how long I had been 'sleeping' but I could only imagine that it had been for quite some time, judging by the looks of relief on the faces of those whom I had considered my friends.

My gaze fell upon my beloved, as I breathed easily, my eyes drinking in. Wait a minute! We were not on Earth. This place...this place was so breathtakingly beautiful, not that my planet was not anything to balk at, but there was such serenity here, I felt strangely soothed by it, and by my beloved's presence in this realm.

"Welcome to Nulandia, my home" He spoke softly. He took care to help me out of bed, as I seemed eager to take in my surroundings. He managed to maneuver me into a wheel chair, since I still felt weak after my ordeal.

We did a slow round of the infirmary, and the grounds on which it stood, upon a hill overlooking the city site, which was well planned out, allowing flora and fauna into every crevice, blanketing the area in greenery.

I was elated to be with my beloved once more. All of this was such a sight to behold, I wanted it go on forever and ever, until I was broken out of my reverie, since Dante had suggested we inform my father and my other family back home on Earth that I had been revived, and was recovering rapidly.

Dante POV

As soon as we were able, Zack set up the communications links, and soon, we were blessed with the faces of those we loved. My parents joined us, as with Gaia, Prion and Kyron. Zarynthian/ Darius was so happy to see Damien in great spirits as were the others. We did not realize how much we missed them all, as it seemed like an eternity.

This made me think of our impending nuptials, as my people were finally settling back in on our home planet. As much as I wanted to remain on Nulandia, exploring and absorbing all the information on my home, my ancestry, Earth was still home to me, and I had made it a point of asking Damien as soon as he was fully recovered, if we could be married back on Earth.

At least, we had two whole weeks to enjoy Nulandia and all its' beauty before going back. I knew that I could trust both Prion, Gaia and Kyron to look after our people while I was away, and we would return as soon as the celebrations were over.

My parents thought it was a great idea, and Damien had no objections to the decision. So, we shared this with the others during the conversation. Little did I know that they were preparing a surprise for us, once we got back home!

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