Our Nuptials and Wedded Bliss

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Dante POV

We walked down the aisle, accompanied by the tuneful crooning of three outstanding young triplets, all of whom had become fast friends of ours, all belonging to the same organization that Damien had been a part of and now I was, as well.

I was now proud to be a part of something so worthwhile – an organization that cared for people and not for politics; an organization that protected and served in more ways that I could ever imagine, bringing aid to the masses; building futures and securing lives; finding and creating new solutions to allow the Earth's environment to thrive.

Thanks to Damien, I saw the true potential of my part in it all, and what it meant to truly belong to a family...Yes, a family. Out of the friendships that had grown over these past few years, I had met Damien's father, Darius, or Zarynthian as he is known throughout the galaxy, who taught me respect and kindness towards my fellow men, by his constant protection of my people, shielding them from nosy politicians and greedy financiers.

I also cherished the friendships of two of Damien's trusted companions, Mick and Randy, who once held my beloved's heart, but had crossed it in twain. At least, they remained friends after a trial of error and eventually, forgiveness.

I also got to meet Bron, Damien's sibling, and his mother, Senator Marina who had been so helpful and a secret member of The Organization, aiding where ever she could.

I also got to meet Commander Bryant, who was Zarynthian's other half in more ways than one, a long-lost love who had found his way back into his heart, not just by friendship and comradery.

Mason and Fahey, two agents extraordinaire, who, like Deke and Gerry, two ex-Navy seals who were fast friends with both Zarynthian and Bryant, when they too were in the military as buddies, were instrumental in helping to close the project, now stood, celebrating our union.

I saw Commander Samantha Grenley, the woman who first found and treated me in hospital and brought the attention to one General Marcus Adams, having discovered my existence.

I saw beloved Alma, the mother to the triplets, whose cooking skills in keeping us all well-fed especially during Special Ops, beaming as we continued in step, with both Sam and Walid joining us from behind.

Sam's team of expert doctors and nurses, Dr. Garrett, Dr. Narayan, nurses Sylvia, Ann, Diana and Carina were on standby, in case one of us fainted during the ceremony. I owed them a great deal for having dealt with my parents rest and rehabilitation.

My beloved parents, Ilya (Arkaya) and Mara (Una), who are actual extraterrestrial scientists, having posed as Ukrainian exiles who sought asylum in the States, only to have been wrenched from my life due to an evil plan which very nearly saw fruition, now joined us in the slow march towards the podium.

Agent Kelly and Robotic Technician Zack who both brought their unique talents to the fore during our many expeditions into the unknown, grinned in our direction, as Zack stood behind a console, making the Holo-deck resemble a perfect replica of Nulandia, my home planet, which was such a wondrous surprise for us both.

As we walked, I gazed into the faces of all these people who meant the world to me, and would continue to be a part of my life as I was now a part of theirs.

Poised on the podium were the holographic images of my comrades, Gaia, Prion and Kyron whose images had been beamed real-time into the Holo-deck, thanks to Zack, the whiz-tech wonder.

The music slowly faded in the background as Darius and Bron stood alongside, giving into hugging us both. We all had tears in our eyes already, way before the ceremony had begun.

Doctor Narayan delivered a lovely mantra to start things off, which reminded me of the one that Damien always recited together with me, when I would find myself losing control of my powers. It would always center me, allowing me to focus clearly on the task at hand.

Then Doctor Garrett, kindly delivered a very moving and emotional recitation of prose from one of his favorite novels, which made me turn to Damien with much love and admiration.

Then, Both Gaia and Prion lay their hands over us, blessing us in my people's mother tongue, together with their offspring, Kyron. My people were video-linked into the celebration, watching over us and sending us their blessings as well from Nulandia, my home away from home.

Once the blessing was done, and I had gotten the opportunity to seal our fates, Randy's son, stood stoically, as I slipped the wedding band over my beloved Damien's finger, as he did the same with mine.

We recited our vows, one after the other:

"Dante, with this ring I thee wed. When I first saw you, you were riding astride an elephant, looking so mysterious, like the Nubian Prince you were supposed to portray that night, you captured me. I was mesmerized by your stature, your confidence, your beauty. When we spoke afterwards, I realized how deep the beauty went, into the heart of the man that I would love, for the rest of my life...

With this solemn vow, I shall keep that feeling within my heart always, for as long as we both shall live, until our dying day. I walked the Earth alone for years, thinking that no one could love a freak like me. But you saw beyond what was, and you gave me the chance to reciprocate that love, and for this, I will always be grateful, that you are in my life...forever" Damien slipped the ring onto my finger.

Then it was my turn to recite my vows...

"Damien, with this ring I thee wed. When I first saw you, you were discreetly hiding behind a tall pillar, but it did nothing to mask the beauty of the young man before me, here today. I was captivated by your gentle demeanor, as you watched with interest at my performance, a performance that I was destined to give to someone else, but instead, I found myself performing...for you alone. Everyone else faded into the background that evening, when my eyes caught your gaze. It was then, that I, too, realized that you were someone extraordinary and worth knowing well...

When you took me on, and guided me into a world I thought I could never belong to, you gave me hope. You and your family gave me a chance I could never have foreseen for myself. With this solemn vow, I pledge my life to you and keep the inner peace you shared with me for always, for as long as we both shall live, until our dying day. I too felt alone until you found me, and for this I will always be grateful, that you are in my life forever..." I then slipped the ring upon Damien's finger.

Tears of joy were shed all around us, as I planted my lips onto my husband's in a burning kiss to seal our love for all eternity.

Soon, with the formalities over, the festivities commenced with toasts all around before we excused ourselves briefly, to get out of our tuxes into another outfit, matching blue suits which complimented the colors of Damien's eyes.

The entire affair was themed in blue anyways, which was perfect. Our entrance was graced with Kool and The Gang's hit 'Celebration', as people stood up from their seats, clapping as we danced our way into the great hall, which was decorated with the Nulandian sky and its' captivatingly stunning twin moons.

One by one, toasts were given, first by my father-in-law, Zarynthian or Darius as he was known as on Earth. I had grown to love and respect the man whom Damien called Father, for he was just that: a loving, caring man who held his son up with respect and dignity, no matter what he was, underneath.

Then, Bron came up, to give a rousing speech about his famous brother, having been captain of the football team and winning a scholarship which he shunned, instead, by heading into India to head a project for the betterment of people's lives, Project Eden, which would raise the poor and the destitute from their lives of poverty into a community that thrived.

Doctor Akachi, the man who had successfully performed Damien's intricate re-assignment surgery, was also on hand with his colleagues, to wish us good tidings, informed me of Damien's dogged determination to make Eden a success.

More and more I felt proud to be Damien's husband as I heard nothing but praise from his peers, the triplets, who had molded him into a highly trained agent. Even Randy, his former lover, who thanked him for the opportunity to be a better person, in his words, and a better father to his son.

I was floored by the outpouring of love from all sides, and as my parents gave their own speech of thanks, nurse Ann took Zack aside, and I wondered what else was scheduled for the evening's entertainment.

Suddenly, without further ado, celebrity impersonators graced the stage with their renditions of famous hits of the 80s disco and dance era, which got the guests out of their seats and onto the dance floor.

I waltzed my beloved into the fray, enjoying every minute of it, as we were surrounded by family and friends. Then, the cake was wheeled out, and what a stunning creation it was! Alma had outdone herself once again, proving to be a culinary artist, as she presented her magnificent creation.

It was filled with blue berries and goji berries, laced in brandy, and set alight with sparklers flashing on the side. We gorged ourselves silly, on succulent, barbecued and roasted meats, assorted vegetables, and a huge buffet spread featuring a variety of European and Asian delicacies, from different countries, to suit the varied tastes of an international contingent of personnel.

As we danced, both Bron and his lover, Alonso, one of the triplets coming up to us, giving us cold glasses of bubbly, which we all toasted with one another before downing them casually. I was getting a little heady, when Bron blurted out something before going down on one knee and proposing to Alonso.

My husband took me by surprise by magically producing a small box from out of his pocket and handing it to Bron. In it was a beautiful engagement ring, similar to the one Damien had given me when he proposed.

Alonso accepted in a flurry of tears and kisses, as we danced the night away to our hearts' content.

What a marvelous celebration to be had by all, later to be crowned by our lustful, voracious love-making in our private suite. After a heated session, we both came up for air, enjoying the smoldering heat in the cool evening.

"I love you" I whispered in his ear, teasing him with kisses down between his pecs and the hollow between those chiseled abs.

"And I love you..." He whispered back, as our lips found each other once more...

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