Who am I really?

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A/N: Hello all...it's been an interesting week of rest and rain...and cold again. Trying to stay warm, and healthy in this kind of weather takes a bit of energy lately. Although recovered, still being wary and careful...

Poor Dante, the gorgeous Amadeo Leandro above, has been subjected to physical abuse of the worst kind, jogging painful memories of his past to mind. He was brought to the hospital...

Dedicated to: 12MidnightBlue12 ambermoon3105  AlphaKelly LucainArmand sanmariano Zachsilver26 Emily_max MKG2012 MiMiAngelus

The Hospital:

The female doctor entered the room where Dante was placed. She made him turn over onto his stomach and examined him.

"You were nearly ripped in half...You like it rough huh?" she teased in English.

Dante was a bit shocked at what she said. He turned his head slightly to get a better glimpse of her: statuesque, short blond hair, piercing grey eyes. She could have been a model much less a doctor. He was amazed that she spoke perfect English.

"Wait a minute...you're American!!!" he stated.

"Ten points for that one!!!" she grinned.

"We've got to take you to X-ray to make sure nothing else is damaged. Are you up for that?" She asked, after examining him thoroughly.

"Yeah, sure" Dante sighed.

There was not much he could do but be still as they wheeled him towards the lift.

The two nurses were smirking to each other while they looked him over and chatted to each other in rapid-fire Greek. Dante could not help but feel that he was the subject of their conversation.

"I've seen you" the perky brunette told him in English, "...At a club in Los Angeles City. You were dancing!"

"Err...really?" he smiled sheepishly.

The doctor cocked an eyebrow at the pair.

"Go on..." she said.

The two nurses started to gush about their experience at the club and how Dante had given them each a lap dance on stage.

"You're a male stripper?" the doctor's eyes grew wide as she looked down at Dante.

"Err...was...now I'm a... bodyguard" he quietly stated.

The female doctor was quiet the rest of the way as she was checking off a list. As he was lifted off the gurney onto the x-ray slab of the giant machine by two male nurses, the doctor was called away to receive a private phone call.

The technician proceeded to take the x-rays motioning for Dante to keep perfectly still. He nodded in compliance as the machine quietly whirred in the background.

The doctor quietly answered her phone in an adjacent office.

"Yes sir, we've got him. I'm doing the CT-scans now sir. I will let you know as soon as I check them. I have a feeling that the implant has completely disintegrated as was planned. He has no knowledge of this except for some water seeping from his right ear.

Should we proceed with phase two sir? As far as I know he was taken somewhere and tortured before being returned to his hotel room. I overheard the bodyguard and him talking before I went in. He was bleeding sir...from his anus. There doesn't seem to be much damage other than a slight tear in the region sir. He will heal in a short time I'm sure. I will let you know soon sir. Goodbye."

The doctor returned to the lab to see if Dante was alright. He had actually fallen asleep while on the table. The doctor gently shook his shoulder to wake him.

"Are you OK?" she asked. He nodded sleepily.

"Let's get you back to your bed where you can have a nice snooze" the doctor motioned for the two nurses to lift him back onto the gurney and bring him up to his hospital room.

Two people were waiting anxiously outside when he was wheeled back in... the royals. Their bodyguards were not far behind. Posing merely as Dante's employers, without giving their identities away, they enquired about Dante's condition.

"Doctor, how is he? Is it possible to see him?" Prince Alejandro asked her.

"Not at this time I'm afraid. He needs to rest in order to recover" she spoke firmly, while eyeing the Princess Elena.

They nodded and left the area, leaving the one bodyguard in place, Dante's friend Walid.

"Can I speak with you privately?" the doctor asked Walid.

"Yeah sure...what's up, doc?" he grinned. "My pal Dante is gonna be okay?" he suddenly spoke seriously to her.

"Yes, he will be fine, as long as he doesn't move too much. Do make sure that he stays put and that he eats something when he wakes up, alright?" she gently placed a hand on his arm.

He nodded, "No problem doc. He's safe with me..." as he forced a sheepish smile.

Then she left them to call a private number.

"Sir, his CT-scans seem to be fine. There is no internal damage. There were two people here whom I assumed were his employers. They fit the description of the two royals whom you are seeking. They were here with their bodyguards. One of them is quite close to him...Walid Durante, sir. We are already running a security check on all personnel, including the remaining body guard.

I have a suspicion that these people are up to no good especially after his subsequent torture. His body bears all the signs, sir. The extent of his injuries will require major rest and recuperation. But Dante seems strong physically, as if he has been used to such abuse before. I have yet to find out the full details, sir. Maybe I can get Walid to confide in me as to what actually happened. I understand the situation may go into full lock-down, if these people react. I understand that the royals will be apprehended at some point. Do you want us to wait? Should we allow him to sense his full abilities? I understand, sir. Affirmative. I will wait for your instructions General Adams" She signed off, gentle replacing the receiver.

Dante groaned as he lay in bed, feeling stiff and sore. He tried to get up but was stopped abruptly by Walid. The big, blond burly 260 lb. former linebacker was a formidable wall that would not be budged.

"Nah... you are not doing what I think you're thinking of doing. The nice doc says you gotta stay put so stay put. Besides food's coming..." Walid grinned widely and gently placed a firm hand on Dante's chest, pushing him back onto the bed.

"OK...OK...can I at least take a leak then?" Dante chuckled at his big friend.

"Sure, but no monkey business...or the doc will have my head!!!" Walid faked a serious tone to his voice as he helped Dante to the bathroom.

A good-looking male nurse came in carrying a tray of food and drink and some medicine for Dante to take. He gingerly placed it on the table adjacent to the bed and smiled at Walid before leaving. Walid winked at the guy causing him to blush as Dante stepped out of the bathroom.

He laughed upon seeing the interactions between the two men as the male nurse quickly headed for the door with crimson in his cheeks. As Dante was having his meal, the doctor came in and asked Walid to step outside to talk about Dante's condition. She used this time to ask Walid exactly what had happened to cause Dante's injuries.

Walid was hesitant at first but he eventually felt that he could trust the good doctor and described the grisly circumstances, although he did not know the full story. She then relayed the information to her superiors.

"Sir, apparently that's the entire description that Walid gave me. The bodyguard seems to show some remorse and sadness regarding Dante's condition. He seems quite taken with Dante as a friend does. Should we intervene? It may allow for Dante to fully recover" she asked.

The voice on the other end pondered in silence.

"Let's see how this all plays out. Dante is an excellent detective. If we play our cards right, he will do what is expected of him to do, understand, Captain?"

"Yes, sir" she replied, straightening up as if she was in the General's presence.

A/N: And who do you guys think she was talking to??? Who is this General and why does he seems to be interested in Dante per se?

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