Rich Kids

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Here's a lil traditional drawing of my Kittypet boys Cotton and Scorpion.  Brothers forevah!

Btw, I didn't color their fur color so don't expect them both to be white. Cotton is White fur with Grey stripes while Scorpion is Brown fur with Black stripes.

Some history of the two:

They were both born in a rich Kittypet home near a lake. Their mother, Janice was mated to a forest tom named Hornetdusk; making the two kits half clan half Kittypet blood, though this was not kept a secret from the two since the mother constantly tells them stories of their charming father.

The two grew up and were prized treasures of the two-legs as Cotton is a well groomed Model cat while Scorpion was a famed Fashion cat.

Hornetdusk has two more kits left at his clan (NightClan) who are now warriors by the name Spottedfox and Bronzeshine.
Spottedfox and Bronzeshine were actually the first litters of Hornetdusk because his mate, Silvershadow died by illness.
Spottedfox and Bronzeshine were also the reasons he couldn't stay with Janice to raise the kits together because he would be abandoning his two other kits at home. Janice was understanding of this but has promise to raise their kits well until he returns.

Hornetdusk died during Spottedfox and Bronzeshine's apprenticehood when he was murdered by rogues trying to take over the NightClan territory.
Spottedfox and Cotton soon met and the clan tom decided to invite their half brother into the clan.
Scorpion was very agenst the idea of letting Cotton live the harsh life of being a clan cat and tried to convince Cotton to refused but Cotton was determind and wished to try and know what such a life would be.
Cotton left and was welcome by Batstar (the leader knew of the second litters when Hornetdusk confessed to him privately. Batstar is such a compassionate boi,  I love him so much) and soon became Cottonpaw to be trained how to survive the Warrior life. Along with other younger apprentices,  much to the fluffy white tom's embarassment.

Cottonpaw,  along with Spottedfox and Bronzeshine visits the two-legs place often to see Scorpion and Janice. The two-legs have also brought in a new Cream furred tabby named Jackal in replacement of Cotton but Cottonpaw didn't mind. He was very happy that Scorpion still gets to have company even when he's away.

Scorpion still doesn't understand why Cotton gave up his comfortable life to live as a Warrior but he knows that convincing his brother would be like begging a dead mouse to sing. No use.

Also Jackal has a total crush on Scorpion and mostly attempts to show off like a f---king peacock to him.
(Also not in a cocky way but mostly in a 'pls notice me senpai, i'll be good for you' kinda way)

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