Episode 1 (Part 1): THE ARRIVAL

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please buckle your seat belts. We are about to reach our destination soon." The captain announced.

Yu-Jin sighed as she leaned her head against the aeroplane's window. She was tired and hungry after four hours of flight. The food that the plane provided was not of her type. Yu-Jin was tired of everything. She hated people and their habits of socializing. She hated peanuts and yet her sister ate one next to her with the knowledge that she despised it. She hated the old hag that did nothing, but taunt her. Why were they moving across the continent to move to a new place? That was beyond her knowledge.

Oh yes, that was because the old hag said that grandfather was dying and they needed to be there. Yu-Jin knew that she was lying. After, all that woman did was lie to get her ways. Her mother also knew that the old hag was lying. Something about her voice getting higher when she lies. So the question is why she agreed to this moved when she knew that? She tapped her fingers on the tray table and sighed again.

"Why the fuck do you keep on sighing? It's starting to get on my nerves." Her sister, Jin-Yu spoke up, her voice groggy from sleep.

Yu-Jin turned her head to glance at her annoying little sister. She placed her arm under her chin and sighed again. This time it was on purpose.

Jin-Yu removed her sleeping eye mask harshly and glared at her sister. "Yah! Do you want to die or what?!" The tip of her ears was red.

Yu-Jin smirked and just turned back looking at the window.

"Are you ignoring me?!"

"Yah! Seriously!" She kept on yelling a curse after another while Yu-Jin just kept on ignoring her.

"Excuse me, Ma'am." Someone tapped Jin-Yu's shoulders. She whirled around and saw an air-hostess who had a forced smile on her face.

"Ma'am, could you keep your voice down? It is disturbing the other passengers." The corner of her eyes crinkled.

Jin-Yu's eye widened and she looked around to see everyone glaring at her. She groaned and ruffled her hair. To say that she was embarrassed was an understatement.

"I am so sorry. I will try to keep my voice down." She bowed her head and gave her a cute smile which made the hostess faltered.

"I-it is okay." She bowed and scurried off in a hurry. That was the effect Jin-Yu had on people. Her cute big eyes and pouty lips made her very cute that it was hard to deny her anything. She had short brown hair and a short pointy nose.

"Why do you use your cuteness to get out of everything?" Yu-Jin rolled her eyes.

Jin-Yu's eyes widened and she let out a small squeal. "So you accept that I am cute?"

"Please do not go ahead of yourself. To these people, you might be cute, but to me, you are just a normal person."

"Yah!!" This time, she let out a big scream. Her sister just called her a normal person. Jin-Yu always believed that she was just more than a 'normal' person. Her sister just crushed her ego.

"There she goes again." The passengers groaned. And with that, Yu-Jin snickered as she finally got the reaction she wanted.

"You are just a plain evil person, you know." Jin-Yu crossed her arms across her chest and pouted.

"I know little sis. I know." An evil smirk appeared on her face as she stared at her reflection on the window.

Meet the two sisters; Yu-Jin and Jin-yu. They were twins and yet there was a huge difference between the two of them. Yu-Jin, the older between the two was the brains. She had high intelligence and enjoyed using that to her advantage. She liked to spend most of her time either reading or lost on her thoughts. She had the same features as her sister, but with a slight difference. Her nose was long and her jaws were more prominent. Her eyes were a little smaller than her sister. Yu-Jin was a silent girl, but she was very observant. Nothing could get past her.

Jin-Yu was the younger sister. She was born two minutes after kicking her sister out of the womb. Unlike her silent sister, Jin-Yu was loud and spoilt. Actually, they were both spoilt, but Jin-Yu took it to another level. She did everything she could to make sure that she stayed being cute. She was up to date with every new cloth brand that came up and knew far more skincare products more than anyone. She whined a lot when she couldn't get what she wants. Most people think that Min-hyuk's younger daughter was stupid, but do not let that Idea fool you. She was as intelligent as her sister and would only use it when she truly needs it.

After a few minutes, the plane landed on Incheon International airport. The girls took their small bags from the top cabinet and waited for their parents who sat at the back.

"Why were you screaming Jin-Yu? How many times have I told you not to yell?" Her mom placed her hands on her waist she glared at her. Bong-Soon was trying to sleep, but a certain daughter of hers did not let her.

"It is not my fault. It is unnie's fault." She pointed towards Yu-Jin who was just looking at her nails with a bored expression.

"Is that true Yu-Jin?" Bong-Soon tilted her head to face her daughter.

"Umma, does it look like I am capable of screaming?"

Bong-Soon narrowed her eyes and sighed after a moment. She knew Yu-Jin would never raise her voice no matter how angry she was.

"Okay. I misworded there. I meant she was the reason why I was screamed."

Yu-Jin narrowed her eyes at her sister and grinned. "Now was that hard to say?" She had a taunting smile on her face that was starting to piss Jin-Yu off.

"You!" She groaned and clenched her hand to a fist. She was so ready to smack the shit out of her sister.

"Oh no, my baby sis wants to punch me. Let me permit you to punch me. Here is my face. Feel free to punch it." She leaned her face in.

"You piece of gum!" Jin-Yu was fuming and raised her hand so that she could land a punch on her face. But before it could land on Yu-Jin's face, it was blocked by a hand.

"Did you two idiots forget that we were in a public place? Plus a simple punch from you two can send anyone including yourselves flying? Bong-Soon talked calmy, but she was fuming inside. Her daughters had the habit of fighting all the darn time. Each wanting show the other who was stronger. There were certain times she was afraid that they might get Into trouble because of it.

"She started it!" They both yelled at the same time.

"Stop copying me!"

"Okay, Yu-Jin, I see what you are doing there. Stop disturbing your little sister."

"Alright." She gave a half shrug.

"Well, that was easy. Now, let's go."

"Too easy for me to believe it." Jin-Yu rolled her eyes and that made her sister scoff when she saw it. "Where is appa anyway?"

Bong-Soon let out a chuckle as they got out of the plane. "Your dad already went out as you two were fighting. He doesn't want to deal with the same drama again."

"What drama? There is no drama happening."

"Oh trust me, there is drama alright and I am the fool one always handling." She gestured between the two and let out a laugh.


They all arrived at the luggage station where they saw their dad ruffling his head. He seemed confused about which of those were their bags.

"Appa, don't tell me you forgot to add labels to the bag?" Jin-Yu giggled as she looked at the sheepish look on her dad's face.

"Now how am I supposed to know that we were supposed to put labels on the luggage? This is the first time we are riding public aeroplanes because your mother insisted." He threw his hands up in the air and made a fake cry.

Min-Hyuk; the girls' dad was a big man-child. When he makes a stupid mistake, he pretends he didn't do it. He stills rides his electric hoverboard around the workplace and he would whine when he doesn't get what he wants. It is no doubt that's where Jin-Yu got her characteristics from.

Bong-Soon pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yah! I told you a hundred times yesterday to put labels on the bag. When I woke up this morning, I saw there was none on the bags so I had to put them on. And what do you mean by 'your mother insisted'? There was no need for those expensive private jets."

She continued blabbing off his ears as the girls just watched the commotion. This was nothing new about them. They were a family of chaotic. Fights happened all the same and the majority of the time it was because of something silly.

"I am so sorry, Love. I forgot about them and you are also right about private planes. They are kind of irrelevant."

She sighed and a small smile appeared on her face. "You know when you talk like that, I can't get mad at you for long."

A wide smile appeared on Min-Hyuk's face and he spread his arms wide. "Now, give me a hug."

Bong-Soon chuckled and hugged him.

The girls on the other hand cringed slightly at the lovey-dovey scene between their parents but were grateful that their parents were not afraid to show how much they loved each other.

"Are we done with this soap opera? Uncle Gong must be tired waiting for us." Yu-Jin rested a hand on her hip.

"Wait a sec. Let me go get the bags." Bong-Soon walked around the moving machine and took out the bags.

Min-Hyuk frowned. "How the hell did she know which of the bags are ours?"

The girls laughed and patted his backs. "Because a mother knows everything."


After walking a while, the family were able to find the exit where they found Secretary Gong was standing. He was no longer a secretary for them but he was the one managing their company in South Korea while Min-Hyuk managed the one in the United States. So now that they were back, Min-Hyuk will be managing the one in South Korea and he closed his other branch. They already earned enough from the one in South Korea.

"Uncle Gong!" The girls cheered as they ran to their favourite uncle. Since childhood, he took great care of them when their parents were busy with work. Thus they have gotten so much closer to him.

He wrapped his arms around the girls and let out a belly laugh. "How are my favourite nieces doing?"



He raised his eyebrow at them and let out a chuckle. "Well, it seems everything alright seeing how you girls are still the same."

Jin-Yu took a step back and narrowed her eyes. "Still the same? I don't look the same, Uncle Gong. I have lost a lot of weight from before. I am not the same chubby kid as before."

Yu-Jin rolled her eyes and let out a scoff. "What she means is that she has become a devil in the disguise of an angel."

"I swear, I will rip off your mouth one day, Unnie."

"Let's just go before things get out of hand." Bong-Soon pulled the girls' hands and got out.

"I see that they are still fighting as before." Secretary Gong jammed his hand inside his pants and chuckled.

"Oh yes and this time, even worse than before." Min-Hyuk laughed while throwing his head back. "Now tell me, did you plan the house we were going to live in and where the girls would go to school to?"

"Yes. Everything is ready."

"You are the best, Hyung." Min-Hyuk patted his back as they went out.

"I know I am." He laughed.

That was the beginning to the something new as they took their foot out of the building. Their arrival back home, not being aware of what was waiting for them.

Well, here is the first part and I hope you guys enjoyed it. As you can see, there is a major difference from the previous version. This time, it is much longer and other different things. This will also have minor Korean dialogues such as 'appa, unnie, hyung.. ETC.'

Please make sure to at least put one comment. I always like to read comments because they inspire me to continue the story. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all!

I haven't decided the update schedule for this book, but please feel to comment or dm on which day is an update the best for this book? I would love to hear about it. 

Word Count: 2067




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