Episode 1 (Part 3): FAMILY LOVE

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"What do you mean by that?" Min-Hyuk frowned as he tried to analyze what Bong-Soon said. He hoped that she wasn't talking about what he was thinking.

"Hmm. Never mind. I don't think it is the same thing." She placed her forefinger in front of her chin and shook her head.

Uncle Gong's eyes drifted between the couple as they stared at each other. The confusion was the only thing running in his mind.

"What are you talking about? Actually, wrong question. Whom are we talking about?"

Bong just shook their head and let out a laugh. "Relax, Secretary Gong." She patted his shoulders. "Sorry to scare you. Anyways, let's not bother ourselves with this serial killer. I am very sure the police will catch them soon."

"Now, who is hungry?" And with that, Min-Hyuk sprinted from the couch and ran to the kitchen.

Bong-Soon and Secretary Gong started laughing when they saw him run.

"I guess some people never change." He held his stomach as tried to stop laughing.

"Trust me, I know."


The family including Secretary Gong were sitting around the dining table eating the food Bong made.

"Umma, do we have to go to school?" Jin-Yu glanced at her mom. Bong placed her chopsticks back on the napkin before letting her eyes rest on her daughter.

"Is there any reason why you don't want to go?"

Jin-Yu's hands started fidgeting under the table which Yu-Jin saw. Yu-Jin knew her sister was scared of admitting that she was afraid of a new environment. She acted tough most of the times, but that was a mask to hide her insecurities.

"Umma, we are in a new country so of course we are going to be skeptical about a new school."

Jin-Yu glanced at her sister and nodded gratefully. She was glad she had an amazing sister who could understand her.

"Ah, is that so? I am sorry that you felt that, baby." She leaned forward and grabbed her daughter's hand. "Don't worry. I got this in the bag!"

Yu-Jin stopped at that. "Umma, what are you planning now?" She eyed her mom with a skeptical look.

"Nothing to worry about!" She said with a big smile on her face.

Yep! She is planning something. Both Min-Hyuk and Secretary Gong thought.

Jin-Yu let out a small chuckle which made her upper lip dimples appear.

"Gosh! My daughters are so cute!" She grabbed on one of their cheeks and pulled.


"Will there be one day where this family is going to have a normal dinner?" Secretary Gong shook his head and sighed.

"Nope. That day will never come." Min-Hyuk continued eating his dinner.

"Appa! Get mom away from us!" The girls were trying to pull away from their mom who was busy smooching them to death.

Min-Hyuk darted his eyes between the trio and his food, then shrugged his shoulders before continuing eating.

"Yah! Why are you ignoring them?" Secretary Gong's eyes widened.

He turned towards his Hyung before pointing his forefinger at the trio. "You see Hyung, this three are strong and if I get involved with them, I will get broken bones again. I learned my lesson from the last time I got involved."

Secretary Gong remembered the incident where he got injured from Bong-Soon's kick and with that, he decided that maybe Min-Hyuk did have a point. One was already a major problem. Three will be another case.

"Okay. I am out of here." Yu-Jin got up and walked to her room.

"Yeah, me too." She trailed after her sister.

"Oh no. Now, whose cheeks am I going to pull?"

"Oops. My wife is calling me. I have to go now." Secretary Gong sprinted to the door with the speed of a hungry man.

Bong blinked and then turned toward her husband who was busy eating. "Guess it is you and me left now. " Her eyes sparkled.

"Oh shit!" He said with a mouthful.

****The Next Morning****

Bong opened the door to the Yu-Jin's room. Her limbs were spread around, taking up the whole bed. She looked around the room to see that it was already messy.

"Yah! Wake up!" She shook her body. "What time did you sleep last night for you to be sleeping till now?"

"Ugh." Yu-Jin groaned. She turned around and laid on her back. "What time is it?" She spoke in a raucous tone.

"It is at noon. Now, wake up." She smacked a pillow on her daughter's face.

"God, fine! I am up!" She groaned and opened her eyes. "It is not that early."

Bong placed her hand on her hip and let out a scoff. "Not early? You better get up before I smack you to reality." And with that, she walked off the room.

"Aish!" Yu-Jin ruffled her hair and got out of the bed. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the lights. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were puffy. She was up all night playing online games with friends.

After an hour of being in the bathroom, she got out with a towel on her hair. She took out a simple white shirt and blue jeans from her messy drawer since she did not bother to pack the clothes carefully into the drawer.

"Yu-Jin! Get down here before your breakfast gets cold!"

"Coming umma!"

She threw the towel on the bed and went out of the room.

"Why would a cat eat one of her kittens?"

"That's because after she gives birth, she is hungry so she eats the last one."

Yu-Jin scrunched her nose upon hearing this conversation. What in the world what they talk about now? She wondered.

"That is not true. Where did you even hear this from?" This time it was her mom's voice.

Yu-Jin shook her head as she descended the stairs. Trust her family to have a weird conversation like it was something normal.

"I thought cats have nines lives. Does that mean the kitten will come back to life?"

"If the kitten is in the stomach of her mother after being eaten, then how will it come back to life, Jin-Yu?" Yu-Jin threw a glance at her sister.

Jin-Yu wore a simple floral print romper with her hair tied up to a ponytail. They both had different tastes when it comes to outfits and styles. Yu-Jin was more laid back. She enjoyed cute outfits but not as much as casual outfits while Jin-Yu liked classy yet cute outfits.

"That's true, but I am still disheartened about the fact that cats eat their children."

"I think that it is just a myth."

"What do you mean by a myth? It is the truth." Their father slammed his hands on the table.

Bong Soon who was busy spreading butter on her toast jumped from the noise. She accidentally dropped the toast on the floor which made her a little bit annoyed. "Yah! Stop slamming on the table." She landed a light slap on his head.


"You deserved it." Remarked Yu-Jin.

Min-Hyuk's bottom lip quivered as he fake cried. "Why are you all so mean to me?"

Yu-Jin playfully rolled her eyes while her mother just snickered. Both mother and daughter were just silently laughing. Min-Hyuk could be a drama queen at times.

"Aww, appa. I am not mean to you." Jin-Yu smiled warmly at her dad.

Min-Hyuk's heart softened. "I know that. You after all take after me."

Bong started wheezing after he said that. Taking after him? She clearly took after her mother. Bong thought as she kept on snickering.

"What's so funny?"


"I know that you are laughing at me, Bong." He playfully scoffed. "Think about what you want, but the girls take after me."

"Please. They take after me."

"No, me."


The girls just stared as their parents started another childish fight that will probably end in an hour. This was not something unusual as it was a common thing in their household.

"So what is the plan today?" Yu-Jin cut off their discussion. She usually left them to it, but today since there were going to start a new school soon, she wanted to plan.

They stopped their argument and turned towards the girls.

"Oh, we are going to enroll you, girls, to your new school today and then after that, we are going shopping for your school materials."

"School sucks," Jin-Yu grumbled.

Min-Hyuk patted his daughter's head. "It sucks, but there is nothing we can do."

"Yeah, just do your best to survive," Bong said while doing a fighting stance.

Yu-Jin tilted her head with narrowed eyes. Her mother could be so confusing at times.

"Now, let's go before we get late." Their mother ushered them out of the kitchen so that they could get ready.

"Wait, is appa coming with us?"

"Nope. I have a meeting to attend, but I will go with you on your first day."

The girls made a horrified face. "No! That won't be cool. We don't want more attention to us."

Min-Hyuk made a sad face on which the girls couldn't resist. "Fine. You drop us at ten feet away from the gate."


"This is going to be such a mess." Bong playfully rolled her eyes as she stared at her family. Even though they could be too much at times, she loved them to death and would do anything to protect them even if it meant endangering her life. 

*Sigh* I know y'all are mad at me. So what would you like to kill me with me with? I have Sangwoo's bat with me. I just pray that you won't lock me in your basement. 

My schedule is getting tougher to handle hence why the late update. Plus, I have been going through a lot since last month, but I am getting better.

I want to thank the amazing readers who took the time to reach me out through Instagram. It makes me feel that my work is appreciated. Thank you so much!

Now, I am going to shut up and let you guys break my ankle.

Word Count: 1576

Peace out!



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