Like the Mafia, but they'll Trap You in a Video Game

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If Senpai were honest, he wish he didn't know the peop—er, Pokemon in front of him. However, since he guessed that Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and the Boyfriend's gay pet he doesn't have time to remember are here, then it's highly likely that other people he's recognized in the past would show up here—them being Mommy Mearest and Daddy Dearest.

He didn't know what kinds of Pokémon they were, however, he could guess that one was some mouse-like creature with brown paws and an electric sort of tail while the other was some sort of plant-like creature. Either way, they both had glares in their eyes and were punching him harshly.

It was interesting. Eiginnte didn't seem to know what to do, nor did he appear interested in helping Senpai despite knowing he was in possible danger.

Senpai screamed as he tried to avoid the vicious demon-like attacks. Though, it did appear these two had already mastered their new abilities despite knowing even less than Senpai did. It irked him honestly.


He reeled as he tried to fight them off. To no avail. "What are you two doing here?" He snapped. "I would've thought you would go running after your precious daughter by now." He snarled sarcastically. He hated these two with a burning passion. Being stuck in a video game was not fun. Although he was the smartest in the game, he resented these two. They made a promise to him, and then betrayed it once Boyfriend defeated him.

The strange plant with a human-like appearance shook her head and tutted. "You thought we wanted our daughter to date either of you? Neither you or that blue haired freak deserved the glory that is our daughter. She's a demon that deserves only the most powerful of beings."

Senpai assumed this was Mommy Mearest since the voice sounded high and dangerous.

The Raichu next to her nodded his head and leaned to the side like he was cool. "Yes. Our precious daughter doesn't have time for nobodies like you and...ugh...Boyfriend."

The plant-like mother slammed her root-hand against the stand nearby. "Shut up! I know you don't like the tiny man, but this idiot over here is way worse." Her attention went back on Senpai. "Listen here, you little plant: You're an AI. She's a demon. She deserves someone more realistic than your sorry-and-sensitive little ass. You have no real reason to hate me and Dearest besides being lied to."

Senpai hated that. It was a real reason.

He was trapped in the video game because of them and not only that, they allowed him to believe he actually had a chance with a girl who wasn't smitten with him—every girl in that video game world was smitten with him! Everyone except Girlfriend that is.

Senpai grumbled a few things out loud—most noticeably a comment about ripping her private parts off and hitting her with them. This rightfully enraged the dangerous beast.

He really shouldn't be pushing his luck. Mearest was the more dangerous of the two, and could easily manipulate his body and squeeze his blood dry. Whatever kind of AI blood he had in this world anyways. She could easily delete his code anyhow.

"How dare you!" Mearest cried out as vines came out from her brown stick-like body as she smacked him with the vines as they whipped about.

Finally, Eiginnte decided to chime in and inquired, "Who in Arceus' name are these strange Pokémon? You seem to know them...and from your angered expression you hate them. Please tell me. I would like to indulge on the lore here."

His grandiose english almost confused Senpai. Though, he understood what he was asking: What is your history with the Pokémon who are trying to kill you?

Senpai wasn't sure if he could explain without making himself seem like an asshole. He was an asshole.

So he just explained it the best way he could: making himself look great while greatly annoying the shit out of the two parents nearby.

Eiginnte nodded, although Senpai noticed he wasn't convinced as he kept glancing over at the "Raichu," and "Bellsprout" as he called them. They were shaking their heads. That wasn't how any of it happened.

"So, you know these Pokémon? Are they criminals?" Eiginnte wonders aloud with a curious expression.

Were they criminals?

Senpai was sure that they were all criminals in some way, shape, or form; he wouldn't tell Eiginnte this though. He decided a firm head shake "no" would suffice as he kept his eyes on the two Pokémon near him who seemingly stopped throwing him around like he was some sort of rag doll.

"Why were they attacking you?" He inquired before addressing the Raichu and Bellsprout the same thing.

Rather than answering his questions right away, Mommy Mearest burst into insane laughter, putting her brown root limbs on her brown knees.

She holds her side as she stops laughing. She then becomes serious. "Do you know nothing about this AI?" She inquires.

Eiginnte stares at Senpai for answers. He wasn't prepared to answer them.

This ensues another gut wrenching laugh that almost appeared bubbly and sweet. Of course, this lady was anything but sweet and nice. She was a devil incarnate alongside her husband, and Senpai now supposed their daughter as well.

"You didn't know? Senpai over here is supposed to be an AI. I'm surprised he appears more organic than he original was. Such a shame. Would have made a great joke." Mearest remarks.

She laughs insanely. "Anyways, you don't happen to know where we are do you, Virus?"

This comment enraged Senpai. They didn't deserve to know. They never bothered with the little details anyways before now with him. Why should he do them any favors?

It was hard to see anything but red for the little Budew. Rage was a powerful force to be reckoned with. He wanted so desperately to tear these two apart, but he knew he couldn't; not now at least. Not to mention it wasn't worth it anyways—Girlfriend would kill him if he even managed to do so.

The only option? It was to tell these stupid demons exactly what they wanted to hear: Where in hell were they.

"Well, I don't know the full story. I know we're in a world where these creatures known as Pokémon can walk and talk—they seem civil enough." Senpai informed the two demons; they didn't seem very impressed by his knowledge thus far.

"Oh really? Tell me, strange alien from this world," Dearest began with an eyebrow raised. He paused dramatically for a few moments to get a response out of Eiginnte. "Yes?" The Indeedee bowed. "What service might I bring to you currently?" Dearest sighed. "What exactly is this place? It doesn't seem like a normal dimension."

Dearest was treating this situation as if it was normal. Perhaps it was normal for him to turn into a big fat rat, but for Senpai it wasn't normal to be a freak ugly as fuck flower.

"Well, this world is inhabited by creatures who have powers like me called Pokémon. This world is, in a sense, cruel. We solve problems by fighting using specifications called 'moves' based on a 'typing.'"  Eiginnte informed.

Both the demons nodded their heads as if they understood the premise completely. "I see," Dearest remarked. "I don't suppose you know how these moves work, do you?"

Eiginnte shrugged. "Well, not exactly. I know how to teach you how to use them, but I don't know where we exactly get these special powers from."

"Hmm, interesting." Dearest remarked as Eiginnte walked closer to the two with a curious expression.

"Say," Eiginnte began. "You wouldn't happen to have a place to stay for the night, would you? Since you're from another world and all."

The two demons exchanged glances as if debating whether this creature was to be trusted.

Senpai figured Eiginnte was far more trustworthy than the two demons who trapped him in a game. He was sure it also seemed likely they'd rather deal with a strange entity rather than Senpai, who was unpredictable and full of hatred for the two.

"No, sir, we do not have a place to stay. We just arrived here and have no idea of where to even go. Do you know where our daughter is?" Mearest politely remarks with a respectful bow of her head.

How nice. She was far more respectful of this Indeedee than she ever was of anyone else besides her daughter and husband—how lovely.

Eiginnte shook his head. "I'm afraid not. It is quite dark outside. Would you like me to take you somewhere where you can stay? I promise you won't get as much attention. There's already been a couple of other dimensioners like yourselves there. It's died down." The Indeedee offered.

The two Pokémon glared at Senpai who just wanted to shrink. Why did he have to be trapped with everyone he hated or disliked? The world could be so cruel sometimes.

"You would do that for us?" Dearest inquired with his red eyes gleaming in interest.

"Yes, however I'm not sure how well equipped you are with Senpai here. Do you think you could stick around him? I would feel better if he had someone watching over him and he seems to be tense around everyone he meets." Eiginnte wonders with a smirk. It looked creepy.

Senpai shuddered. Eiginnte knew he hated these two, didn't he? Or was he just smirking because he was getting out of being babysitter mode?

"Of course! This tiny AI is safe in our hands—er I suppose branches and paws now. Just take us to this safe place you speak of and we can get settled in now."

Eiginnte nodded as he walked past Senpai, eyeing him suspiciously. He must've known Senpai was far more dangerous than he let on. Why else would he ask two Pokémon the Budew obviously hated to watch over him?

He sighed. Well, better get used to it. Suppose it could be worse. At least I'm not with music dog boy and his rainbow snake.

Eiginnte began walking and indicated with a paw for them to follow. "We were just there. I will take you to the building now. I stopped hearing the battle cries an hour ago."

The four Pokémon headed back into the Starter Squad headquarters where Paarthurnax questions them. Of course, they answer which satisfies the beast of a lizard and he sends them to a room with a stupid smiling Cubone watching Senpai as they walked to a room together—just him and his captors.

This will not end well for Senpai, will it?


Author's Note: Another update I didn't put out until later. Not kidding it's literally 12 am and I wanted to get this done. I procrastinated so...I decided to stay up later to finish.

Anyways let me know how terrible this chapter is and I hope you can somewhat enjoy my awful representation of Senpai.

Thanks for reading! ☺️

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