The Power of Song

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Warning: This story will contain spoilers for the end of Together, and possibly other stories. Read at your own risk. This story will also contain extreme violence, gore, language, ect. Proceed with caution with any of these listed above. And thanks for reading!

Pico grunted as he twitched slightly in his unconscious state. He then gasped, lifting his head abruptly. His eyes opened and he swung his head around. He fell over.


Pico tried to stand up on his feet...and he had none. He tried to do something with his hands to get up, but his pathetic attempt was thwarted by not having any.

No hands, no feet. Nothing.

He reached a peak of panic. His breath began coming in and out way to fast for him. He was tying to process what happened.

He could hear something slap behind him, and turned his head.

He realized something attached to his jaw was making his movements unstable.

It isn't every day you had two protruding fangs coming from your jaw the size of an uzi.

That brought the real question to him. Where was his uzi?

He usually had it with him. It didn't matter if he was with friends like BF or with someone he barely even knew like Daddy Dearest, he always had his uzi with him.

He frantically searches for it.

It would help him scare away the evil thoughts that constantly lurked in every corner, and scared away the bad images that flash through his head from time to time.

He realized he was being watched by curious eyes.

A Smeargle—or what he thought to be some weird looking alternate Disney Goofy-was gazing at him with cute curiosity, it's head tilted as it too was trying to figure out how to stand up without falling on it's own tail.

The tail held a microphone.

Odd, Pico thought as he felt better control over his tail movements. Everything else sucked to move but his tail.

He thrusted his tail against the ground, kicking up dust, pushing upwards.

"Who are you?" Pico asked, narrowing his eyes in distrust of this Smeargle right away.

Nearby, a weird cat with a curly French fry tail stood up on two feet, falling over and meowing with anguish as she landed.

Immediately the Smeargle bopped in shock and rushed over to her.

"GF?! Is that you?!" The Smeargle wondered in a strangely familiar sing-song voice.

The cat Pokémon—a Glameow—nodded.

Her gray head distinguished from the rest of her body.

It definitely didn't look like the normal cat head Pico was used to.

Pico didn't put two and two together right away.

He didn't understand where or what he was.

It was scary.

Of course, being the prideful person he was, he hid his emotions.

He didn't know that his best friend and his girlfriend had changed into these strange creatures as well.

What is going on? He wondered as he noticed a Budew struggling with the reality he didn't have hands.

It would be sad, but Pico figured him having to learn how to slither instead of walking was a bigger deal than having no hands, or even no paws.

The cat and the dog were lucky to have them. The dog and cat were also lucky to have another body part to carry things on: their tails.

The weirdly marked dog looked ridiculous as he wrapped his arms around the strange gray cat's body.

Pico almost shivered with disgust at the act.

It looked weird to him.

Then again, he hated being touched by anyone but his friends.

The Smeargle and the Glameow held each other while Pico watched with a curious gaze.

Whoever these two were, they sure did remind him of BF and GF. They were way too excited to see each other. Not only that, but they were way too passionate, and acted like there was nothing in the way of their relationship.

Pico wanted to curl his hands, but he had none.

He settled for a glare.

The two were smiling at each other happily.

"Where are we, Boyfriend?" The Glameow wondered.

Huh, the weird mutt shares a name with my best friend. That's odd. Pico thought, thinking nothing of it at first before the Smeargle approached him with a lopsided smile.

Why did this Smeargle remind him of Boyfriend?

Boyfriend was a human. He was a helpful little—short— guy who could sing. It was adorable.

Pico smiled fondly.

He didn't understand why he thought this, but the Smeargle that approached him made him think he was Boyfriend.

"Hi!" The Smeargle exclaimed with a cute and happy smile.

Pico wanted to lean away, knowing this couldn't be Boyfriend.

His heart told him something different.

He felt shy.

"Hi." He mumbled looking away.

He was never good with people.

This Pokémon definitely sounded annoyingly high pitched and cute.

But how could it be?

It did make sense, however that if he was here it was possible someone else might be here.

Where is here exactly? A different world? A different place in our own world where humans don't roam? How did I get transformed into this monstrosity?

There were so many questions regarding what exactly happened up until this point.

Pico looked back at the Smeargle.

What even kind of creature was that? It didn't look like any normal dog.

He got a closer look, wishing he had arms to fold.

He realized he was making a hissing sound as he did so, but he couldn't help it. He didn't know how to control this body.

He did figure out how to lean without falling over, which was a big feat on it's own, but he still didn't know how to properly walk.

The dog in front of him had figured out how to adapt to this environment way faster than he or the strange budding creature did.

Speaking of the strange green monster, he was shouting and cursing as he tried to balance, but kept flopping over.

It was almost entertaining to watch.

The creature in front of him was some sort of bipedal dog.

He looked kind of like a whitish beagle with brown-black, beady-like eyes.

Surrounding his eyes were brown rings, as well as the eyelids. The arms were surrounded with two brown bands. It's legs had one brown band.

It's ears were brown and floppy, and had a round, beret-shaped, head.

It had three digits on its paws and feet, and it was holding it's own tail.

Well, he was holding his own tail. Didn't seem to notice or care though.

This creature sure had a lot of white-and-brown, that's for sure.

What was most noticeable to Pico, however, was his tail. The tail looked normal for the most part, but what made it special was how long it was and the end was tipped green. It looked like it was painting with its own tail. It was odd.

The Smeargle didn't notice that his own tail was leaking green paint, however, and was apparently having a good look at Pico as well.

Pico needed a body of water to look at his reflection, though, so he wouldn't be able to see his snake-like body.

Pico didn't want to assume anything just yet, so he glared at the Smeargle with an intimidating gaze.

"Who are you?" He demanded as his tail shook back and forth like he was a rattlesnake.

The Smeargle then looked down, and then back up at the snake-like Pico.

"It's me, Boyfriend, you're best friend." The dog remarked with a tilt of his head, indicating for Pico to immediately recognize him.

Pico figured in order for him to recognize the shorter creature for being the human he knew as Boyfriend, he would have to focus his attention on his voice.

He knew Boyfriend's voice by heart.

He also knew his appearance by heart as well, but since this creature claims to be Boyfriend, and Pico's heart is telling him something different than his head—that this is a stranger danger and he should get out of it, he had to figure out if this creature was telling him the truth.

He didn't know if Girlfriend was the cat-like creature. He knew that the cat definitely didn't look like a normal cat. It looked far more sleazy and dangerous to Pico. And it's overall aura was different than a regular cat. He figured if this Smeargle, this dog, was Boyfriend, then the cat might have to be Girlfriend since they were so happy to see each other.

They certainly acted like the two friends he had.

He had no idea who the loser with no hands was. Probably another friend of Boyfriend's. Pico didn't recognize the cuss words and screeching coming from the strange flowering creature as a friend of his.

It did kind of remind him of his friends, but it sounded more toxic and less friendly.

Pico eyed the Smeargle, not knowing it was Smeargle still.

"Who are you?" He questioned, still trying to figure out if that was Boyfriend's voice.

He wanted to hear the Smeargle repeat his own voice.

"I'm Boyfriend. Pico? Is that you? Or are you perhaps one of those creatures?  Do you know this world?" Boyfriend(?) asked.

Pico listens carefully.

It sounded soft, just like Boyfriend's.

"How do you know I'm Pico?" He demanded, wanting to hear the voice some more.

He wouldn't deny he just liked the sound of his best friend's voice.

He was starting to fully convince himself it was Boyfriend.

Who else would just go up to a random creature and ask that as if it was normal?

"Because, when I look at you, you look like Pico." The Smeargle answered simply.

"What? But I'm a stupid snake!" He roared, slithering as much as he could, moving back and forth in frustration.

"How can I look like myself if I'm a snake?!" He demanded.

Boyfriend shrugged with a happy smile.

"I dunno. But are you Pico? You answer like you are my best friend. I'm pretty sure you are Pico. Otherwise you would ask who Pico is. You're Pico, aren't you?" The Smeargle asked.

Pico assumed he only knew it was him because of how aggressive he can be.

He wasn't always aggressive, but when it came to things that annoyed him sometimes, he could really be a real threat.

Then again he had schizophrenia, and so maybe that had something to do with his sometimes aggressive tendency.

He only trusts his friends, as trusting strangers was a bad thing.

This was a special case.

He almost huffed. He didn't want to trust random strangers. It could be bad.

He looked at Boyfriend.

Especially since Boyfriend is with him and Girlfriend. And whoever that strange dude kicking a tree is.

The strange Budew must have been frustrated not able to use hands.


Pico sighed.

"Yes I'm Pico. I assume that we transformed into whatever we are for some odd reason none of us know?" Pico questioned.

The Glameow nodded, walking forward.

"Pico, it's me, Girlfriend. The same happened to me. I assume the strange green plant is also one of us, but I don't know who they are."

If there was anything Pico knew, it was he didn't trust the flowering plant now trying to call a weird worm creature nearby with a strangely white belly a pathetic worm.

The worm glared at the plant that Pico assumed was someone Boyfriend could possibly know. The worm then shot something out of their mouth, and the flower screamed as a result.

A white string looking substance wrapped itself around the green plant.

That was when Pico noticed it's eyes were on its stomach. How creepy.

Pico then turned back to Girlfriend.

"I don't understand this whole situation, but I think we need to find out how to get back." Pico remarked.

"Hell yeah," Boyfriend exclaimed.

Girlfriend rolled her eyes sarcastically. "You think?"

Pico cleared his throat.

"Anyways, do either of you know where we can start?" Pico wondered, trying super hard to balance on his belly.

It was difficult.

He only managed to stand upright, nothing more.

"Ooh! My mic!" Boyfriend squealed before taking a shot to start sing a random song before Pico found himself against a tree.

He groaned, feeling some pain in his side from where his body hit the tree.

He was surprised he didn't start bleeding.

What was that?! He wondered before Girlfriend gasped and Boyfriend beamed in amazement.

"What did you do, Boyfriend?!" Girlfriend asked as she rushed over to help Pico up.

Pico grunted, thanking her.

He still immediately tried to move away from her, but it ultimately failed as he hit the ground once more.

This is so annoying! Pico thought, annoyed at his nuisance body not used to the snake body he had.

Boyfriend smiled.

"I have super powers!" He exclaimed with a happy tail wag. He was still holding his tail, so his arm moved with it.

Super powers? What?! Why does he get super powers, and I just get this useless body. Oh well, I'm happy for him. Except I'm not happy I have this stupid body.

"This is amazing! Wait, how do I control them?" Boyfriend wondered.

"I don't know, but whoever the plant is, is gone!" Pico exclaimed as he looked back towards the plant.

"Whoever it is is just as lost as us! We should go find him. I think it's a guy at least. Either way, we need to find them They could help us!" Girlfriend exclaimed as she started running.

"Wait! I still haven't figured out how to fucking walk yet!" Pico pathetically exclaimed as he started trying to slither after them.


Author's Note: Welcome to my Friday Night Funkin'/ Pokémon crossover. I know this isn't the best of starts because it doesn't really seem as well put as it could.

Anyways, I hope you like this story. It's sort of going to be built on some sort of comedy thing, but it's also going to be very serious I promise you.

And it'll be full of things you probably wouldn't expect from a crossover.

Anyways thanks for reading! I'll try to limit my authors notes to little to none if I can. Oh and I also don't really have any word plans besides getting over 1k just because I don't think that really matters anyways.

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