The Sword

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"Yo, homie, what's up?"

It was the same, stupid Magnezone again! Urgh! He just really likes to get on my nerves now does he? Senpai wondered as the Magnezone floated around him with a goofy smile.

"What stole your gun today, brother?" The Magnezone inquired with a snicker. His magnet hands were sticking to his face, whatever his face was. "Naw, I'm just joking with you. I could care less about you, E-Boy."

This overly verbal Pokémon was apparently one of Boyfriend's rivals. He informed Senpai much like the Budew that he was informed to kill Boyfriend. But he couldn't do it due to apparently what this "Tankman" referred to as "Boyfriend's sexually ambiguous, angry little friend."

Senpai assumed this was the strange Seviper who sent him death glared in Starter Squad HQ's Halls. Apparently Pico had been hired twice—and failing twice—to kill Boyfriend. But each time he didn't do the assignment correctly and instead ended up rescuing Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Senpai always thought that Seviper was gay. He looked gay.

The members of the Starter Squad were giving him looks again. This time it was pity. Yeah, who else would be able to handle a vulgar being who insults you? Certainly not the damn gray Charizard that should be handling him!

Senpai knew this was his fault. It was their way of punishing him for being vulgar himself when addressing a very young Sobble. She cried after he told her he would rip her vagina off her body and slap her with it. He never said he would actually do it, though.

It was in his nature to be a bit harsher than necessary. He always seemed to never mean anything. Except the vulgar part about Boyfriend.

As if thinking about him magically made the Smeargle appear Boyfriend walked into the room. He approached Senpai. Senpai felt pretty feral. This person was his worse enemy: his rival. He didn't want to give in to the camaraderie that resonated around him as he smiled at Senpai.

This smile greatly irked Senpai.

"Hello, Senpai! Do you need any help today?" Chirped Boyfriend as if they were best friends.

What the hell is wrong with this loser? It honestly felt like Senpai couldn't catch a break from people. At least from the ones he didn't like.

He grunted. "No, Boyfriend. Unless you suddenly break up with your Glameow girlfriend I don't think there's anything I need help with today." His response made Boyfriend frown at him before he scoffed.

"Yeah. That ain't gonna happen, bud. Get over yourself." Boyfriend snapped. Senpai rolled his eyes. "Only after I'm done slapping you with your own cut off dick." Senpai snarled back. "Like you haven't used that one before. Get good."

Tankman seemed insulted they were ignoring them and inserted himself into their anger induced conversation. "Hey! Why don't you both go suck each other's dicks since that's all you two are good for anyways." He remarked.

"Why I outta slap you with your own magnets!" Senpai exclaimed, peeved.

Boyfriend, however, didn't seem phased by this insult and just yawned. "When you're done making dick jokes let me know. It would all be better if we could get along."

Tankman laughed like it was a really good joke. "Us? Get along? Ugh! You're really a sick person if you think I'll get along with you and your wet umbrella."

Senpai wasn't sure if he was making an innuendo, or if Boyfriend actually had a wet umbrella. It was probably the innuendo.

"Well, I don't see anyone else here who you know besides me and my friends. You follow around Senpai like you don't know anybody else who could be from your world." Boyfriend remarked.

"Pft, dude, of course I know someone from our dumb world. I know you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get 'extra help' from you or anything. And regarding following this joker? Well I have no choice now do I? I can't be following around a couple gay boys and their demon threesome now can I? I'm not that low. Or maybe I am, but I really hate you, little Smeargle, dude. You should know that by now." Tankman scoffed with an eye roll.

It was a weird eye roll. Especially since he wasn't human and was instead some magnetic steel creature.

Before the two could continue their conversation about who Tankman decided to spend his time with, an explosion happened and a wall crumbled nearby. This wasn't the first time recently the wall had been destroyed. Jeez, could this HQ stop being abused for one second?!

Dust and building parts fell to the floor of the Headquarters as a silver-and-gray floating sword-and-shield Pokemon made her way into the building.

"Hello there." She greeted calmly as she fired a Shadow Ball attack at some random Fuecoco nearby.

The Fuecoco held out his arms shouting, "No, no, no!" before being blasted against another wall and letting out a weak moan.

The strange sword-and-shield turned her body towards them. "Why hello there dumb, dumber, and ugly." She greeted before rearing her blade back and hitting Tankman lightly for some damage with a strange looking Iron Head. "Hope you don't mind me coming right in. I've heard there's some new prophesied idiots in this HQ and thought I'd might drop by."

A large whistle could be heard before a Glameow came by and stopped in her tracks. "Why is there a floating sword in here?" She inquired with a paw still midair.

The strange gouly sword had one purple eye that bore into Girlfriend with interest. "Ah, so you're the demon." Girlfriend tipped her head in confusion. How'd a strange ghost sword know about this red-er gray furred cat's heritage?

The sword stared at her with a slight curiosity. "Am I right? Or is it the Smeargle?"

The Glameow blinked before her eyes widened. "How'd you know this? We just met. I've never seen you before."

The sword's body rose up and down as she chortled. "Perhaps not, but I'm a villain. I know when there's someone from another world. Word travels fast and I have to travel even faster. Now let's get this over with before that dumb leader and his fire squadron come melt me."

The sword immediately switched herself around. It was a sort of stance. The shield had been in front, now it was to the side as if it wasn't needed for this turn.

The sword Pokémon lived up to her name and swung herself at the Pokémon in the vicinity. Thankfully, no one got cut in half. Unfortunately for Boyfriend—not unfortunately for Senpai, the she-sword managed to get a nasty cut across his chest.

Boyfriend let out a loud cry. Like clockwork, a Seviper slithered faster than Senpai remembered him being into the area with some slight anger in his red gaze.

"Hey! Leave them alone!" Pico exclaimed. He had an uzi in his tail.

Does that gun actually work against steel? Senpai wondered. He didn't think the steel Pokémon in front of them would get injured.

Plus, it appears she was already possibly dead in some way. In fact, perhaps this sword wasn't even a real Pokémon without a spirit inside it.

The 'gay' Pokémon then shot bullets at the seemingly steely ghost in front of them. Unfortunately by that point the ghost changed stances once again, pulling a shield out in front of her sword body with her hilt hands. It was a strange thing Senpai never thought he'd end up seeing.

"Fuck!" Pico cursed slightly before Tankman burst into insane laughter, saying: "Lmao! The gay shooter can't even use his own brain cells over his infatuation! Ugh, he's so horny!"

"Says the guy with magnets for hands." Pico remarked as he casually took a shot at the unhelpful Pokemon. Tankman got silent, but had a dark look in his eyes.

"Either way, this Pokémon seems to be another one of those crazy villain Pokémon after the squad." Pico remarks. "Obviously." Senpai remarked sarcastically.

Pico turned to Senpai and glared. "Yeah. So will you help? Or are you going to be grumpy forever?"

The sword laughed insanely. "Me? A villain? Against all those dumb Pokémon who were afraid of my deceased friend, Pulse? I am doing the right thing here! I'm trying to stop you from making a grave mistake, and helping someone who only wants what's best for the starters and anyone else who isn't a typing of concern: Ghost, Dark, Poison, Bugs. All these types are being discriminated against. And these 'helpful squads' aren't doing as much as they claim they are. You two there! Seviper and Budew. You're two poison types. You're bound to be discriminated against by every Pokémon. This little squad is nothing compared to what we can give you." The sword offered.

We? Who's we? And what kind of idiot judges others who aren't the same typing? That's stupid. Plus I'm perfect. No one could hate me besides Boyfriend and his idiotic side kicks.

"I never really cared about this squad anyways to be honest with you. I say if you're smart you join them." Tankman commented. His comment wasn't needed. He wasn't the one being asked to join in the first place.

The strange sword stares at Tankman, as if thoughtful. She then fired off a Shadow Ball that knocks him over, making strange robotic sounds as he tries to find out how to get up as a robotic steel-type Pokémon.

She watches with glee as he struggles before responding calmly again. "I wasn't asking you, honey. I was asking the poison types. I don't need any spoiled electric-and-steel-types on the team I'm building." She explains.

Pico didn't seem interested. Neither did Senpai. As much as he was willing to help Mearest and Dearest out with killing Boyfriend, he wasn't really interested in anything but killing the guy who was dating his crush. Or at least he was.

Now, he was only interested in staying as far away from the little motherfucker as he could. He had a powerful voice, and Senpai was just glad he didn't use it on him when he sassed him.

"So what do you say?" She offered.

Pico just fired another bullet at the sword as if to mock her. "Yeah, no. I'm good. As long as my friends and shawty are here I don't care how other Pokémon treat me. I'm a human, so I'm automatically going to be discriminated against no matter what stupid typing I have."

"Fufufu." The sword giggled. "What friends are those? They don't seem to be here now do they? You're all alone! He he he!" The ghost laughed ominously.

"I wouldn't say we're alone. But there are two of their enemies." Pico remarked as he pointed at Senpai and Tankman. Tankman shrugged. "I just like insulting people with innuendos." He remarked. "We noticed." Pico remarked with his eyes half-lidded as if he was cool with this.

"Will you two fight with us?" Girlfriend asked.

Senpai didn't want to fight the sword. He would get brutally maimed. But if he didn't help, he supposed the Glameow would hate him forever.

Plus, could he really keep this obsessive hate over Boyfriend forever? As much as he wanted to keep hating Boyfriend he was at least one means of escaping this world. His powers would be of great help if he could become his ally.

Plus I never thought of adding a male to my popular entourage before. Then again they were all girls. Is this strange Smeargle all that bad anyways? Can't possibly be worse than that stupid metal ball Tankman; just allowing a sword to hit him with a Shadow Ball—how weak.

"Okay. I'll fight with you. But this doesn't mean I like you. I just hate him more. And I don't want to die due to a floating sword." He remarked.

Boyfriend smiled. "I knew you'd come around!"

Senpai wanted to gag as he responded. "Come around? I just felt like living today."

Senpai spun around as he heard the flapping of wings. It was followed by a peppy, "Glad you're willing to help the team! Now let us join the fight."

Feet scampered nearby and Senpai saw the Murkrow Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and Pico hung around as well as the shy Zigzagoon. Even Kagis joined the fray.

Kagis' eyes met with the one purple circle that the ghost sword had. His eyes widened before he excitedly bounced around. "Wowza! We get to battle a really tough villain this time! She's no joke. Her name is Jabetu, and she is a very elusive ghost-type who aided Pulse. She disappeared for a while, but for some reason now she's returned. What an exciting thing to learn, right guys?!"

"Not really." Senpai responded with a monotone voice while Tankman finally was able to float up and started bursting into laughter.

"Haha! Dude, that's got to be the worse name I've ever heard!" The warrior snorted.

Kagis glared at him. "Yes that's her name. But don't let her name fool you. She's very strong and won't hesitate to kill any Pokémon."

"Where is Eiginnte?" Senpai inquired, wondering where the strange Indeedee went. Kagis looked back. "I honestly don't know. He probably died or something." He remarked as sweat began dripping as he sheepishly rubbed his back. That didn't really help anything.

Jabetu then swung at Kagis who yelped and just barely managed to dodge. "Arrrgh!"

Nova suddenly flapped her wings with determination. "Let's do this! We can do this!" Nova exclaimed. She aimed her tail feathers in the air, prepared to battle. The others followed suit while Senpai tried to set up what he could do in his mind.

With that Senpai, Boyfriend, Kagis, and the others faced the antagonist who jabs: Jabetu.


Author's Note: So here we are starting into the actual plot. Uhm yeah.

Let me know your thoughts on this and thanks for reading.

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