Ch. 1:A new life in the academy

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You were reading a few combat books.

M/n:"Son, Come down here please?"

Y/n:"Coming Mom"

I put my book at a table then went to the living to see mom.

Y/n:"Yes mom?"

M/n:"Good news, You're gonna be enrolled in the Runeterra Academy"

Y/n:"Why though?"

M/n:"So you can get friends, More knowledge, and Training for your Skills"

Y/n:"Fineeee, When do i leave?"

M/n:"Right now, Your things are in a bag near your room"


I changed into my Wear and grabbed the bag. I was about to leave, but Mom stopped me.

M/n:"I forgot, Son, you will be living there in a dorm, In a few days, some your stuff will arrive there"

Y/n:"Will i ever see you again?"

M/n:"I'll visit you from time to time, Don't worry"

Y/n:"I won't, See you later Mom"

M/n:"Bye son"

I got outside and Went to the garage to pick up my Fav Car

(Since Ahri uses A Phone, let's pretend that they made cars aswell and You can change the color if you like)

My Apollo Arrow

I enteres my car and started the engine, i put my bag in the passenger seat and Drove to the Academy.

Meanwhile at the Academy
Principal Ryze POV

I received a call that a new male student is arriving here.

I ordered some staff to clean an empty dorm for him. I then called Miss Laurent.

Laurent:"Yes principal?"

Ryze:"A new student will be arriving here, The parent said that he's a Special one due to him having Very High Grades in All his previous schools"

Laurent:"Is he a Fighter?"

Ryze:"He's somewhat lazy but Very very powerful in Fights. But He doesn't fight opponents seriously until they prove to him that they are worthy to fight Serious"

Laurent:"If he fell asleep in class, May i get to smack him with my Ruler?"

Ryze:"You may, But not too hard"

Laurent:"I will"

I sense something or someone strong nearby.

Ryze:"I think he's here, I sense him"

Laurent:"I'll tell the Students about him"

Ryze:"Okay, and i'll meet him in the front"

I walked out of my office to meet the New Kid.

Back to Y/n

I was slowing down knowing that the Academy is nearby. After a while, I arrived.

Y/n:"Welp, Runeterra Academy"

I saw a man in a brown tuxedo near the entrance. I used my tentacles to walk because i'm too lazy to walk. After a few seconds, i was near him.

Ryze:"Are you the New student named Y/n l/n"

Y/n:"Yup, that's me"

Ryze:"Good, Follow me to get your Class Schedule"


I followed him to the Office

At the Office

I was talking with the Principal.

Ryze:"Your mother said that your a Special one"

Y/n:"If you put it that way?, Yes"

Ryze:"Anyway, here's your schedule, the teacher will be expecting you"

Y/n:"Thanks, Have a good day"

Ryze:"You too"

I walked out while checking the schedule, It said that my First class is Combat by Miss Laurent. I went to the Class. I turned on my Headphones and played My Fav OST (Play music above).

Meanwhile at the Class
Ahri POV

Laurent:"Alright class, time to spar, And another news is that A New Male student is here"

I heard a lot if whispers after that like

(RD=Random student)

RD 1:"I hope that he's Handsome"

RD 2:"I hope he's Strong, so i can have someone help me"

Darius:"Hehehehe, Another Victim"

Ekko:"I hope he's smart enough to help me with my Inventions"

Vlad:"Another Friend"

Ahri(Mind):"I wonder what species is he"

Back to Y/n

I arrived at Combat class, Before i Knock, I took off my Headphones. I opened the door and saw the teacher doing her usual stuff. I knocked on the door to get her attention, which she did.

???:"Ahhh, Are you the student?"

Y/n:"why yes i am"

Laurent:"I'm miss laurent, the combat teacher,*to the class*And class this is Y/n l/n"

I walked in front of the class, I then heard whispers about me.

RFS:"He's so Handsome!"

???:"Hehehe, A new victim"

??? :"A new friend for me"

Y/n:"You do know i can hear you, Right?"

The class:"How!?!"

Y/n:"Enchanced Senses that is how, Any questions"

Laurent:"I have one, What species are you?"

Y/n:"A 9-tailed fox"

I replied as i Show my Ears and Tails, Which made someone Gasp.

???(mind):"He's so handsome and I thought i was the only one"

Y/n:" Thanks And you thought wrong"

??? :"How did you read my mind?"

Y/n:"One of my Abilities is that and this is my special one"

I spawned 5 tentacles.

Laurent:"May i ask, what does it do?"

Y/n:"It matches my strength and can shoot Regular or Elemental Spikes"

Laurent:"Okay, You can sit next to Ahri,*To Ahri*Ahri, can you please stand up? .

A girl with Light pink hair and Light pink with white ears, 9 regular fox tail color with white tips, A pink tie, white suit with blue lining and a blue skirt with a poro stood up.

Ahri:"I'm Ahri, Your seat is here*point to a seat*"


I went to the seat and sat down.

Laurent:"Alright class, Pick a partner to spar against, And for each Win you get, the more grades you receive"

All of the students stood up and picked a partner.

A guy with a Dark blue suit and Shoulder armor with spikes walked up to me.

Darius:"New kid, Name's Darius, And your gonna be my New victim"


Darius:"I'll be waiting better not chicken out"


I walked up with the man, we stopped a few feet away doing a battle stance.

Darius:*Readies axe*"Prepare for your Downfall loser!"

Y/n:"Try not to disappoint me"


He charges at me with his axe above his Head ready to strike. I summoned a tentacle to help me. He swung downwards but i stepped out of the way and Tornado kicked him, Knocking him out.

Y/n:"hmmph, Easy"

I turned around to see the teacher and the students with mouths open.


Laurent:"How were you able to do that?"

Ahri:"You just knocked him out with a Kick, No one has ever done that to him"

Y/n:"Well now someone has, Now who will be my Next Opponent"

Ahri:*Raises hand*"I want to, but go easy on me, Okay"


We stood 2 feet away, She summoned an orb, So i summoned one too.

Ahri:"A mage too huh?"

Y/n:"I usually use magic before and after battle, but i think I'll use it during one"

Ahri:"Okay, so ready?"


She quickly dashed at me about to throw her orb, I slowed time and i walked behind her and resumed time. She threw her orb only to hit air. I threw a small fireball at her to get her attention.

Ahri:"Owww, *turns around*When did you get there?"

Y/n:"One of my other abilities is Time Slowing"

??? :"Wow, You need to help me with that!"

Ahri:"Later Ekko"


Ahri summoned three fox fires then the fires charged at me, I summoned my tentacles to block it. It hit the tentacles, only to see it with burn marks.

Ahri:"How?!?, when i hit people with it, They burn"

Y/n:"I'm stronger than you think Sweetie,*She blushes*Now time to end this"

I dashes at her, with my middle finger curled up and then.


I flick her head, she then flew far away, I used my speed to catch her bridal style.

Ahri:"That really hurt"

Y/n:"You really need to practice your magic sweetie"

I put her down and healed her.

Ahri:"Thanks, but how are you able to that?"

Y/n:"I have near godlike stats and Intellect"

Laurent:"Mr. L/n, Come here please"

I walked to the teacher.

Laurent:"I want you to tell me all the things you are cable of"

Y/n:"Godlike Stats and Intellect, Elemental powers, create anything in a blink of an eye and I can give anyone Immortality if deemed worthy"

They Gasped as they heard it.

Laurent:"Can you create me a ruler with the strongest Metal but Acts like A regular one"


I summoned a ruler made of Vibranium.

Y/n:"Here"*gives stick*

Laurent:"Impressive, where can i test this baby"

Y/n:"On this"*summons Bricks*

The laurent smacks the bricks, breaking them

Laurent:"Thanks, As for that, You get an additional Grades for combat"


A few sparring minutes later

Laurent:"Alright Class dismissed, Go eat, And can someone bring Darius to the Infirmary"

RMD:"I'll do it"

The class:"Thanks Miss laurent"

They class students walked out.

At the cafeteria

I was at the cafeteria alone on a table, but then someone spoke up.

???:"Hey Y/n, can we sit next to you"

I turned to see Ahri and 2 other people holding trays of food.

Y/n:"Sure, i don't mind"

They sat down and ate, but Ahri spoke up.

Ahri:"Um, Y/n, Where's your food?"

Y/n:"Right food, It's right here"

I summoned my favorite food.


Y/n:"I can create anything remember"


Vlad:"Hi new kid, I'm Vladimir, Or Vlad for short, I'm a-"

Y/n:"Daytime Vampire"


Y/n:"The name Vladimir gave it away"


Y/n:"Ekko, An inventor that makes an invention that manipulates time"

Ekko:"Again, How?!?"

Y/n:"During My spar with ahri, you said 'help with me'"


Ahri:"So Y/n-"

Y/n:"Wait, i sense something"*stands up*

Ahri:"What is it?"

A tray was near my head, i slowed time and grabbed it as i resumed time, I spinned to throw the tray back to the Thrower. To my surprise, It was Darius.

Darius:"Owwww, You motherf*cker"

Y/n:"Language, And try harder next time please, your by far my most 'try hard' opponent"

Darius:*stands up*"What does that suppose to mean?!?"

Y/n:"It means, 'When you try your best, But you don't succeed' type of opponent"

The students watching the scene laughs and snickers at the reply.

Darius:"Hmmph, You just signed your deathwish!"

Y/n:"I didn't sign a contract to that Thank you very much"

Darius:"Shut up!!!"

He walked away as i sat down only to be met by The three with mouths open.

Ahri:"That. Was. AMAZING!!"

Ekko:"No one has ever not only fought back against Darius, but also roasted him"

Vlad:"I think your fit to be an Anti-bully"

Y/n:"Thanks, It was easy and no thanks"

Ahri:"Your welcome, Now let's get to eating"

Me and the other two:"Right"

We ate and i had one thing in my mind.

Y/n(mind):"This gonna be an interesting Year"

Author:New story done

Author:"I'm too lazy to do a Prologue, so bare with me"

Author:anyways peace out.

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