Chapter 5: No Greed

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Estella's POV:

Today is finally the day! Yay! I can't believe I was able to give my brother the slip... I may or may not have lied to him that I have come over to the US to study, whereas, I came here to work and apply for my dream company Anthony's Corp, known throughout the world as one of the most prestigious organizations.

The only one to know the truth is Dad, who allowed me to come. I never hide anything from him.

Even in the morning, I got his wishes before proceeding. Today, I chose an outfit to present myself as a capable individual.

Though, I am not very sure about the heels... Because I tend to be a klutz...

I had to reach the interview by 9 am. Somehow, I ended getting late as there was an accident on the way and everyone was so busy just trying to get a look at what happened rather than calling an ambulance. I did what anyone in their right mind should've done!

Since they asked me to accompany, as no one seemed to recognize the couple, I had to comply. Thankfully, it wasn't too much and both would be okay, so I rushed to make it to the interview, even though I was 3 hours late, any chance of selected was now in the dump... Well, I guess that is what you get when lying to your brother...

I rush inside and after getting the info from the receptionist who is a sweet lady in her mid-40's, rush to the elevator and hit the top floor. Since no one was available at the desk I make my way to the CEO's office and prepare myself for the embarrassment of the lifetime... But hey, at least I tried, right?

When I knock and enter, the girl who was talking to the guy I assume is the CEO looks at me she is so shocked she drops the box she has in her hand, and since it's glass it shatters. The guy immediately looks up and both of them seem as though they have seen a ghost.

"Oh my! I am so sorry to startle you. Are you okay?" I rush in and take the girl away from the shattered glass only to find cuts on her leg, making me gasp.

"Sir, do you have any first aid? Madam's leg has cut." He looks at me bewildered. I honestly want to roll my eyes at his astonished face.

I look around and find the first aid, taking it, I quickly bandage her leg and look up at her, "Are you okay?"

"I-I" She doesn't finish and suddenly starts crying, uncontrollably.

She hugs me as though, I am her life and oxygen, "I thought, I would never see you again..."

I am just confused. I pull myself out of the hug and start to stand up but in all of the rush I forgot to eat and now my dizziness washes over me, making me lose my balance, but in the other moment strong arms take hold of me and settle me on a chair, the man bends down at my level, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just forgot to have breakfast in the morning... Is all. Sorry to worry you." I smile, sheepishly.

He looks shocked before a serious look washes over him, he clicks on the intercom, and addresses his secretary to have lunch sent immediately, then shuts the connection off and looks at me, "May I know your name?"

"Of course, my name is Estella Ray. I came for the interview, I am sorry for being late."

He looks at me shocked and then says something under his breath which sounds more like a curse. He looks at me, then asks, "Do you remember anything from 4 years ago?"

I look at him shocked, "H-How do you know that?"

He only sighs before saying, "Let's just say that you meant a lot to me and my sister and even family... But we only realized when we lost you."

Zachariah's POV:

The moment the girl stepped into my office, my world seemed to have shaken out of its orbit. The first time I met her if I thought she was innocent, now she is on another level of innocence. I don't know how I ever assumed that she is the same as per parents...  I learned it the worst way possible.

She simply looks troubled but then shakes it off, and lets out a small sigh, "I am sorry if I don't recognize you guys. I was in a coma for some time, then just adjusting everything was tough, more than my family thought would be. Many nights I just couldn't sleep remembering what had happened to the point that the Rays took such a step. Now, I understand why I wasn't able to find her.

She was never in the U.S., to begin with... That raises the question, "Where are you from?" Disguising the fact that I already know.

She looks at me curiously but then simply shrugs, "According to Adrian, I was born in California but due to an accident 4 years ago the doctors wanted me to have a change of scenery. Otherwise, it may adverse effects on me."

Before I can voice out my next question, there is a knock on the door and my sister answers it for me, and I know by the voice, it's my secretary and she is astonished to see that someone is sitting in my chair that isn't me because even my sister comes here, there never was a reason for her to take my place. This is something that doesn't go unnoticed by Estella, who looks completely embarrassed by it and takes the notion to get up from my place. I stare at her hard to let her know to keep herself seated where she is.

"Thank you, Cindy, for personally delivering lunch that will be all." My sister for some reason has always despised her and as of yet, I haven't reached the root cause of it.

Cindy looks as though she wants to say something but then knows better to speak against my sister, otherwise, she will be answering me directly. That is something no one wants to go through.

"I am so sorry to have caused a scene... I only wanted to come here for the interview for the position you guys are offering." She says utterly flushed.

It makes me smile seeing her so out of character, even when I first met her she was so organized, it rubbed me the wrong way. But seeing her like this reminds me that she is still a girl and now is acting like one as well, not some 40-year-old businesswoman who's seen the world and nothing can surprise her, anymore.

"Estella, why don't we conduct the interview over lunch as you mentioned not too long ago in the rush of making it on time you forgot to have breakfast, that reminds me did no one inform you that the interviews were put on hold?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, I am actually 3 hours late, the reason being, there was an accident and we have become since uncaring that we would rather make videos rather than helping the people in need. So I am actually quite late, at the reception area there was a kind enough lady that gave me the directions to this floor. Once I reached here since no one was here, I thought either, I am too late or the last interviews were being held... I didn't have an exact time frame in mind, until now." I see her eyes on the clock that is hanging on the side.

That would explain the small scratches I saw on her legs and why she was looking out of breath.

"Estella, d-do you have any favorite in mind?" Anna says and its obvious, she's shaken with the entire ordeal.

Estella looks at her as though deep in thought, then speaks, "I thought, I was only one with Violet colored eyes. Looks like it's not so rare after all." She smiles at the end.

"Oh, for the question you asked, not really... Though, I can eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner." She smiles.

I shake my head at that, thinking she can be such a kid, who would've thought? We settle in for lunch and Anna makes sure to fill for Estella first and she is noticing this detail as well, though not saying anything.

"So what brings you all the way here? As far as I know, the Rays are also very successful as well as dangerous so why the need to come California, more specifically, apply for my company?"

"Do you want the truth or what I should say professionally?" I look at her devoid of all emotions as I want to know every thing without looking or giving too much.

"I'd prefer honesty, as that is my empire stands and for generations no one has taken it down or come up to the standards  of being a rival." I say, strictly professional.

My sister wants to say something but one look and she knows this not her place to interfere, I look at Estella and in front of my eyes, nervousness fades away and she looks into my eyes with no hesitation, which is rare for me to see unless they have greed. She's unique in all ways... I wish I saw it before.

"Well, the truth is, for some reason I felt connected to this place. I left something undone... I want to complete it. As for applying, that reason is because you are known for architecture, design, business... With you guys, one so much to learn. Even if it's not easy at first. " She replies.

"Why not Adrian's company? They specialize in similar fields."

"True, similar but that's it, he mainly indulges structures/types of medicines, hospitals and so on. He recently stepped into the hotel business, but his focus is takeover and expansion. Which is not what I have interest in at all." At the end she scrunches up her nose in a cute way.

Before I have get the time to reply her phone starts to ring, and it's right in front of me my whole body stiffens at the name


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