Chapter 1: The Children

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I was in the living room sitting down next to Tom, on the couch, looking at TV. It was just me, Tom, and Wild. Wild was in her "room", most likely playing her Nintendo... She's kinda addicted to it. I guess-

"Hey Edd, what do you wanna watch?" Tom asked, turning and looking at me.

I looked back at him, then looked down. "I don't know-" I thought for a moment, before finally shouting: "SAVE THE CHIIIILLDDRRREEEENN!!!"

Tom just handed me the remote,  "here just watch whatever you want-"

Then a wild Wild appeared-(haha see what i did there? No....sorry ill just stop with my puns and get back to the story :">)



Tom took a sip out of his Smirnoff, probably annoyed by mine and Wild's screaming.

Wild jumped onto the sofa squeezing next to me and Tom watching the TV pretty intensely while I ate the popcorn -that I got out of nowhere- intensively.

"Illuminati confirmed-" Tom mumbled under his breath.

"666" I said before turning my attention back to the tv

"Jon took 6 candies
Tommy took 6
Valeria took 6 candies"

I stared blankly at the television. "Yep 666"

"Welp I'm out" Tom said before standing up and walking outside.

While I was watching Tom exit the room I noticed Wild took some of my popcorn (like a bi- imean)

I looked down at my popcorn as calmly as possible then turned my attention to Wild.


The TV continued chanting 666 as Tom sat outside, probably thinking about... Actually I have no assumptions....

Wild shoved some popcorn in her mouth before answering. "Yep!"

(This is were shit gets a tad bit weird)

I started chanting 666 with the television while wild took out a cross and started spraying holy water, and sprinkling salt everywhere. And oh hecc how I felt ssssooooo relieved and sin-free--

"666666669!!!! :D"

(yea i lied....lied to you all:'>)

Wild picked up Ringo and pet him-
'But isn't Ringo a girl? Hecc its you're cat and you don't even know their gend-' SHUUUUUSSSHH!!! don't tell me what I should know about my cat you genderist people...

"Jon and Valarie love to do the 69~"

What the fuck-?

i stared at the tv blanky before getting up "IM OUT!", a big lenny face appeared on the tv causing wild to blush "IM OUT TO!"she said before running outside.

I threw my popcorn everywhere before following after wild "hey stop throwing popcorn"
she said as she thew some at me
"NOO!"i said before tripping over tom
"you okay edd?" he said as he helped me up causing me to blush slightly,
wild smirked at me "yea are you okay edd?"she had a little smug grin on her face i just ignored her.

"69! 69!" The tv chanted before wild went back inside and turned off the tv
"NO" she said ferociously, tom looked at edd confused "what the heck are you watching!?"
"uhh.."before i could answer i could still hear the tv chanting '69' with weird noises

Wild blushed as she took one of toms harpoons and smashed the tv with it,
i walked back inside "AAANNDDD IM BA-" i looked at the tv to see it was smashed and wild with an harpoon
"OUT"i walk back outside, tom just sat there drinking Smirnoff and i stood outside for a second before peeking back inside

"is it safe-?"wild gave me a thumbs up "its safe!" she said as she sat on the couch, tom walked in to see the smashed tv "great now we have to get a new tv;-;" he said before sighing probably just questioning wtf happen "well id rather get a new tv then keep listening to 69 for hours,don't chya think?"she sipped her cola 

I blanked out for a second as voices begin to play in my head "69~"
"alright whos coming with me to best buy to get a new tv?" i snapped out of it as i yelled "ME!",wild raised her hand"mmeeee".

(heya guys
M.E here
im da one sharing this account with powermotion im going to help them with this story and maybe others in the future? idk anyways this chapter was half done by P and half done by me *cough*mostlydonebyp anyways i hope you enjoyed it^•^
and please dont make any comments like "tHaT cAnT hApPeN!!11!!" remember this is based off an rp so we just let our craziness conrol what happened in it anyways thats the end of this chapter have a nice day(or night)

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