Chapter 14

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Sunlight filters through an open window on your pale face. A soft blanket tickles the bottom of your chin. The soft, joyful chirps of Terrible Terrors ringing from the rooftops makes the corners of your mouth curl. You shift slightly, trying to enjoy one more moment. You sigh peacefully. I knew it. I failed. I died. This must be Valhalla cause it feels like home.

Then your hand brushes against something smooth, hard, and familiar. A small croon cuts through the fuzziness clouding your mind. Zyphur?

Cautiously, your eyes flutter open. Wooden walls and high rafters, a desk in the corner, and a loft over your head. The space looks like a typical Viking hut, except for the drawings on the walls. Looking wearily around, you spot a very detailed rending of a Night Fury on the wall closest to you.

This is Hiccup's house. Why am I here? Where is he? What's going on? What happened? Your mind spirals with a million swirling questions. You close your eyes tight against the wave of dizziness that follows and groan. One at a time...

Zyphur nuzzles your cheek gently as her tail rests lightly over your legs. Her concerned purple gaze penetrates your stubborn green glare, silently pleading with you.

"Ok, Mom, I'll stay put." You mumble sarcastically. But you can't keep the grateful smile submerged for long. You give her a one arm hug.

"She's just trying to protect you. It's pretty cool when you think about it." Hiccup says, leaning cooly against the door frame.

"Yeah, I know. I know." You change the subject as Hiccup comes over to sit at the end of the bed. "So... Told her yet?"

He laughs awkwardly. "Um... Nope. Not yet." He hands you a cup of muddy brown liquid. "That's willow bark tea, by the way. Gothi said it'll help your shoulder."

You take a sip. It's bitter and sticky, though it does help ease the pain. You try to roll your shoulder. The muscles refuse to cooperate. You try again and wince at the jolt of agony that shoots out your fingers. Worried, you take a deep breath and hold it, then turn to look. You slowly let it out, staring at the limp limb. You try moving different joints - elbow, wrist, then fingers - with relief, they move yet only a fraction of an inch.

"Could be worse. You could look like Gobber." He nudges your good shoulder reassuringly.

"You realize I have no clue who you're talking about, right?" You reply as you take another sip, your grip shaking slightly.

He face-palms and groans. "Sorry, guess that's something we'll have to fix." He finishes with your full name and title.

"How? Who? What?" You start spouting questions so fast that your words jumble together.

He holds up his hands to stop you. "Dad. He brought Gothi and recognized you. Gave me a more thorough understanding of why we haven't met before."

"Oh and why is that?" You snark.

"Well... That was before we learned to live with the dragons." A huge man with flaming red hair and an enormous red beard answers as he walks in the open door. "I met your parents at a summit about ten years ago. They were some of the best people you could ever meet, though we didn't agree on much back then."

Your eyes widen and you shake your head, which makes the room spin. "How long have I been out?"

"A few weeks. We were starting to wonder if you were ever going to wake up." Stoick says as he gives you a comforting look. "Granted it did take him a while to get ya here, what with ya barely lucid and only having one good arm to hang on with."

You look at Hiccup questioningly. "You fell off Zyphur three time before we even made it off the island. We had to fly in diamond formation just to make sure somebody would be there to catch you when you fell."

"Why? Why not leave me behind?" You ask, knowing that it would've been the merciful thing to do. After all, you would've joined the rest of your family.

He stares at you, shock and pain visible in his features. "I promised." He answers quietly.

Shamefully you look away. "That wasn't the promise you were supposed to keep!" You whisper as your emotions start to overwhelm you.

You shove Zyphur's tail off and force yourself to your feet, desperate to get out -  to get away. Your legs wobble from lack of use. You feel Hiccup's fingers graze yours as he tries to catch your hand. You run out, tears racing down your cheeks.

Unfamiliar with the layout of the Edge and half blind from the waves of tears (Don't tell Tuffnut!), you struggle to keep your footing. Somehow you manage to make it up two flights of stairs and down a zip line - how you did that without falling to your death, you still don't know - before strong hands wrap around your shoulders, pulling you away from a dropoff.

You look up to see Astrid's azure eyes scrutinizing you. You hang your head, expecting to be yelled at, but, to your utter surprise, she pulls you into a hug.

Hiccup had described her as a rough-and-tumble Valkyrie with a hidden soft side. Maybe she'll understand. You think as you cry into her shoulder. You hear the pat-clank of Hiccup's footsteps coming up behind you. Astrid pulls back, keeping her hands on your shoulders until your legs steady. You nod a solemn thanks then whistle shrilly.

A second later, Zyphur is by your side. You slide into her natural divet, where her neck meets her shoulders. You lock eyes with Astrid and hold out your hand. You grip each other's elbows in a traditional agreement. Determination fills her eyes as she squeezes firmly.

"Don't let him follow me!" You state firmly.

She nods.

"Follow you where?" Hiccup inquires sternly. "Y/n, you're not ready to go anywhere."

You groan. "The last time someone kept me from leaving, they died."

"That wasn't your fault."

A nagging voice in your head screams, Yes it was. You got them killed. You couldn't save them. How many more people have to die before you accept that you're a scourge?!

You wipe the tears away with the back of your sleeve, using your legs to stay on Zyphur's back. You refuse to look at him, instead keeping your eyes locked on Astrid's. She is still gripping your arm.

"Make him keep his promise!" You demand.

Confusion clouds her gaze and she lets go.

I'm keeping mine. I'll find her and bring them back together. I'll avenge them and stop the dragon hunters. But I have to do this alone and if I don't leave now, I never will.

Zyphur rockets into the sky towards the horizon. Off in search of your teacher. Alone. Again.

You look back as the Edge fades from view, smiling. No, I'm not alone. Not really!

You mean over Zyphur's neck, gently patting her soft spot. "Ok, girl. Let's go find Valka."

To be continued...

A/N: Now it's your turn, dear reader. Take this as your step off point. You have a backstory to get you started. I look forward to reading your stories too.

I'll probably rewrite this to have a named definitive main character eventually. Writing a "you" "y/n" story was more difficult than I thought it was going to be.

I already have Part 2 started.

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