Chapter 2

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You feel the sway of a boat beneath you as the ocean waves rock the vessel back and forth. You hear hushed voices, you can't tell if they are trying to be quiet or if the sound is muffled by the ringing in your ears and the pounding in your head. Gruff male grunts and dragon cries make you want to open your eyes. You can't seem to find the strength. One word cuts through your dulled senses, a name you are not soon to forget and a person you have yet to fully introduce yourself to. You whisper the name weakly. You feel the sway of the ship as the blackness pulls you back into the dark depths of memory.

Peace and prosperity were all you had ever known and from the stories woven around the family hearth you could tell that it was hard won. The dragons were your ever-present companions, helping with the fishing, forging, and caring for the young. Each with its own niche to fill, they worked alongside you to protect your own.

You mind drifts a little as memories jumble up in the dark. You remember your first encounters with the intelligent creatures in a blur. Then one pivotal moment pokes its way through all the rest.

Curiosity had claimed you one afternoon when you were around 7 years old. You followed one of your dragon friends through the tunnel riddled mountain until you discovered a marvelous green space mysteriously hidden inside of the mountain. Thousands of dragons filled the space, but one had got your eye in particular. A gigantic white dragon with a crown of spikes across the top of its head and two huge tusks sticking out of the sides of its mouth. You looked around at the other dragons as they bowed to the giant beast before you slowly lowered yourself in suit, never taking your eyes off the enormous creature.

You had risen to find a strange helmeted figure, clad in blue-green shed dragon scales, pointing a long staff at your heart. Their weapon was unlike anything you had ever seen before. A mixture of a shepherd's crook and a spear, it was made of strong dark wood and dried, white dragon bone. The warrior spun it around their head and hit it on the ground, making it create a odd rattling sound. The dragons around you all went back to playing like nothing was out of the ordinary. Realizing that you were unprotected if the stranger decided to attack, you backed away until you felt the hard stone of the mountain behind you.

The helmets warrior lifted their head inquisitively as a gloved hand reached out, beckoning you closer. You cautiously approached the warrior, noting their draconian actions. A large rust-colored dragon landed beside you and nudged you encouragingly towards the warrior. You took another more confident step closer.

"I'm y/n. Who are you?" You asked with wonder tainting your words.

Removing her helmet and shaking out her long auburn hair, the Dragon Warior smiled warmly. "I'm Valka." The rust-colored dragon bounded over to her. Scratching under the dragon's chin, she added, "This is Cloud Jumper. We're going to be your new teachers."

Awed by her closeness to the dragons, you had never seen anyone who wasn't family on the island, you bow again graciously. Then you turned back to the giant grey creature and reached out your hand to stroke its large tusk. The great dragon blew an exasperated icy breath at you, frosting your long curls. You shook the frost out as Valka laughed heartily.

"He likes ya!" She said as she playfully nudged your shoulder. "First lesson: Look out for your dragon and your dragon will look out for you."

A/N: Sorry it's short. I didn't want the flashback to get too long-winded.

Big thanks to Scarlet1900 for some great ideas.

I hope y'all enjoy it so far. There's more to come soon.

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