Chapter 7

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Suddenly the cell door slams open. A group of hunters marches in. They go straight for Zyphur, ignoring your feeble attempt to block them but giving enough time for Hiccup to try to stop them from taking Toothless.

Zyphur's questioning gaze meets yours and you nod curtly. Make it look good, but don't get hurt out there. I believe in you, Z!

"In you go!" One of the hunters say as they push Zyphur into a cage on a wheeled platform.

"Now get the Night Fury!" The Fight Master commands tossing his thumb over his shoulder to where Hiccup stands defending Toothless.

"You stay away from him!" Hiccup shouts.

The hunters laugh menacingly as they toss Hiccup aside. He hits the floor hard as Toothless starts to growl. You rush to help him up as the hunters struggle to get Toothless in a second cage.

"You keep it fiesty! I like that." The Fight Master states, poking Hiccup in the chest. Fury explodes in your heart and Hiccup has to hold you back from tearing into the jerk.

"Remember the plan." Hiccup whispers into your ear. "We have to let this happen."

The gates into the arena open wide to let the Fight Master through. He marches proudly out into the arena, spreading his arms wide as he announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight I bring you for the first time in the ring... A NIGHT FURY!"

His men pull Toothless's cage into the arena. A chain is quickly attached to the top of the cage before the men return for Zyphur and the Fight Master continues his speech.

"Battling the most vicious dragon, this side of Changewing Island - the Razorwhip!" He finishes dramatically as the hunters drag Zyphur's cage into the arena across from Toothless. All of the men quickly exit the arena as you press yourself against the wooden slats on the gate.

Please, Thor, let this plan work!

The cages are lifted into the air as the crowd rises to their feet. Toothless and Zyphur hop off their respective platforms. All eyes on the two furious beasts, they start to circle each other, sizing each other up, determining strengths and weaknesses, taking their first good look at each other in the fading light of sunset. Tail slicing down, Zyphur makes the first move as she spins around to keep Toothless in front of her. The sharp spikes of her tail hit the rocky floor with a clank. The two dragons rear up and paw at each other for a moment before Zyphur get the upper hand and pushes Toothless to the ground. She takes a nip at Toothless's neck.

"Toothless! Get out of there!" Hiccup shouts as he grips one of the wooden slats.

You lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder as you whisper, "She's just playing. She won't actually hurt him." Come on, Z. Not too rough, girl. You keep your eyes trained on your dragon.

Toothless shoots a plasma blast at Zyphur's feet. She dodges and springs into the air then fires back a bolt of blue-white flames. Scratching her spikes accidentally across Toothless's left front leg, she glides around the edge of the arena. She makes one full loop around the arena as Toothless watches her pensively. Using the wall as a stepping stone, Toothless knocks Zyphur out of the sky, pouncing on her. With his teeth exposed in a horrible growl, he pushes her into the ground. He rears back, appearing, to all watching, ready to finish her off.

"No, no, no! Toothless, no!" Hiccup yells, an edge of panic in his voice.

Both dragons look at you and Hiccup for a moment. Then Zyphur throws Toothless off and springs back to her feet. She goes on the offensive again, but he slams her upside the head with his tail. She shakes it off as Toothless dangles his tail in front of his face. A playfully curious light flashes across her purple eyes and you realize that the two are finally working together.

"That's it, Bud!" You and Hiccup say in unison.

You let your peripheral slide over at him for a second, catching sight of his proud, relieved smile out of the corner of your eye. You quickly look back as you hear another plasma blast and then a loud clang as one of the cages drops around Zyphur.

"Thank Thor! You did it, Bud! You did it!" Hiccup breaths a sigh of relief.

Toothless turns to the crowd and roars angrily as they start to chant "Night Fury! Night Fury! Night Fury!"

You sink to your knees as an odd mix of shame and pride pours out of your heart. The fight was over, but at what cost?

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