Kotarou Amon

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Akita's POV

The man lifted his eyebrow into a perfect arch. "Do you recognize me?"

She nodded, "Investigator Amon," whispering his name. Why wouldn't I remember the 191 cm tall investigator?

"Why did you attack?" He demanded.

"He killed my brother! Wouldn't you try to avenge the death of a loved one?!" She snapped pushing against the restraints.

Come on! Despite a shared past, he's an investigator and I'm a ghoul!


"Hello Akita," a younger version of Amon called.

He patted her head. "Thanks for helping us escape,"

She had called the CCG after hearing Amon's call for help from the basement of the orphanage he was trapped in. She beamed with pride. She had only met him an hour ago and she had already saved his life.

***** Flashback over*****

Amon's POV

"Why did you save me?" He asked.

I need to know this. Please tell me girl. I remember you.

"Ghouls have morale values, too," she spat back.

"Ohh," he said, dumbfounded.

Akita's POV

She struggled against the bonds. I have to find out Naru...

"The man I was with when I was captured, how is he?" she stopped struggling.

Her foot tapped impatiently. I wonder when my Rc cell count will recover. She blinked her growing increasingly heavy eyelids.

Amon frowned. "Is this the favor that I owe you?"

She nodded and started to yawn. "Sleeping gas?" she murmured, noticing the nozzles installed in the ceiling.

"Yes, I thought you wouldn't notice it with your declined senses," his lips drew into a smirk.

Some doves burst into the room and roughly drug her from the chair and carried her back to her bland colorless cell.

She stumbled to the cot, but slipped right before making it. Her head banged the metal frame and she slipped unconscious.

So how was this chapter? Good? Bad? Please tell me!

Do you prefer Kaneki or Haise?
.... I can't choose... Probably Kaneki

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