1 - Reality or Dream

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Its 3:30 and Karate practice is finally over.

I pre downloaded all the episodes.

Now i can watch the last episode of Akatsuki no Yona!

While waiting for Sam my amazing buddy and Sora in the locker bay I went straight into my mini shoulder side bag thing and grabbed my amazing solar powered smart phone that looks like a iPhone.

As I watch the last minutes of the last episode...

"OMG Hak! Just kiss her already! WE ALL KNOW UR FEELINGS! Don't try to hide it even jaeha is mocking YOU" I screamed out loud at my phone.

"Oh it seams you finally finished Akatsuki no Yona" Sam said making me jump.

"Yup and Hak is a stupid F-ing thunder beast" I exclaimed

"I had the same reaction as You did just now, at least the manga is on going" Sora said patting my shoulders.

"Okay so should we be heading to my place now?" Sam said pushing me to the school exit.

"Oh and Sora You better leave soon too"

"Kay bye Cleo! Sam! See U in 2 weeks, oh and REMEMBER the snacks!"

Okay so I'm staying over at Sam's place she and I plan to make the best 2 week of eating ra-men, pocky, and watching anime AKA be lazy...

Oh and Sam lost a bet to Sora and now have go get him his favorite snacks.

We get a whole 2 week off from our special spring break plus student week off thing.

"Sam I can't see there is a super big fog"

"What's up with that?"

"Now its raining wa i cant see! Sam?"


"I can't see you um Sam?"

*no response*


*no response*

"Sa u wah ahhhhhhh"

That's me screaming from falling into a hole on the ground.

Few moments later

"Owwww Wait I'm alive? Ive been falling for like 5 minute and I was sure i was gonna die..."

I reached into my bag

Okay let's see what I have.


2 packs of Pocky

10,000 yen....

Wait WHAT?

Yen as in Japanese currency???


Why does my clothing feel differnet....

I look down to see my clothing I'm wearing a kimoto?!

"OKAY now its getting creappy...

I started to hear a faint voice...

I got up and suddnetly I'm in the middle of a town like a old shopping district...


This feeling.... it can't be...

I start to walk into a huge gate...

Omg I see him...

The king....

Yona's father...

Doing his speech...

It can't be I'm in..


~Hello! This is a 3 part book sequel and the first 2 books are finished
Before commenting
"I don't like how you typed U and not You" be consider that I wrote this YEARS AGO and I do NOT write in U anymore. The 2nd book does not contain that expect for maybe the first 2 chapters

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