4 - Goodbye King II

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Cleo's POV

"Yona how was Ur day?"

"Fine? I guess"

"Hey Ur gana go try to convenience Ur father about u know u and su won right?"

"How did u know?!"

"I have mad skills my friend... Anyways I'll go with you :D"

"Thanx :D"

"Go on ahead I'll be right there"


As she left I grabbed my sword and put on the side bag

"Hak u can come out now"

"U have mad skills my friend"

"Yes as I do"

"Haku I can't not stop something big that will happen here but I can do is help yona"

"Yah yah I know let's talk later I'm going to go to mun su to chill for a momment and grab my blade"

"Fine but make it quick yona is in danger and I will evecually tell u all about it now go!"

As we lwent our ways I can see that yona is being taken away shoot...

I didn't want to see the King II die so...

Screw this...

I ran and soon caught up and I was out of there reach.

"HAK!" I screamed

And there appeared the thunder beast just in the nick of time to save yona

I ran to her and put a cloth to cover her



"hai hai!"

"Guh! Let go of me!"

"General hak U should reconsider after look at them" su won's inspector or something said.

"drop ur weapon"

Okay if I remember correctly min su will shoot a terrible arrow and hak will...


As I predicted with my mad Otaku skills...

"GET UR FILITHY HANDS OFF OF YONA U BASTARDS!" I screamed as I back kicked the guards face.


"I'm already on"

As hak picks up his weapon and attack the guard holding yona hostage I screamed for hak and we ran.

"Let's go!"

*dash dash (guards running)*

"Look for them hurry!"

"Min su! Omg hi"

"Who are U?"

"I'm Hak's master :p"


"Nvm that" hak interrupted.

"Okay we need a way out"

"I'll go ensure a safe route for guys. Princess yona is it true he is dead king II that is"


"I'm sorry I couldn't believe it"

"Min su" I said.

I lead over to his ear and whispered.

"Min su ur death will not be in vain"

I gave him a hug.

"Okay let's get ready"

"I'll leave now hurry and live on princess!"

As min su went most of the guards are gone

"I'll take care of this hak carry yona!"

I ran and kicked one of them hard in there U know what place and other a karate chop in the head.

"Okay let's go!"

As we ran and left I can see she is pale.

We kept running for ages and we got deeper into the Forest.

About an hour has passed and I was carrying yona...

Yes I was carrying yona...

Hak and I made a deal we take turns.

And yona is very light so :p

It was time to rest I took my phone out and I replayed this mommnet okay so now the scene where hak gives yona a hug is appearing.

Im Soooo happy that my phones solar powered :D

I turned on camera and I started to take it.

Here it comes...

"Let's go guys" hak stated.

"Were.. to? My father... Father is gone and how can I leave him? *sniff sniff*"

Hak come on!!

Hak gives yona a hug.

oh my lord of potato! (thats U Wild wolf)

"Anywhere" he started but got cut by me.

I pushed hak and I hugged yona.

"If it means U will live" I finished for hak

Hak goes to a emo corner...

"Oh my butter scotch! Hahahahahahahaha"

"Haha thank U Cleo :)"

"Looks like U have cheered up a bit :D"

"Let's go hak will carry U"

"What?! I tough it was still ur turn too"

"I'll just walk by myself"

"Thank U Cleo"

"Where's my thanx?!"

"There is no thanx for U thunder beast"

"ugh hey btw how do u know alot of stuff?"

"there wil be a time when ull know but for now... lets get some rest hak ur on guard duty!'

"nooooo u go first!"

Next day afternoon ish (i think?)




"uh what?!"

"good here eat these"


"please for me"

to think she would be more cheerful then she is in the show...

shes talking more ish and sorta eating

could this be because of me?

"come on at least take a bite kay?"


"good girl"

as she took a bite she started to eat the whole thing

"oh it seams i said one bite but U ate the whole thing ~"

yona freezes and we chuckle

"hey lets go take a bath day?"


as we got in the water i remembered something...

what was it?

oh well

as we took our so called bath i got out first

i felt something on my leg and i just brushed them off

yona screamed and i hit hak n the head for looking


"princess is something wrong?" of course something wrong idiot she droped her hair clip and hak picked it up before i did shoot.

i know he wont give it to her unless she shows her strong will.

ill watch over her.

"ill be right back"


few moments later

"im gana follow h..." i intruded him

"no ur not thunder beast i am"

i got up and used my ninja skills


JK! but i still have very athletic skills :D

I followed what the anime showed me

ugh i dont want to go near any snake..

Remember this is for yona, remember!

I can see the red hair glowing in the dark she is desperately searching and i know Hak is up on top of the tree.

Ugh is here the snack

I look up at him and it seams the is is ready to go into princess defense mode.

well hes too late cuss im running towards her and i trow the knife hoping it will not hit yona and hit the snake.

yes in the head!

head shot!

i then pulled her and said "yona! lets go!"

oh wait i forgot there isnt just one snake theirs

*hiss* *Bite*

good thing i was protecting her with my body if she were to get bitten she will surly die...


there hak apears from the trees and then starts attacking her

"okay yona were here at the cave it should be safe here"

i was about to hand her my sword

"oh wait let u touch a weapon its king II's Orders...."

"oh great whatever" i got my sword in a blade form

its just cooler this way :D

i then went to hak's side and started to help

"lets go thunder beast! GO! go to yona!"


"ahhhhh" yona screams from shock not terror, from hak picking her up and bringing her to a safe place.

i see a snake try to attack hak i grabbed the knife and threw it at the snack as i scream "hak! jump!"

of course cuss of the command he jumps.


"princess use me as a shield ur tool"


"thats what im here for but it seams that someone else is here too"



"wait for me!!!!!!!!!!!" i said trying to run with my injured poisoned leg..

~Im~ Stuck~In~Akatsuki~No~Yona~

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i hope u are!

by the way remember my lovely readers thanx!


~Im~ Stuck~In~Akatsuki~No~Yona~

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