Chapter 1 - Awakening

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I woke up feeling different... very different.

"What the-" I said as I looked around astonished. I could see everything perfectly, and I was in a hospital without a doubt.

I grabbed a mirror that was near me and almost yelled in astonishment. I had bright red eyes, just like the attackers, and I looked very different.

"I want my green eyes back!" I said as I looked in horror at my image, and soon my eyes came back to normal. "thank  God," 

I looked around once again, apparently someone took me to a hospital. I looked down at myself and stared at  my pale skin in horror. "I also want all of my appearance back!" I whiperyelled. I stared as my skin came back to my normal tan. "Cool."

Someone came into the room.

"Oh, you're awake!" the nurse said surpriced. "I came to check on you... you seem alot better, you've gained your color back."

"What happened to me?" I said as I tried to remember. I noticed I couldn't see everything as perfect as before now.

"Well sweetie, they found you in the forest near your house, since when they found your parents they went to look for you, but you were alive. The past days you've been getting high fevers and suddenly your heart would stop, but it would start again faster. We didn't know wat to do, since you never stopped changing temperature, and now you're awake!" she explained. "It's a miracle."

"Wait, wait," I said as my eyes got wide. "Where are my parents? Why aren't they here?"

"Oh," the nurse said as she got a pitied look on her face. "Your parents are dead sweety, they were killed."

I felt like being punched in the stomach. Dead. I'm never seeing them any more. I won't be able to hug my dad, or to talk with my mom. I'm all alone. I wanted to cry... yet I couldn't.

The nurse left the room and that's when I remebmered... the three people who had done this to me. What were they? I looked at my wrist and saw a halfmoon scar. It can't be. i was attacked by that must mean... I'm now a vampire? I don't feel need to drink blood... but then again my red eyes were gone as soon as i wanted them... might this be thanks to that weird animal? I still remember those almos human eyes. They looked almost... human. I grabbed the mirror and thought about me being a vampire. Soon my skin went pale again, my heart stopped beating and my eyes were red. I felt a deep burn in my throat.

That's it. I'm a vampire now... a weird vampire.

I looked at my clothes and changed to them quicker that the humans could ever do, and I went for the window. I noticed I could hear pretty muche everything and smell just as well. My eyesight became perfect, and I could run faster than any human... I bet I'm even stronger since my skin is really hard. 

It was already night when I left the hospital, so I went to the forest near my house and looked for animals to eat. As soon as I finished I decided I couldn't be alone, I need to find more vampires... and friendly ones for that matter. An image suddenly apeared in my head, and I saw a sign that read Forks, and then it continued throught a forest and to a house. In the house I saw vampires... although they were slightly different...

"That's it!" I said as I decided. "I have to get to Forks."

I went home and prepared my bags. I went to where we kept the money and put it all in one bag... If I need any more I can simply use my credit card. I then grabbed all my bads and went to the garage. So I don't have a car since I'm pretty young, but my parents do, and since I'm already a vampire I guess it doesn't really matter if I drive. 

I arrived Forks not to later and it was already morning. I decided to rent an apartment and live there for now. Later I'll go to search for the family of before. It would be a long day.

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