Chapter 3

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I got out of my car when we arrived, Edward tried to be all gentleman and open the door for me, however I stopped him, and opened it myself.

"How old are you?" Edward asked curious as we walked in the hospital.

"Thirteen." I said as I shrugged.

"You sure don't look thirteen." He said as he looked at me confused.

"I know, I'm just that cool." I said as I smiled.

"Carlisle," he said as we entered a room, and I spotted the man from the vision earlier. Edward looked at me confused and I once again blocked my mind glaring at him.

"Edward," Carlisle said confused. "Who is this?"

"She's Cassie." Edward said as he looked intently into Carlisle's eyes. I did too and I thought about how cool it would be if I could read his mind. Suddenly I could hear Carlisle's voice even though he wasn't sleeping.

"Cool!" I shouted grinning.

They both looked at me confused and I smiled sheepishly. "Heh, sorry, I just read your mind."

"But how -?" Edward said with wide eyes.

"Anyway, I need to talk to you Carlisle." I said as I smiled. "I would like Edward to leave though."

"It wouldn't make a difference," Carlisle said smiling. "He'll read my mind."

"Not if I blocked it." I said as I smiled confidently, I don't even know if I'm able to do that.

"What don't you want me to hear?" Edward said suspicious.

"I want to tell him how I was turned. I then expect an explanation... If he doesn't have one however, I'm pretty much screwed." I said. "Now, leave." 

Edward left and i waited untiln I was sure he wasn't able to hear us, what I did to know that of course where my weird vision-thingys.

"Right," I said as I looked back at Carlisle. "i have this weird power... I'm able to become human apparently. So, the night I was transformed I was kind of bitten by these scary looking men,"

"You were bitten by two vampires, yet not killed?" He asked.

"I was getting there," i said a bit annoyed. "But they were rudely interrupted by some animal, who scratched the bites... and this is the result."

He thought about it for a while. "Did you see anything from the animal?" He questioned.

"Yes. He had almos human like eyes... filled wih worry." I said.

"Where did this happen?" He asked.

"Seattle." I said.

"Why would they be so far..." he muttered to himself.

"huh?" I asked confused.

"I sincerely don't know what to think. It's not possible for a vampire to just be able to turn human. If I could see what happened maybe..."

"Say no more." I stated as I once again invided his mind. He was confused but I played the memory in his mind, therefore reliving it myself.

"Wow,2 he said once the memory ended.

"Those are deffinitley werewolfs." he said. "Probably from La Push, as my first suspect. I'm thinking maybe what you turn into is not human at all, but you turn into werewolf."

"I don't think so. I don't get all hairy." i said confused.

"These are different werewolfs, at sertain age they are able to turn to wolves, giant wolves, who are able to kill vampires."

"Oh,"  i said still not getting it. "So, appart from compelling what can vampires do?"

"We can't 'compel', each has it's own power, if they have one at all." he said confused.

"Then my power is mind control! Cool!" I said smilng.

"Well then," he said as he was called. "Well have to continue this later. After school go with edward, and we'll talk home." 

"Sure," I said as I went outside. I scowled when I saw my car gone. I went to the woods and then continued to run full speed to the school. Stupid vampire.

I entered and found the halls still with students, meaning I still had time. I entered the cafeteria and went straight to the Cullens-

"Cassie! Where were you?" Jessica yelled from her table, making me glare at Edward as I made my way to them.

"Well, I er... I went to say hi to an old friend of mine's!" I lied, and I could hear Edwards laugh, although very low for humans.

"really? You know one of the Cullens? Who?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Erm... Rosalie. Yeah  Rosalie... I saw her once in..." I stopped, shit! I don't know where they used to live!

"Alaska,"  Rosalie muttered low.

"Alaska!" I said smiling. "I come from Alaska. Yeah..."

"Definitley a bad liar..." Emmett said from the Cullen table, I guess I don't have to mention low for only vampires to hear.

"You know any of the other Cullens?" Bella asked curiously.

"Just met them. I have to say, I didn't expect some of them to be so annoying." I said as I glared at Emmett.

"Where did you go to with Edward?" Jessica asked, making it notisable thats what she wanted to ask all along.

"Oh, he... he didn't believe me I had a Camaro... so I showed him." I said fast.

"Oh, okay!" Jessica said smiling. "Was he like... nice to you?"

"Er... not really. He was 'polite', not nice." I said not wanting her to kill me.

"Told you, apparently no girl's good enough." Jessica told Bella.

I saw as all the Cullens stood up and went to leave.

"Aren't you comming?" Emmett said with his back still turned on me.

I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Jessica asked.

"I have to go." I said not looking her way as I followed the Cullens.

"Who does she think she is? I bet they won't pay any attention to her." She whispered, but of course I could hear.

Apparently the others heard aswell, because as soon as I caught up Emmett side-hugged me and Rosalie started to talk to me. Edward was laughing and even Jasped had a smile in his lips

 I could almost picture Jessica's expression. Oh joy.

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