16 - Rescue

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Ashely's POV
"What was that jackass?! Say that once more" natsu yelled at Gray

"Jeez I said your frickn nosiy natsu" Gray responded

Natsu and gray starts to brawl as juvia goes all heart eyes and all lovey feels at Gray

"Gray sama even when your fighting your boldness is wonderful!" Juvia said all crazy love at Gray who is only paying attention to his fight with natsu

"Okay that's enough a little more and you'll destory antoher pub" Lucy said trying to stop these idiots

The idiots aren't really paying anymore attention

"Master is it okay to let them have it?!" Lucy said trying to find some defenders

"I'll fell them off, natsu!" Master calls

"If yor gana do it go all out! Show me the fire of the dragons slayer!" Master said encouraging them

I started to laugh

"You don't have to tell me that I'm gana make you cry Gray!" Natsu's fist lit on fire

"Shut up your the one who's gana cry natsu!" Gray was ready to use his ice make magic

"Thank you for the meal" happy was about to take a bit on his fish when...

Natsu's and gray's magic hit happy and happy froze in ice ehilehis fish got burned

"Uh-oh" both of them says

"How terrible. How can you treat me like this TT" happy say

"Sorry about that" natsu say

I felt a dark aura

I turn around to see erza's strawberry cake ruined by happy's fish that flew over

I looked at happy who Wendy was treating his wounds

"I'll heal you" Wendy said nicely

"Forget me turn my fish to how it was before..." Happy was anime crying for his fish

"Pathetic" Carla said as swan tries to comfort happy

"Would you stop it?" I turned back around to notice that erza just banged the idiots heads together as they fell

"Morons were right in the middle of the GMG" erza started to say starting down at the boys

"At a critical time like this... You smashed my cake" erza let out a death glare

"Sit up straight I'll have your heads!" Erza summons one of her swords

As natsu and gray trys to escape erza's Wraith the door opens

"Weesh I finally got out and made it back" I saw gajeal standing by the door

Gajeal tells us about something important about dragons...

My head hurts...

I'm forgetting about of things...

We made our way down to were natsu and gajeal was once at and soon we found a dragon grave.

So the team was natsu Wendy gajeal and me but Lucy and Gray decided to join

Oh right Wendy uses milkey way!

"Wendy how about using milkey way?" I tell her as a light bulb appear on her head

"I'll help draw it" I helped Wendy draw te magic circle

"Wendy how about we both do it I don't want you to use all your powers when I who can use copycat can help" she nods as I sat right next to her

A green dragon appears a ghost to be exact

I didn't pay attention as much

"Did these girl summon me?" The dragon says as he looked hungry

"Oi! You can't eat them!" Natsu said

"I'm joking how can I my body is like this" he moves though natsu

We talked for about 5 to 10 mins and he vainshed and the knight who's name starts with a A (I'm forgetting the name) comes out with yukino

When we are brought to the eclipse I realized we (yukio, Lucy and I) are gana get caught

We got to where the portal was and the defence team leader dud whatever comes and his army surrounds us

"Grab Lucy yukiono and Ashley!" The guy says as I was about to beat everyone ul but realized that we needed to be captured

"Don't touch me I'll walk" I said as natsu used his magic

I walked to the jail cell as Lucy and yukino were brought too

The next day
"Natsu will calm down relax" I said ensuring yukino and Lucy

"Why are you so calm and you didn't even resist" luy said as the eyes laid on me

"I know the future and we needed to be captured also Lucy try to change quicker" I said

"Lucy ash yukino!" Natsu said as he broke the bars

Lucy quickly changed becuase of my warning

I too change into what I prefer to ware (check the pic I attached)

"Swan could you hold Wendy?" I asked as she sorta understood why

I used my magic and my wings appeared

The second the floor realzied I grabbed mira and wendy

I gently dropped them on the ground when I flew down until it was safe

"Thank you Ashley San" Wendy said

Lucy fell on top of natsu

Poor natsu

Blah blah princess talks and we do alot of stuff such as Lucy and Mira doing some sexy posses

I realized they could have asked me for directions for I know where to get out of here lolz I shall wait until they ask

When we found a narrow path we found Arcadios San HURT on the ground

Next thing you know "knights" are attacking you

"Fuck, natsu behind you!" I yelled warning natsu

He dodged the attack

Wendy natsu and I went head combat with everyone until stuff happened and natsu's blast make everyone shatter to different places

"SWAN!" I yelled as I grabbed her into my arms

Next thing I know I was alone just with Swan in my arms

"SWAN!" I yelled as she woke up

"Oh Thank God" I said hugging her

"We should quickly find the others" swan said as we got up

"Left or right" I said letting swan choice

"You choice" she says

"Fine um... Right... NO LEFT!" I said as we ran left

I hope I could help someone

We ran and ran and soon it got cold

"Oh wait could this be" I started

"Lucy!" Swan and I yell

We saw tartus going back

"Hey guys!" I said as they rejoice

Swan flew to Carla and happy

"Yay! Ash is here!" Happy said as he felt that the we could beat this guy

"Okay let me warm you guys up" I said as I used natsu's flames and melt the ice as Lucy and yukino were covered in the flames

"Ahhh!" They scream

"YO RELAX DO THEY HURT YOU?!" I yell as they realzied its just warm

"These flames.. Don't hurt?!"

"Yah they don't I control my flames!" I tell them

"Ohh" they responded

"How could you melt my ice Tai!" The werid dud said

"Ah wait if there'd water!" Lucy started as happy's face turned pale

"YOU DONY MEAN HER?!" Happy yells

"I open the gate to the wat-" I cut Lucy off

"DONT I don't want you to use more of your powers we need to save them for later" I said as she stops

She just looks at me the nods

"Okay then" I started to crack my nucules

"Tai?" The werid dud sweat drops from the dark aura I send out

"You have hurt my friends for you pay! PRISM FLAME DRAGON IRON FIST!" I yell as I was super quick o my feet and punched the dud as he is send flying and soon we meet up with everyone

"Yo" we all say

"Now *crack nucules* where is the exit?" Natsu said with an evil aura

"Wait a minute Ash don't you know where the exit is?" Mira said realzied I have future telling powers

"Yah" everyone's eyes laid on me

"WTH Why didnt you tell us before?!" Natsu said pissed

"Um you guys never asked" I said smirking a little

"Anyways lets go" we headed out and went deeper and deeper

When we arrive natsu was ready to take down the door

"Fire dragon iron" he didn't get to finish for the door started to open

Natsu rolled and was laying down on the griund in front of her...

"this scent.. This voice.." Everyone started to say

"Yo Lucy" I said waving at the person who is taking off the hoodie

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