24 - Meeeeeeeeen

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Sorry I couldn't go on Wattpad yesterday so this is a day late update but I hope you enjoy~

lets see how Ashely will deal w/ this XD

Ashley's POV
It's 6 am in the morning

"Why do I wake up so early in the mornings?" I asked myself stupidity

i looked over to see swam was in my arms

I quietly moves away from her hoping she wouldn't wake up... But she's a cat...

She's very sensitive

She rubbed her eyes

She got up

"*yawn* your up early... Morning" she said still rubbing her eyes

"I'll get breakfast done" I said heading towards the kitchen

I fried some eggs & bacon and toasted some toast

I quickly changed into a black T shirt and a pair of jeans

I opened the curtains

"Ah what a lovely day" I said listening to the brids chirp and some squirrels up on a tree

"Morning" I heard a familiar voice call out

I turned around to see Gray

"What the fuck are ya doing here?!?! OI GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE DONT TURN INTO NATSU" I yelled as he sits down on the coffee table

So much for my good day...

"I'm starving give me some foooood" he said begging for food like a puppy

I giggled for a bit

"Fine I'll give you food but you have to leave right away... Don't turn into Natsu" I said as he nods

"But I'm your boyfriend..." He said disappointed

I realized what happened on "that" day and the kiss...

"An-Anyways... Um just leave after eating" I said


Swan flew over and noticed gray

She started to smack him for what happened that day

We (sorta) had a nice breakfast

Gray left by the front door

At least he won't break in through the window like that damn Natsu

5 mins later
"Swan! Hurry up!" I yelled sitting on the floor while waiting for swan to put on her mini side bag

"Hai hai" she flies over to my shoulder and sits there

I opened the door and...

"Gray" I said in a monotony voice

"Took you 5 mins to get ready.. You beat any other girls" he said grinning

He was waiting for me

"To the guild!" I yelled trying to think about everything that wasn't part of gray...

"Um... Isn't today " that" day? You know the day we help out with the grand opening?" He asked



If today is "that" day then "that" will...

"ICHIYA!" I yelled in a furious tone

At Blue Pegasus's guild place
Ichiya's POV
For a moment I thought someone was calling for me!
[A/N um... She was yelling at you...]

Ashley's POV
"Gray... Please be safe.. And don't you dare kiss juvia" I yelled while I got ready to fly

"Wait what?!" He yelled back so confused

I flew up as I quickly spotted lucy and the others

"Swan stick around with lucy kay? Just trust me" I asked swan as she flies at lucy

"PROTECT LUCY!" I yelled out again

It was still early which meant that we are still safe...

I think I have about a hour

I used duronbolt's magic and transported myself...

Or I tried to at least...

It failed...

I can't use that magic???

I feel as if my powers are getting drained...

I quickly flew down to the river bank near the guild

My head began to hurt...


The pain lifted after about 30 mins..

Oh well...

I walked over to the guild...

It was a mistake...

I didn't realized how much of time I spent...

When I opened the guild door I saw thunder strick about 2 inches away from my face

"Oh god..." I closed the door and flew up in the air...

I saw something I shouldn't have seen...

Next time I see Ichiya I'm gana beat the crap out of him...

The guild was infected

I flew back up to see so many people getting infected


I flew down looking for Natsu

"Natsu!" I yelled but he barely heard me cuss thanks to his dragon slayer hearing

He looks at me directly

I see swan by under the bridge

If swans there then...

I realized lucy already meet up with Natsu...

Time goes by so fast

I flew down and lucy was relieved to see me

Juvia's POV
Gray sama saw me

"Gray sama~" juvia yells happily

Wendy carla and juvia were together

"Yoy guys okay?" He asked worried

"Yes" we responded

"Juvia is scared" juvia said as juvia hugs gray sama

"It's fine" he said holding juvia

"Cuss I'll sniff you....... Ash" he said as Juvia realzied that Juvua was mistaken for Ashley...

Juvia moves closer to him and kissed him...

Ashley's POV
I feel a chill down my spine and realzied something was happening to gray..

Oh well...

Just hope he didn't kiss her

I tried to forget about him...

We are currently in the sewers

Okay think brain.. Think...

What happened nex..

SFX: drop & crash

"Salamder..." I heard gajeal say as lily comes out too

"Happy..." Lily said

"Lucy they don't seam to notice you" Natsu said as we ran and turned a corner

"Go figure... Anyways I'm gana turn myself into wat..." I couldn't change...

Oh god...

"I.. Can't.. Change... Oh god..." I said trying to think of a plan

Wait... If I just need to not expose my sent then maybe...

I brought my wings out and make them bigger

I covered my body with my wings but before that I grabbed swam into my arms

So now I was a ball covered in my wings...

Natsu who got into Lucy's costume had to give his top to lucy for having her good protection ripped

"Guys lets get out of here" I said as more and more anti ichiya infections came...

Oh wait Romeo...

Damn it...

I don't want wendy to see Romeo get infected...

But I know its too late...

Happy grabbed lucy and lucy grabbed Natsu

I grabbed swan as we broke thought out the sewers

The infection was worse...

"Ashley's San!" I heard a cute voice call out

"Wendy!" We called out

We discussed about the stuff

They are boring so I shall skip to the action and fun stuff - A/N

Swan grabbed lucy as happy held Natsu

"Natsu yoy know what we have to do" I said as we both grinned

I closed my wings as happy dropped Natsu

We raced to the guild

I slamed the door opened and it

"Natsu take care of laxus!" I yelled out as he did what he was told

I grabbed the anti smell thingy

I used Wendy's magic Arms and mixed it with this

As I ran out the door I made sure to used the magic allowing it to speared around the world with the purifying magic

Mixing the anti smell thing with Wendy's magic that spreads lime a plus

I was able to purify those that were infected

We all went home after telling the story to the guild

I realzied something that I was forgetting...


Oh well

Author's POV
What Ashley's couldn't remember was that happy was the only one...

That was still...


To be continued...

Sorry again for da late update

Like I said I wasn't able to go on Wattpad yesterday to update the chapter SORRY

Well hopefully I will get the next chapter done for tomorrow!

See ya!

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