9 - 7 Month?

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Lin's POV
After helping Ash to her apartment I sat next to her in her bed

"Could you now tell me what happened?" I asked

Ashley's POV
"Could you now tell me what happened?" Lin asked me

"Well" I looked at my left arm as I noticed my whole body kinda glowed for a while as the fairy tail guild mark showed up

I showed it to her

Her eyes widen at the sight

She tried to rub it off as if it's a prank but no its real

"No.. Way..."

"Oaky well let's just day my parents were dragons and they transfers me to the fairy tail world.. My powers are the prism draogn slayer as well as copycat"

Her mouth opens as rin enters the room he sees her sister

"Did I miss something?" He asked as he muched on some food..



"Give me"

*hands me chips*

*munch munch*

"Lin?" *waves hand over her face*

*closed her mouth*

Rin looked dumbfound "sis close your mouth before flies make a home in it" he joked

Lin couldn't say anything she just points to me guild mark

Rin drops his bag of potato chips as his mouth opens to

"Guys.. Guys?" *waves at there faces*

"Do you want proof?"

*they nod*

"Help me up to the back yard"

They helped me walk

We walked outside to the backyard table

They were still shock

"Ready for to be more shocked?" I said making them glup

"Yes" they said in union

"This is my magic from my moms side the prsim dragon"

There eyes widen as I tired to stand

I aimed up in the sky

"Prism Dragon Roar!" As soon as I did my body felt like as if they were about to clasped

I fell down on the ground

"ASH" my friends called out as I passed out

7 yearslater in FT Year

Mavis's POV
Its been 7 years here since the attack and since I allowed the child to go back to her birth home

I saw the ship of my guild

I stood on water in front of the island

They started to come closer and I used my magic to rise the island

I lead them in deeper to where the children were

"NATSU!" They scream as they come to wake the pink headed fire mage

"Where are the others?" They asked

I moved further into the forest as everyone followed

"Over here" I said

The rest of the memebrd were found..

"You saved us first master" the 3rd master said

"No I am dead only my sprit lives feely here I only guided you" and then I went to take a rest and to see how she was doing

Ashley's POV
Its been 7 months since I came back

I missed 3 months of school

And today is the last day

I plan to move in with Lin's family so I already sold my home and such

All I had to bring was food, a desk, textbooks, books, and studying materials I had after I graduated

We all eagerly waited for the school bell to ring


We jumped up and ran out the school

I got in my car and headed to the hill in between my last apartment and my new home at Lin's place

I stayed until it was 9 as Lin texted me saying we should go shopping tomorrow

As I replied back to her I noticed a glow I got closer and I noticed the mark f the fairy tail!

I ran to it and tears began to form in my eyes

It was my home...

"Child" I heard the voice..

"Master Mavis?" I called out as the light formed into a shape of a person as it stopped glowing

"Child the time has come"

"What is? You still haven't told me why I'm back here!"

"Listen... You came here for the purpose of finishing what's left to do here in This world now true purpose is to stay in my world and be a member of fairy tail"

Member of fairy tail

Member of fairy tail

These worlds kept running around in my mind

"I will give you 1 hour today your farwells for you will never return here.. Unless.." She didn't finish I knew what I had to do

I used the exceed wing magic and flew to my new apartment at Lin's place

I flew by the window I saw Lin waiting for me as she made dinner

"Lin!" I called out to her

"Huh?" I grabbed her bride style and flew out to the hill

"What are you doing?!" She said in a jocking tone ish

"Lin listen to me.. Fairy tail NEEDS me and" she hugged me

"I was prepared fort he worst since the accident... But to me this is too fast... When are you leaving?" She asked as tears begane to fall down our faces

"Tonight.. In about led then a hour"

Se let's go as her eyes widen

"Its to soon..."

Her tears kept falling... Yet she tries to wipe them away as fast as she can..

She smiles at me...

"This is just like after hearing that your siblings got lost and we never got hold of them.." She keeps on smiling..

"How can you keep on smiling..."

"Because its you... Just like how you kept smiling until now..." We hear a voice call for us

"Ash! Lin sis!" Rin got to us

His eyes widen as he saw us in tears

"What's.. Going on?"

I hugged rin

"Your just like a Lil bro to me... Take care... ask Lin for details.. I have to go"

I kissed his forehead..

"Even though were the same age... You will still be my Lil bro.. Forever..." I hugged Lin for the las time

Tears began to aall for the last time

"I'm gana miss you... The most... My dearest best friend... My family... Lin" I walked to e master Mavis was at and I walked in the portal

"Bye bye...!" Lin said as she is no longer in my site

"Are you ready?" Master Mavis said as she flew next to me

"Um.. Its been only 7 months... So do I have to wait another like 6 years?" I asked wiping my tears away

".. No... It'd already 7 years"


"Child.. Everyone is probably in the guild soon"

"Oh..." I realized I was wearing my jeans which means I have my phone...

I reach for the phone

"Oh does phones work here?" I asked

"Yes.. And I do know what technology for world is like.. You know yo ucould have brought more stuff"

"No.. I dont want to rely on stuff from my world..."

"I understand.. Were here"

"For on your own now" she disappeared

I relaized I wore a black hoodie

I stood in front of of the guild

Oh should I surprise everyone?

I leaded on the door to listen to there conversation

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