Chapter 1: Stuck in the Family, Part 1

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It was a bright and early morning in the Diaz household, things were always unusually peaceful in the morning at that household since all the kids were in bed. This time though, not all the kids were in bed as their mother would hope and this kid would be the driving force to starting everyone's day.

A young girl entered a relatively large kitchen with a device in hand. She was a beautiful girl with long brown hair, brown eyes and small, barely visible freckles dotting the bridge of her nose. She wore a yellow tank top with a white tank top underneath, stylized blue jeans and black sneakers with a black watch tied to her wrist. This was Harley Diaz, resident inventor in the Diaz family and the official middle child.

The device in her hand beeped as she slowly waved around the room until the beeping got louder when she pointed at the pantry. She walked towards it with a grin and opened the doors to reveal her mother drinking coffee in her pajamas while sitting on some stacked cans.

Suzy Diaz was a woman with long dark brown hair that was at the moment tied in a messy bun and black eyes. She wore white pajamas with purple hearts all over, a purple sweatshirt and pink bunny slippers.

Suzy was a mother of eight and that came with a lot of work so drinking coffee while trying to hide from her family was not just normal to her, it was the highlight of her day.

"Big day mom!" Harley exclaimed.

Suzy let out a brief shriek as she jumped "Harley, how'd you find me?"

"Mom tracker," Harley said as she showed her the device "The same way I found you yesterday behind the dryer."

Suzy sighed "Your inventions are killing me kid."

Suzy heard a squelching sound and turned to see a jar of jelly opened and laying horizontally "Oh come on! Who left the jelly open? It's in my hair."

Harley turned to face you as Suzy licked the jelly from her hair.


"Yup, that's my mom. Squatting on a can of corn in the closet. When you have eight kids and want some peace, this is what happens."


Harley turned back to her mom who pointed at her and spoke "I need two more minutes to slug down my coffee, close the door before the other kids see and start bugging me."

"Love it, respect it, can't do it." Harley said "The whole family has to be at the park for something great. Where's your travel mug?"

"Not sure, you got a mug tracker?" Suzy asked.

"Better." Harley replied as she took the mug and slid over to the kitchen counter.


"I'm the middle kid, so it's hand me down city." Harley stated as she placed down the mug and grabbed a yellow rubber glove with a rubber band, she tied the bottom of the glove to the top of the mug with the rubber band and cut the thumb part halfway off "I've gotten good at working what I got. I'm not bragging, being creative isn't a choice, its survival."


"Enjoy your new travel thumb." Harley stated as she handed the newly remade mug to Suzy.

Suzy took a sip through the thumb and licked her lips to get a feel for the taste "Hazelnut and dish soap, weirdly it works."

"Good! Cause we got to get this party started." Harley stated as she moved over to face the stairs as Suzy shut the pantry doors "DONUTS!"

A girl with curly brown hair shot up from bed and an older girl with straight brown hair shot up from bed as well. A girl with dark brown hair poked her head out of the bathroom with a smirk and a little girl poked her head out from under a table. The curly haired girl and older girl ran out of bed along with the little girl while the girl with the dark brown hair went right back into the bathroom and shut the door.

A boy with wavy hair, a young boy with short hair and a boy with a helmet in the same age group as the short haired boy shot out of their beds and ran out the room. A man who had been shaving in front of the mirror in his room turned as he heard Harley and smiled.

"Donuts!" The man exclaimed excitedly as he tossed the razor aside and ran out of his room.

All of them pushed, shoved and yelled as they ran through the hall and down the stairs as Harley looked around to see the kitchen shaking.


"That's either an earthquake or my family." Harley said as she heard the screaming and shouting "That's my family."


The whole family, but one, arrived in the kitchen as the boy wearing the helmet shouted "Donuts woman! Where!?"

They started ranting and raving about donuts as Harley spoke "Calm down people, everyone's gonna get donuts."

They sighed in relief and smiled until Harley quickly added "When we get to the park at 11."

With that, they started complaining and shouting as Harley shied away from the backlash. They started to leave but the little girl remained with a tube of lipstick in hand.

"You're lucky we're family or I'd hurt you!" The little girl threatened.

"Hurt me at the park." Harley replied as the little girl backed away while emphasizing that she was watching her.

Suzy poked her head out of the pantry and checked if the coast was clear "So park at 11? Let's see what the big board says."

Suzy walked over to a wall by the kitchen that had a messy white board with various sticky notes and magnets with pictures of her family all separated into days of the week.

"Cooking class Beast and Louie, basketball game Georgie, Rachel volunteer at the soup kitchen...Harley honey, your magnet's not even on here." Suzy expressed in confusion.

"It was there yesterday." Harley said in equal confusion as she checked the magnets in the container below the board but the she spotted it. She bent down and picked up a magnet covered in dirty webs and mold and when she wiped it off, it was in fact her magnet "Seriously!? I was under the fridge and no one even noticed."

"Hate to say it but unless you found a dozen donuts, not gonna get a lot of sympathy from this crowd." The man said as he walked past her.

The man looked to be in his thirties with a cleanly shaven face, short black hair and brown eyes. He wore a grey sweatshirt with long black pajama pants and black slippers. This was Tom Diaz, husband of Suzy Diaz and father of eight.

"I'm sorry sweetie but we just can't squeeze in the park today." Suzy said sympathetically as she kissed Harley's forehead and walked into the kitchen.


"This is what happens when there are eight kids and you're stuck in the middle. If my family was a week, which might be the wrong analogy to use, I'd be Wednesday. Not the beginning of the week where everyone's full of energy and hope," Harley spoke as she looked at her older siblings.

"That'd be Rachel," Harley named while looking at Rachel Diaz, who was the oldest child in the house with long straight brown hair, brown eyes and full lips. She currently wore a grey tank top and pink shorts.

"Ethan," Harley continued while looking at Ethan Diaz who was older than Harley by a year. He was a handsome young man with large wavy hair that was currently a mess due to bed hair and he wore a while long-sleeved shirt, black pajama pants and white socks.

"And Georgie," Harley finished while looking at Georgie Diaz who was the second oldest child in the house with curly brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a large blue football jersey and black shorts.


"Yes officer, she yelled donuts but there are no donuts." Georgie complained on the phone as Rachel and Ethan nodded along in agreement "Can you at least pretend to arrest her?"

The phone clicked as the phone cut to Georgie's confusion as she asked "Hello?"


"She didn't come down..." Harley muttered a bit disappointed as she shook her head and looked back at you "Anyway, I'm not the end of the week where they're relieved and happy."

"That's Lewie," Harley stated as she looked at Lewie Diaz, who was running around the house with a box of cookies in hand. He was part of the younger group in the house with short brown hair, brown eyes and he wore blue rimmed glasses as well as a red plaid shirt and blue jeans with grey socks.

"Beast," Harley stated as she looked at Beast Diaz, who was running after Louie with his own box of cookies and chucking it at him. Beast was in fact Louie's twin brother with long hair similar to Ethan's and brown eyes. He wore a black helmet with dinosaur accessories on top, a black long-sleeved sweatshirt and camo shorts.

"And Daphne," Harley stated as she looked at Daphne Diaz, who was chasing after Louie and Beast with an orange pool noodle. Daphne was brat that you did not want to cross, she had long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a white shirt, a cyan tutu, pink tights and rainbow sneakers with massive amounts of lipstick spread all over her lips, cheeks and even chin.

"I'm the day people meddle through, hump day. I'm hump day Harley." Harley stated.


"Harls, you and I have two very different definitions of Hump day," A girl said as Harley heard footsteps, Harley looked to the stairs with an excited smile as the girl finally reached the bottom step and smirked at Harley "I'd not make that nickname official if I was you."

The girl was the third oldest child in the family and garnering a reputation of being the most troublesome one out of all of them, Antonia Diaz but she preferred to be called Tony. Tony was a beautiful girl with long dark brown hair that had been tied into a pony tail and brown, almost black, eyes. She wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket, black jeans with a red and blue flannel tied to her waist and black combat boots.

Harley's heart fluttered at seeing her, Tony had always been someone special to Harley for a long time. She knew that her feelings towards her was not just sisterly love but much more than that, she knew it was wrong to feel this way for her step-sister but she just couldn't help her feelings no matter how hard she tried.

She knew that her feelings for Tony could never-no, would never be returned because it would be too weird and she'd never have a chance with all the girls that would go after her. Granted, Tony would reject each and every one of them but that just made her chances even more slim including the fact that they were family.


"Ok look, I know it's wrong but that's just how I feel and maybe one day I won't feel like this anymore but for now I'll just have to deal with it and act like we're just sisters, nothing more. Shouldn't be too hard...right?" Harley asked a bit unsure herself.


"Harls?" Tony asked, making her way over to her and gaining her attention "You good?"

"Y-Yeah, just lost in my thoughts." Harley stuttered out.

Tony chuckled "As usual."

Tony got closer and kissed Harley on the cheek which made the young inventor blush while Tony smirked.

"Good morning." Tony said, walking past her towards the kitchen.

"Y-Yeah, morning." Harley said with a small smile.

She did it again, Everyday Tony would kiss her on the cheek and she didn't know why. You'd think she'd be used to it by now but no, after years of being greeted by Tony in this way, Harley would still get butterflies in her stomach.

"Good Morning Tony." Suzy greeted, sipping on her coffee.

"Morning." Tony greeted, ignoring the rubber glove Suzy was sucking on and fetching a bowl, taking out the cereal.

"Showered, dressed and ready for the day. What's the occasion hon?" Suzy asked.

"Harley, of course." Tony answered, pouring the cereal in the bowl.

"M-Me?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Yeah, last week you told us that today would be very important to you and we'd have to wake up early for it, so that's what I did." Tony explained, now pouring the milk and taking out a spoon.

"Wow, well good job Tony." Suzy applauded.

Harley walked over and hugged Tony which was openly returned.

"Thank you." Harley said happily.

"No problem, Harls." Tony said, letting go and starting to eat her cereal.


"You guys see why I feel the way I feel about her? She's always been supportive of me, helped me out when I needed her and she really cares a lot about us. Heck, the girl can barely remember what she had studied the day before, remembering what I said a week ago is one of the sweetest things she could do." Harley said with a giddy smile.


"How come you didn't fall for Harley's donut trick, Tony?" Tom asked.

"Because I'm the one who taught it to her, this family has an unhealthy obsession with donuts." Tony said.

"That explains a lot." Suzy said.

They all hear a glass breaking from somewhere and suddenly Lewie, Beast and Daphne all shout out "Wasn't me!"


"Welcome to the Diaz family. Hide your breakables." Harley said with a smile but then cringed as another glass broke "Actually, just hide."


Harley looks down at her magnet in sadness to which Tony noticed.

"What's wrong Harls?" Tony asked.

"We can't make it to the park today, the board's been booked." Harley explains.

"What? Oh no, no, I had a prank planned for today but I had to cancel because of this. So, we're going to the park, whether this family likes it or not." Tony said, putting down her bowl and opening the pantry to reveal Suzy still sucking on her mug thumb "Can you please have whatever's been planned for today moved so we can do Harley's thing?"

"Is it really that important?" Suzy asked.

"If it's important to Harley then it's important to me." Tony said as Harley smiled.

Suzy looked between Tony and Harley and she laughed, shaking her head "You and your little sister."

Tony smirked at Harley who mouthed a 'Thank you.'

Suzy got up and approached the board and took away a magnet "Sorry Lewie and Beast, no cooking class today."

"What's the point? Yesterday I saw them steal pizza crust from a pigeon." Harley said.

"Alright, we can make it. If we hit every green light, we can get from basketball to the soup kitchen to the park with 3 minutes to spare." Suzy explained "Now comes the hard part."

"As if the first part of your plan wasn't hard already." Tony said.

Harley sighed "We gotta get 10 people out of the house."

"Harley and I will go round them up." Tony stated, putting the bowl in the sink and cracking her knuckles as she turned to look at them "Permission to knock some heads?"

"Denied." Suzy said and Tony groaned as Harley giggled.

"C'mon, let's go." Harley said, heading towards the dining room and Tony followed.

They both arrived to see Lewie and Beast up to their usual shenanigans with Beast standing on the table, one foot in a tub of margarine.

"That's where the butter went." Tony said, announcing their arrival.

Beast looked down at the margarine and looked at her with a nervous smile, "Oops. Sorry, Tony."

Tony waved it off with an uncaring shrug, "Toast with sock flavored margarine wouldn't be the worst thing I've eaten in this house."

"Speaking of eating," Harley said as she looked at her watch, "Let's push the tables together so we can eat."

Tony nodded as she walked over to Beast and grabbed him, tossing him over her shoulder.

"I can't touch the ground!" Beast exclaimed.

"Why not?" Tony asked.

"Because I'm a ninja!" Beast exclaimed.

"Drop him. I encourage it." Lewie said with a smile and Tony rolled her eyes.

"Alright then ninja, pick up some chairs while you're up there yeah?" Tony asked as she held him in place and dragged another table over to the dining room.

"On it, sis! The ninja's on the job!" Beast exclaimed as he reached forward and dragged a chair along with her.

"CEREAL ASSEMBLY LINE!" Harley shouted to announce to the rest of the family.

Like a dysfunctional machine, the family went to work setting the table. In a rotating manner, Rachel put down the bowls, Georgie poured the cereal, Ethan poured the milk, and Tony placed the fruits and bacon bits in the middle.


"This is how my family eats. Divide, conquer, pour, place. And this is where my family eats - a real table, a card table and something I'm pretty sure used to be a nightstand." Harley explained as she sat at the edge of the nightstand table with Tony joining her, "Mom bought the real table when they had 2 kids, but then they had 6 more and no time for furniture shopping so, welcome to the bacon-free zone."


Lewie and Beast handed an empty plate of where the bacon was and a full plate of oranges that had been left over.

"Savages." Tony said with a mournful frown as she stared at the empty plate in disdain, "All of them."

Harley reluctantly took a small piece of bacon and took a tiny bite as Daphne smiles in amusement.

"Beast put that up his nose." Daphne informs and Beast nodded in satisfaction.

Harley immediately reeled back from the piece, "Thanks for mentioning it after I had my teeth on it."

Daphne shrugged as Tony smirked deviously.

"Daphne, givemebaconifyousaywhat!" Tony said in a tone that was much too quick for any to hear.

"What?" Daphne asked.

"Aww, thank you." Tony said as she reached over took two pieces from Daphne's plate, "You're so sweet."

Daphne looked guffawed at the action and she looked at their mother with a whiny frown.

"Mommy she did it again!" Daphne shouted.

"Tony, stop bullying your sister." Suzy said.

"I'm not bullying her. I'm actually doing you guys a favor." Tony said with a cheeky smile.

"Really? How?" Tom asked.

"I read somewhere that bacon fat is especially harmful kids around Daphne's age. Something about developing pores that are very infectious." Tony lied as she took two oranges from the full plate and placed them onto Daphne's plate, "It could get as bad as Daphne ending up in the hospital."

"Somehow I don't believe you." Tom said suspiciously.

"Did I mention the treatment and hospital bills could go over $50,000 in insurance tax?" Tony asked.

Suzy and Tom paused as they looked at each other then back at Daphne.

"Daphne eat your oranges." Tom ordered.

"In fact, give the rest of your bacon to Tony." Suzy ordered as Daphne's jaw dropped, "Tony give her some more oranges."

Tony smirked at Daphne with quirk of her brow as Daphne glared at her and slid the bacon back onto the empty plate while Tony placed more oranges onto her plate.

"Sleep with one eye open." Daphne whispered as she slid her finger across her neck, but Tony just blew her an uncaring kiss in response, enraging the little demon even more.

"Your bacon, mon Cheri." Tony said, imitating a French accent.

Harley giggled as she grabbed a piece of bacon along with Tony. The two tapped their bacon together as if they were clinking glasses and took a bite of the porky delight.

"Where would I be without you?" Harley asked with a loving smile.

"Bacon-less for one." Tony answered with a wink, "Don't worry, Harls. I always got your back."

Harley's heart fluttered with her cheeks gaining a familiar warmth and pink hue. She quickly covered the prominent feeling with a clearance of her throat and standing up, garnering the family's attention.

"Hey guys, gotta go..." Harley stated and they all stared at her as Tony stood up whilst chewing a piece of bacon.

"Get up or we all start talking about our dirty little secrets." Tony stated, "You all know that I got dirt on each and every one of you."

The family immediately got up and rushed upstairs to get ready. Harley gave her a knowing smile and Tony shrugged.

"It worked didn't it?" Tony asked as Harley giggled.


"Look, I know she may seem kinda mean, but Tony is an expert practitioner of tough love. If it were anyone else in the family with something important as today happening, then she'd also go to the absolute extremes to make sure the family is there to support them." Harley said as she watched Tony collect the leftover dishes and move them to the kitchen, "It just so happens that today is my day, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way."

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