Chapter 1: Awakening

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Nothing to read here!

Previously on Stuck in Remnant...

"Vegeta! What is that thing?!" Goku asked. "The hell I'm supposed to know!" The Saiyan prince yelled. The portal began to grow in size as the two started to get sucked in. "AH! Kakarot! DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING" It was too late as both were sucked in...The portal spit both out as they landed in an unknown location. Little do the two know, they are in for the shock of their lives when they wake up...

Now back to where we left off...(With team RWBY)

The day had been going like any other day for the members of team RWBY. It was a Saturday, no classes, no homework, just kicking back and taking it easy. Currently we find the team in their dorm laying around doing what they usually did; Yang taking a nap, Blake reading one of her many books, Ruby working on Crescent Rose, and Weiss surprisingly not studying. Blake interested why the heiress wasn't studying decided to ask why. Remembering the reason why she wasn't studying Weiss got all flustered. Ruby stopped working on her weapon to notice the situation and even Yang woke up hearing the words 'Weiss' and 'not studying' in the same sentence. Blake looked at her with a brow raised, waiting for an answer. Seeing how she wasn't getting out of this Weiss tried to come up with a lie but failed miserably as her team saw right through it. "That was the easiest lie to see through..." Blake said. "No kidding..." Yang replied. Weiss then let out a groan, "UGH! Fine! You wanna know the real reason I'm not studying? It's because...Ruby told me to take it easy, and I did. Happy now?!" Yang just laughed very loudly that something this little got Weiss all worked up while Weiss was yelling at her to shut up. After a while Yang calmed down, "O-Oh man that was priceless, but in all seriousness why listen to Ruby? No offense sis but whenever me or Blake tells Weiss to take a break she just waves us off" Before things could get any worse for Weiss Ozpins voice rang through the loudspeaker requesting for the team to come to his office. Weiss thanked god that Ozpin called them to save her from possible embarrassment. Getting up from her bed she grabbed her weapon and started walking to Ozpins office with the rest of her team in tow. "She isn't going to answer my question is she?" Yang said. "She will eventually, but for now lets see what Ozpin wants" Blake said.

The team arrived at Ozpins office where they expected a quick meeting but didn't expect what was coming. "Saywhatnow" Ruby said. "You heard me Ms. Rose, I am sending your team out on a mission." Ozpin said. "Aw come on Professor, its Saturday..." Yang groaned. "I understand that Ms. Xiao Long but this is urgent." Ozpin said sounding serious. Hearing the seriousness in his voice Yang stopped complaining and listened to the mission details. "You see, we received word from authorities that some sort of meteorites fell from the sky and landed in Emerald Forest." The team stayed silent as Ozpin went on, "The authorities shook it off thinking it was nothing, but I know for a fact that those meteorites were anything but normal, I want you ladies to investigate and report back to me what you find, understood?" Opine asked the team. "Yes sir! We will do just that." Ruby responded. "All right team RWBY lets head out!" Ruby said to her team. "Now hold on just a minute all of you" Ozpin said stopping the team from heading out. "One more thing, be careful out there, who knows what those so called meteorites really are..." "Right, we promise we'll be careful" Ruby said. "Alright then, you all should be going now." With that the team exited the office and out the school as they headed for their destination: Emerald Forest. While walking Ruby asked her team what those 'meteorites' really were. "Oh please, its probably some actual meteorites that fell. Those things are common to fall here anyways" Weiss said. "That may be true but Ozpin was so serious about them being something else..." Blake said. "...Yeah, no kidding, you know Ozpin ain't messing around when he's serious" Yang said. "If it is something then we should be on our guard like Ozpin said" Weiss said as the team were now at the entrance of Emerald Forest. "All right, time to investigate!" Ruby said. The team walked around for a few minutes not finding much really besides the grimm and all. Minutes continued to pass by as the team still hadn't found anything yet. "Geez, anyone else getting tired, we've been walking for almost an hour and we haven't found anything, not even a little trace." Yang said. Just as Yang said that Ruby stopped in her tracks and Yang accidentally bumped into her. "Ow! Come on Ruby why did you stop..." Yang stopped talking when she looked to see what Ruby was looking at, the rest following suit. They had reached a certain area where trees were crashed all over the place and grimm were seen dead, likely crushed by the trees. "What the hell is this..." Yang said. "I think we found the right place..." Blake said. Ruby lead her team through the mess of fallen trees looking for anything that might've caused all this. "Hey! Guys come over here quick, I found something...or someone..." Ruby yelled. The team raced over to where Ruby was and sure enough there in a crater was what looked liked to be a human being. Spiky black hair with orange gi that was kind of ripped up. "Looks like Ozpin was right, but...who is he?" Weiss asked. "You mean they" Blake said pointing to another person a few feet away. He had an identical look with spiky black hair that was up with armor. "Huh, so...what now?" Yang asked, Do we wake them up or report back to Ozpin?" "I think we should wake them up" Ruby said. "No! Are you crazy. These are complete strangers and you want to wake them up?! I say we head back to Ozpin" Weiss said. "But Weiss, by the time we tell Ozpin these two might not be here anymore..." Ruby said to her partner. Weiss sighed, Ruby was right on this one. "Fine...go ahead, but its your funeral if they start attacking us!" Weiss said. "You know we can hear you right?" A new voice said. The four turned around to see the man in the orange gi standing up looking at them with curiosity on his face while the man with the armor just dusted himself off. Ruby and her team got into battle stances as they pointed their weapons at Goku and Vegeta. "Whoa there! No need to be hostile, we're just as confused as you are on how we got here." Goku said putting his hands up defensively. This got the team to put down their weapons which made Goku sigh in relief, as far as he knew, these four girls were humans. He could take them on no problem, but not now in his current state so he had to make sure that he wasn't going to die. "Phew, I know you might be suspicious of me but I assure you that I'm no threat." Goku said. He jumped out of the crater, Vegeta following as they were now in front of the girls. The team saw Gokus famous Son grin and got a better look at him. Black eyes and his famous Son smile, they knew from that goofy smile that he wasn't dangerous. Vegeta on the other hand had his always signature scowl on his face which made the girls feel uneasy. Goku noticed this and reassured them he wouldn't bite which earned him a glare from the Saiyan price. "Anyways, to make things less awkward let me introduce myself. The names Son Goku, but you can just call me Goku." Vegeta then introduced himself, "I am the mighty Prince Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyans!" Vegeta said proudly. "Um, ok...the names Ruby Rose and this is my team, my sister Yang Xiao Long" Ruby pointed to the blonde, "Sup" was all she said. "Blake Belladonna..." The girl just nodded her head, "And last but not least, my partner Weiss Schnee" The white haired girl just scoffed at her partner as she had an arm slung around her shoulder. So weird, reminds me of and Vegeta! Goku thought. "Well, its nice to meet you all! But can we please get something to eat, I'm starving" Goku said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Vegeta gutted in agreement as the members of team RWBY just sweat dropped at this as they lead the two back to Beacon. "Kakarot, why not just fly?" Vegeta asked. "Oh, just building an appetite is all, plus I'm still beat from our sparring match." Goku said. "Then eat a senzu bean then you moron!" Vegeta yelled. "Oh yea, your right, but it seems like we're already here" Goku said. The two stared at the huge building in front of them. Vegeta was mildly interested, but not that much due to him seeing buildings even bigger than this back home on Earth. Goku on the other hand had stars in his eyes as he pointed out everything, team RWBY awkwardly watching. "Just ignore where is the cafeteria?"

Meanwhile in an unknown location...

"Cinder...we have some news reguarding that 'meteor.'"A girl with red eyes and greenish hair said. "Good...good, now what did you find?"

First chapter done! Earlier than I expected this to be honestly. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, see you in the next chapter.


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