Uh, Lucy?

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"Hey, Luc? You have a, uh, letter?" 

"What?" The female swam over to her brother. Her pearly pink tail flashing as she came to a stop beside her brother.

"Here." He handed her the thick paper envelope. A film of air surrounded the inch around it. To protect it from the water. 

"Uh. . . Oh shit. It's San Fran State."

"They wrote you back?" He sounded startled.

"Apparently." She brushed a wayward strand of her blonde hair out of her brown eyes.

"Are you going to open it?" 

"Shut up! I need to think." She told him as she tore the top of the envelope open. "Oh crap."

"You're accepted, right?"

"You dirty cheater!" He laughed and dodged the rock she threw at his head,

"Hey, hey, calm down. This isn't as hard as you're making it out to be. You can become human, you know this, you live in the dorms with a roommate and come to the ocean every night to escape the withdrawls."

"I- screw you and your logic." She deflated and sat down, curling her tail around herself. "But really, do you think I can pull this off?"

"I don't see why not. Orientation is today, right?" She nodded. "Then just, here." He tossed her a bottle of a pink liquid that matched her tail. "It's a potion, it'll help stabilize your human form."

"Ah, thanks." She held the potion up to the light. "This'll help." 

"You have two hours to get ready. And it'll take an hour to get there in the first place."

"True, thanks bro." She pecked her brothrs cheek as she swam off. She needed to get ready, she didn't want to risk being late.

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