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Here's the first chapter, and this is a redo of one of my fanfics I took down, but with a chubby girl in it as well as a different plot.

Triggers of mass shooting ahead, if it bothers you please scroll through that part, because it's for awareness.
Awareness that mass shootings happen alot in my country.


It was just like any other day; me going with my mother on long errands all day, her and I spending time with each other, us going shopping to splurge on ourselves, especially after she recovered from beating breast cancer, which I'm so proud of her.
Sadly things became a legit horror movie for us; when a gunman came into the local Food Lion we were shopping in, with an M-16 in hand, and started running down people, and me and Mom were trying to escape, us hiding behind things, but as we gained enough footing to escape, gunfire headed our way, and bullets went through my chest, and ricocheting off the carts at the entrance, and my body fell with a thud, and I cough blood to the flooring, as I watched the gunman walk up, and grab my mother, and shot her in the chest, and I watched as the life left her very blue eyes.

My vision welled up in tears, and I mutter.
The gunman tossed my mother's body aside, and then, and there, my mind went dark, my heartbeat slowing to a stop.

"May you find a new life in another reality."
I heard a male voice say in complete darkness.

I heard chirping, birds loudly chirping, and I let out a groan, as I heard a vehicle screech to a stop, and my eyes still wouldn't open, even though I struggled to open them.
I heard two metal doors opening of a vehicle, an old ass vehicle, and I heard a male voice that sounds familiar say.
"Is she dead?"
I felt fingers go to my throat as I was laying on my back on what felt like concrete.

"Dean; she's alive.
We should get her checked out."
I heard Sam Winchester's voice say, The Sam Winchester.

I mutter, me thinking about Mom, and her death I saw before my eyes, and tears fell down my cheeks sideways, because I'm laying down on concrete.

"I think she's delirious."
Sam says to Dean.
"Help me get her up onto her feet."

I heard Dean pocket his gun, and I felt their arms tug me onto my feet, and then they helped me lay in the back of their Chevy Impala.
I heard them shut the doors, and get into the vehicle, and Dean started the Impala's engine, and he then drives away.

"Call Cass.
Maybe he can heal her?"
Dean says to Sam.

I heard Sam punch in some numbers on his phone, and still I couldn't open my eyes, it feels like I'm drugged to be honest.
"Cass; can you meet us at the Motel 6 in Springfield Ohio?
We need a favor."

"I'll be there soon Sam."
Cass says on his end of the phone line, and then Sam hung up.

After awhile; I felt the vehicle pull into park, and Sam and Dean helped me out of the vehicle, and they got a room, and they set me carefully upon a bed.
I heard Castiel say to Sam.
"Why did you two bring a girl here?"

"We found her unconscious on the road."
Dean says to Castiel.

"She has no injuries, but she seems delirious."
Sam says to Castiel.

"More or less she is drugged to high heaven.
I can wipe the drugs from her body."
Castiel says to Sam.

"Who would drug her?"
Dean asked Castiel.

Castiel puts two fingers upon my forehead, and says to Sam and Dean.
"I'm curious as well why she is drugged up as she is.
She is conscious, but cannot open her eyes, so she can hear our conversation.
I will destroy the drugs from her system."

I felt warm energy flow within my body, and in seconds I felt the drugs, I felt in my body, leave my body, and I slowly open my eyes, and I look around, seeing Castiel hovering over me, and Sam to the right of the bed, and Dean was sitting upon a couch in the middle of the room drinking a beer.

I blink as I sit up, and I realized my purse from home was on the bed with me, but it wasn't full of most my things back home, but I could see they went through it, finding an identification with my first and last name on it, my phone and earbuds case, my extra chargers, and charging bank too.
Nothing from where I'm from here though, but how could my identification and my ear buds, and phone get here?

I look to Castiel and Sam.
"Um.....thank you for healing me."
I tell them, and I had no accent at all, a neutral one, and my short dark brown hair was styled in a boy short way, I was chubby, with big breasts, chubby kidney areas, thick thighs, long legs, and slim lower arms, but chubby upper arms, and I also had some chubby side breast areas.
My skin was so pale, that you could see my blue veins, and yes I had a double chin, due to it runs in my family, but a small neck, but wide shoulders.
I was definitely not Dean's type.

Castiel asked me.
"Where are you from?"

"All I remember is waking up in the road and unable to open my eyes."
I tell Castiel the truth and he nods.

"I looked in your memories and only found one core memory, which is strange."
Castiel says to me, him having a puzzled look upon his face directed towards me.
"About your mother."

"Her mother?"
Sam asked Castiel.

"She was murdered wasn't she?"
Castiel asked me and I nod.

"By a gunman."
I tell him.

"A gunman?"
Dean stood up and asked me that.

"In a mass shooting."
I tell Dean.

"I never heard of a mass shooting close by."
Sam says to me, him looking confused.

"That was in your memories.
That is all.
It is like your mind was wiped clean of memories.
Castiel says to me, and I swallow hard, because my mouth was dry.

"Can I have something to drink?"
I ask Sam, me looking at Sam.

"Are you old enough to drink?"
Dean asked me.

"Yes; but I don't drink."
I tell Dean.

"I'll see if we have something."
Sam says to me.

"Thank you.
My name is Kara."
I tell him.

"How old are you Kara?"
Dean asked me.

I look to Dean me sassing him.
"Why do you want to know when you guys saw my identification?"

"She's right Dean.
We did dig through her purse."
Sam says to Dean, giving Dean a Really Look as Sam handed me a diet cola.

"Thank you."
I nod to him, and uncap the drink, and sip some of it, me swallowing it down, and sigh in content.

"You are very polite.
More polite than anyone I've met."
Sam says to me, and I nod.

"I can be obnoxious when I want to be, it's just I don't know you guys, so I'm nervous."
I tell Sam honestly my thoughts to him.

"Are you on the spectrum?"
Sam asked me.

I nod to him.

"I could tell.
You are masking quite a bit in front of us."
Sam says to me, and Dean looked at him weird.
I studied psychology while in college."

"What do you mean on the spectrum?"
Dean asked Sam.

"I'm autistic."
I tell Dean.

Dean blinked and said.
"Oh hell.
I'm stupid."

"Technically she has a disability."
Sam says to Dean.

"What do you want me to do about it?
She's old enough to be on her own."
Dean scoffed at Sam.

"Dean; this girl has no family left.
No money.
Nobody to help her out.
We should help her."
Sam scolds Dean.

"Sam is right Dean.
She needs you both."
Castiel agreed with Sam, him having a concerned look upon his face.
"I suggest she travels with you two."

Castiel then disappeared.
I say in amazement as I watched Castiel disappear.

I look down at myself, realizing I was wearing what I wore to the store, which was my red South Park shirt, and my black Gundam sweatpants, and my green and black Air Jordans.
"Who was that guy?"
I ask Sam.

"That was Castiel.
Our friend."
Sam says to me, him rubbing his neck nervously.

"Who's an angel."
Dean tells me as I sip my diet cola, and swallow down my drink.

"An angel?
I tell them both.

"I'm Sam Winchester.
That's my brother Dean."
Sam motions to Dean, and Dean held up his beer to greet me.
"I guess you'll be travelling with us, though we hunt monsters."

"So you're like the Ghostbusters?"
I ask Sam, though I know their job is hunting monsters.

"You wish."
Dean replied, him drinking all his beer down.

"Well it sounds like it to me."
I giggle nervously, me rubbing my neck nervously.

"You're lucky we found you on the road or you would be road kill."
Dean replied to me.

I nod to him.
"I thank you both for doing so, and your angel friend for getting rid of the drugs in my system."

"So you don't remember being drugged?"
Sam says next to me, him giving me a concerned look.

I shook my head negatively.
"Sadly I have no clue of an idea why."

"That is weird.
Something is fishy."
Dean says to me, him pointing at me.

I give him a confused expression.
"I am telling the truth you know.
I have no reason to lie to you guys."
I tell them both.

"It's hard for you to lie isn't it?"
Sam asked me and I nod.

"I am bad at lying to be honest."
I tell him.

"I can tell."
Sam says to me.

"Thank you for the pop."
I hand him the empty bottle.

"So where are you from?"
Sam asked me, as he threw the bottle away.

I tell them.

"We are from Kansas too."
Sam says to me, him smiling at me.

"Where from?"
Dean asked me, him giving me a look he ain't buying my story.

I tell him.

That's close by Wichita."
Sam rubs his chin in deep thought.

"So is Kingman.
My best friend lived there as well at one time until they moved."
I tell them.

Sam walked over to Dean.
"I'm going to do a little research on our new traveller."
Sam mutters to Dean, which I could hear.

"I have good hearing you know."
I give them a look I'm not dumb.

"Sorry Kara; but we need to look into why you appeared on that road unconscious out of thin air to us."
Sam tells me, as he walked over to me, and pats my shoulder.
"We are just concerned is all."

"I understand.
I'm just nervous."
I tell Sam honestly how I felt.
"It's just......"
I stop talking, and I sensed something weird outside the hotel door of the room we are in.
"I think someone is standing outside the room door."
I tell Sam.

Dean gets up, his silver gun drawn, and he peaks out of the peephole, and looked to Sam.
"It's Crowley."

I thought to myself in shock.

"Who's that?"
I ask Dean, me acting like I do t know who Crowley is, though I'm excited to meet him.

Sam shushed me, him shaking his head negatively, and I nod at him, me understanding that I should be quiet.
Dean opened the door, and says to Crowley sarcastically.
"What do you want Crowley?"

"Hello Squirrel.
I want bubcus from you.
I am here for what I summoned that is mine."
I blink in confusion at what Crowley said, so was he here for me, but why?

Dean pulled away from the door, and Crowley walked into the room, him smiling at me a mischievous smile.
"Hello luv."

I tilt my head in confusion as Sam said to Crowley.
"Wait; you summoned her?"

Crowley looked to Sam.
"Hello Moose; and yes, I summoned her."

"Why did you summon her?!"
Dean cocked his gun at Crowley.

"She's human.
Demons cannot love humans."
Sam says to Crowley.

"We love to try."
Crowley says to Sam.
"Now I would like to take what is mine, so if you'll excuse me Moose."

"You're not taking her!"
Dean grits out at Crowley.

Crowley turned to Dean.
"Squirrel; this is none of your concern nor Moose's business!
Give me the girl!"

Dean shot Crowley with his gun, ruining his suit.
"You ruined a good armani suit wear!"
Crowley complained, and turned towards me, motioning his hand towards me.
"Come with me luv."

"Kara don't do it!"
Sam protests to me as I gathered my things up into my purse, and walk over to Crowley.

I look to Sam with a look I'm sorry for doing what I'm about to do, but if I do not go they could be harmed by Crowley.
"I don't know who he is, but I don't want you kind boys hurt, so I'll go with him for now."
I tell Dean and Sam.

"If you go with him he could hurt you!"
Dean warns me.

"I'll be fine, just tell your angel friend thank you for earlier."
I smile warmly at them both.

Crowley wrapped an arm around my waist, and disappeared with me next to him.

Dean grits out.

"If only we could keep him from taking her."
Sam sighs in defeat.

"Sammie; we are going to rescue her!
I don't know what Crowley wants with her, but it can't be good."
Dean replied to Sam, giving Sam a serious pissed off expression.

"I agree."
Sam says to Dean.

"And we need to rescue her before he does something to her."
Dean says to Sam.

"What is he gonna do to her?"
Sam says to Dean.

"Have sex with her!"
Dean says to Sam, and Sam gagged.

"Dammit Dean; I didn't need that imagery in my head!"
Sam says very much sarcastically to Dean.

"Well you asked!"
Dean sassed Sam next.

"First we need to dig up info on why he summoned her."
Sam says to Dean.
"I'll do the research, and you go demon busting."


To be continued.......

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